04 Environmental Engineering Quiz | MCQ | Practice Test #mcq

04 Environmental Engineering Quiz | MCQ | Practice Test 

1 >>Maximum allowable concentration of CO2�in air for safe working is __________ ppm (parts per million). ?
  • (A) 50
  • (B) 1000
  • (C) 2000
  • (D) 5000
2 >>Tolerable limit of nitrogen oxides in air is __________ ppm. ?
  • (A) 0.1
  • (B) 1
  • (C) 5
  • (D) 25
3 >>Iron & manganese present as pollutant in water can not be removed by ?
  • (A) ion exchange process.
  • (B) oxidation followed by settling & filtration.
  • (C) lime soda process or manganese zeolite process.
  • (D) chlorination.
4 >>In water chemical treatment plant, use of chloramines ensures ?
  • (A) disinfection.
  • (B) taste & odour control.
  • (C) weed control in reservoirs.
  • (D) none of these
5 >>Which of the following is the common pollutant emitted from metallurgical smelters, thermal power plant and cement plants ? ?
  • (A) NOx
  • (B) Hg
  • (C) SO2
  • (D) F

6 >>During which of the following operating conditions of an automobile, carbon monoxide content in the exhaust gas is maximum ? ?
  • (A) Idle running
  • (B) Acceleration
  • (C) Cruising
  • (D) Deaccelaration
7 >>H2S present in gaseous stream can be removed by adsorption on ?
  • (A) silica gel
  • (B) active carbon
  • (C) bog iron
  • (D) limestone powder
8 >>Inhalation of lead compounds present in automobile exhaust (using leaded petrol) causes ?
  • (A) blood poisoning.
  • (B) anaemia.
  • (C) nervous system disorder.
  • (D) all (a), (b) & (c).
9 >>Replenishment of dissolved oxygen in water stream polluted with industrial waste occurs by ?
  • (A) natural aeration of water stream.
  • (B) photosynthetic action of algae
  • (C) both (a) & (b).
  • (D) neither (a) nor (b).
10 >>Aerodynamic noise resulting from turbulent gas flow is the most prevalent source of valve noise in fluid ilow control. It is caused due to ?
  • (A) Reynold stresses
  • (B) shear forces
  • (C) both (a) & (b)
  • (D) neither (a) nor (b)

Environmental Engineering Quiz | Environmental Engineering MCQ

11 >>Smoke is produced due to ?
  • (A) insufficient supply of combustion air and insufficient time for combustion.
  • (B) poor quality of fuel and improper mixing of fuel & combus
  • (C) poor design & overloading of furnace.
  • (D) all (a), (b) and (c).

12 >>Fluorosis (a bone disease) is caused by the presence of high concentration of __________ in atmospheric air. ?
  • (A) hydrocarbons
  • (B) hydrogen flouride
  • (C) hydrogen sulphides
  • (D) nitrogen dioxide
13 >>Threshold Limit Value (TLV) is the maximum allowable concentration (i.e. safe limit) of pollutants in air. Safe limit for SO2�in air is __________ ppm. ?
  • (A) 5
  • (B) 500
  • (C) 1000
  • (D) 5000
14 >>Main pollutants released from iron & steel industry is ?
  • (A) CO, CO2 & SO2.
  • (B) H2S, NO & SO3.
  • (C) CO2, H2S & NO2.
  • (D) SO3, NO2 & CO2.
15 >>Exposure to chemicals having carcinogenic properties cause ?
  • (A) dermatitis (skin disorder)
  • (B) cancer
  • (C) asphyxiation (suffocation)
  • (D) asthma
16 >>Scale formation in boiler is controlled by ?
  • (A) preheating of feed water.
  • (B) reduction in hardness, silica & alumina in feed water.
  • (C) keeping the pH value of feed water just below 7.
  • (D) eliminating H2S in feed water.
17 >>Noise level heard at a distance of about 100 metres from a jet engine with after burner is about __________ decibels. ?
  • (A) 120
  • (B) 140
  • (C) 170
  • (D) 200

18 >>TLV of mercury in potable (drinking) water is about __________ ppm. ?
  • (A) 0.001
  • (B) 0.1
  • (C) 1
  • (D) 5
19 >>Which is the best and the most effective method for the removal of organic contaminant present in the polluted water in very small quantity (say < 200 mg/litre)? ?
  • (A) Lagooning
  • (B) Activated carbon adsorption
  • (C) Biological oxidation pond
  • (D) Chemical coagulation
20 >>Which is a secondary air pollutant ? ?
  • (A) Photochemical smog
  • (B) Sulphur dioxide
  • (C) Nitrogen dioxide
  • (D) Dust particles
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