02 Environmental Engineering Quiz | MCQ | Practice Test #mcq

02 Environmental Engineering Quiz | MCQ | Practice Test

1 >>Most of the atmospheric air pollutants are present in large quantity in ?
  • (A) stratosphere
  • (B) thermosphere
  • (C) trophosphere
  • (D) mesosphere
2 >>Pick out the wrong statement. ?
  • (A) Caustic embrittlement of boiler's metallic parts is caused by high concentration of caustic soda in boiler feed water.
  • (B) Cooling and freezing of water kills the bacteria present in it.
  • (C) With increasing boiler operating pressure of steam, the maximum allowable concentration of silica in feed water goes on decreasing.
  • (D) Dissolved oxygen content in high pressure boiler feed water should be nil.
3 >>Pneumoconiosis' is a disease caused by the inhalation of __________ dust. ?
  • (A) coal
  • (B) uranium ore
  • (C) iron ore
  • (D) lime
4 >>The ratio of oxygen available to the oxygen required for stabilisation of sewage is called the ?
  • (A) bacterial stability factor.
  • (B) relative stability.
  • (C) biological oxygen demand (BOD).
  • (D) oxygen ion concentration.
5 >>Pick out the wrong statement. ?
  • (A) The concentric atmosphere layer just above troposphere is called stratosphere, which is rich in ozone.
  • (B) Troposhere is a dusty zone containing water vapor and cloud
  • (C) Mesosphere is characterised by very low atmospheric pressure and low temperature.
  • (D) The radio waves used in the long distance radio communication are reflected back to earth by stratosphere.

6 >>Most efficient and suitable dust removal equipment for removal of flyash from flue gas in a thermal power plant is the ?
  • (A) gravity settling chamber
  • (B) cyclone separator
  • (C) electrostatic precipitator
  • (D) bag filter
7 >>Which of the following is not a secondary air pollutant ? ?
  • (A) Ozone
  • (B) Photochemical smog
  • (C) Sulphur dioxide
  • (D) All (a), (b) & (c)
8 >>The concentration of water vapour in troposphere, which depends upon the altitude & temperature varies in the range of zero to __________ percent. ?
  • (A) 1
  • (B) 4
  • (C) 8
  • (D) 12
9 >>The main industrial source of emission of hydrogen sulphide air pollutant is ?
  • (A) petroleum refineries.
  • (B) coal based thermal power plants.
  • (C) pulp and paper plant.
  • (D) metallurgical roasting & smelting plant.
10 >>Waste/polluted water discharged from electroplating, blast furnace and coal mining industries contain mainly __________ substances. ?
  • (A) radioactive
  • (B) organic
  • (C) inorganic
  • (D) none of these

Environmental Engineering Quiz | Environmental Engineering MCQ

11 >>Sound produced by an automobile horn heard at a distance of 1.5 metres corresponds to about __________ decibels. ?
  • (A) 90
  • (B) 120
  • (C) 150
  • (D) 200

12 >>Moist atmospheric air at high temperature (e.g., in summer) having high concentration of sulphur dioxide causes ?
  • (A) fading of dyes on textiles.
  • (B) corrosion, tarnishing & soiling of metals.
  • (C) reduced strength of textiles.
  • (D) all (a), (b) and (c).
13 >>World's worst radioactive pollution was caused by nuclear reactor disaster which occured in ?
  • (A) Arizona (U.S.A.)
  • (B) Chernobyl (undivided U.S.S.R.)
  • (C) Pensylvania (U.S.A.)
  • (D) Moscow (U.S.S.R.)
14 >>Nitrogen oxides (NOx) is not produced in the __________ industry. ?
  • (A) nitric acid making
  • (B) nitrogenous fertiliser
  • (C) detergent
  • (D) any of these
15 >>Dissolved oxygen content in river water is around __________ ppm. ?
  • (A) 5
  • (B) 100
  • (C) 250
  • (D) 500
16 >>Oil and grease present in an emulsified state in waste water discharged from industries can be removed by ?
  • (A) biological oxidation.
  • (B) skimming off.
  • (C) settling out using chemical reagents.
  • (D) chlorination.
17 >>The amount of chemical coagulant added for treatment of polluted water __________ with increase in temperature of the polluted water to be treated. ?
  • (A) decreases.
  • (B) increases.
  • (C) remains constant.
  • (D) may increase or decrease ; depends on the chemical characteristics of polluted water

18 >>Which of the following is the most severe air pollutant ? ?
  • (A) hydrocarbons
  • (B) NOx
  • (C) SO2
  • (D) CO
19 >>Particles having diameter greater than 75 ?m (micrometer = 10-6�mm) are called ?
  • (A) grit
  • (B) dust
  • (C) powder
  • (D) smoke
20 >>Presence of bacteria in potable (drinking) water causes ?
  • (A) turbidity
  • (B) disease
  • (C) bad odour
  • (D) bad taste & colour
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