03Environmental Engineering Quiz | MCQ | Practice Test #mcq

03 Environmental Engineering Quiz | MCQ | Practice Test

1 >>Which of the following is the most detrimental for water used in high pressure boiler ? ?
  • (A) Silica
  • (B) Turbidity
  • (C) Phenol
  • (D) Dissolved oxygen
2 >>Presence of excess flourine in water causes ?
  • (A) dental cavity
  • (B) tooth decay
  • (C) fluorosis
  • (D) respiratory disease
3 >>Turbidity of water is an indication of the presence of ?
  • (A) suspended inorganic matter
  • (B) dissolved solids
  • (C) floating solids
  • (D) dissolved gases
4 >>Siderosis is a disease caused by the inhalation of __________ dust. ?
  • (A) coal
  • (B) silica
  • (C) iron
  • (D) none of these
5 >>Which of the following pollutants is not emitted during volcanic eruptions ? ?
  • (A) SO2
  • (B) H2S
  • (C) CO
  • (D) hydrocarbons

6 >>The main pollutant in waste water discharged from a petroleum refinery is oil (both in free and emulsified form). Free oil is removed by ?
  • (A) biological oxygen pond.
  • (B) aerated lagoons.
  • (C) trickling filters.
  • (D) gravity separator having oil skimming devices.
7 >>Phenolic water generated in coke ovens & by-product plant attached to an integrated steel plant containing phenol in concentration of less than 100 mg/litre can be removed by ?
  • (A) chlorination
  • (B) treating in biological oxygen pond
  • (C) none of these
  • (D) chemical coagulation
8 >>Which of the following dust collection equipments is the least efficient (for sub-micronic particles) ? ?
  • (A) Dust catcher (gravity type)
  • (B) Cyclone separator
  • (C) Bag filter
  • (D) Hollow wet scrubber
9 >>Bag filter design is predominantly dependent on gas temperature, as it affects the gas density & viscosity and the selection of filtering material. The pressure drop in a bag filter is ?
  • (A) inversely proportional to viscosity of gas.
  • (B) proportional to the viscosity & density of the gas.
  • (C) proportional to the pressure of the gas.
  • (D) both (b) and (c).
10 >>Dust collection efficiency of a cyclone separator depends upon its ?
  • (A) diameter.
  • (B) inlet gas velocity.
  • (C) overall height.
  • (D) all (a), (b) & (c).

Environmental Engineering Quiz | Environmental Engineering MCQ

11 >>Ionisation potential employed in the industrial electrostatic precipitator is of the order of ?
  • (A) 30 to 70 kV DC
  • (B) 30 to 70 kV AC
  • (C) 230 V AC
  • (D) 230 V DC

12 >>The widest explosive limit is of __________ , thereby making it the most explosive gas. ?
  • (A) acetylene
  • (B) petrol vapor
  • (C) hydrogen
  • (D) carbon monoxide
13 >>Aerobic biological oxidation ponds used for the purification of polluted water ?
  • (A) destroys/removes pathogen from the sewage.
  • (B) is not very effective for nonbiodegradable substances (e.g. ABS) containing effluents.
  • (C) destroys/removes pathogen much more effectively if the sewage is chlorinated.
  • (D) all (a), (b) & (c).

14 >>Polluted water having low BOD are most economically treated in ?
  • (A) sedimentation tanks
  • (B) oxidation ponds
  • (C) sludge digester
  • (D) clarifier
15 >>Tri-sodium phosphate is used in boiler water treatment to reduce ?
  • (A) turbidity
  • (B) caustic embrittlement
  • (C) suspended silica
  • (D) dissolved oxygen
16 >>The commonest form of iron & manganese found in ground water as pollutant is in the form of their ?
  • (A) carbonates
  • (B) bi-carbonates
  • (C) chlorides
  • (D) sulphides
17 >>80% less than 200 mesh size particles are called ?
  • (A) smoke
  • (B) powder
  • (C) grit
  • (D) aggregates
18 >>Coal washing waste water containing about 3% suspended solids (comprising of clay, slate, stone etc.) is treated for solid particles removal ?
  • (A) by chemical coagulation.
  • (B) in sedimentation tanks equipped with mechanical scrapper.
  • (C) in vacuum filter.
  • (D) in clarifiers.
19 >>Inhalation of lead compounds present in the automobile exhausts (using leaded petrol) causes ?
  • (A) blood poisoning.
  • (B) anaemia.
  • (C) nervous system disorder.
  • (D) all (a), (b) and (c).
20 >>TLV of ozone (O3) and phosgene (COCl2) in air is __________ ppm. ?
  • (A) 0.1
  • (B) 25
  • (C) 100
  • (D) 500
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