14 Chemical Periodicity Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Chemical Periodicity Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Earlier attempt to classify elements

(1) Dobereiner’s law of triads (1829) : It was the classification of elements into groups of three elements each with similar properties such that the atomic weight of the middle element was the arithmetic mean of the other two e.g. Ca, Sr, Ba, Cl, Br, I etc.
(2) Telluric screw or Helix (1862): It was proposed by Chancourtois.
(3) Newlands law of octaves (1864) : It was an arrangement of elements in order of increasing atomic weights in which it was observed that every eighth element had properties similar to those of the first just like the eighth node of an octave of music.
(4) Mendeleef’s period law (1869) : The first significant classification was given by Mendeleeff in the form of the periodic table, commonly known as Mendeleeff's periodic table. His periodic table was based on periodic law, ''The physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic weights.'' 
In Mendeleef’s periodic table elements are arranged in order of their increasing atomic weights in such a way that elements with similar properties are placed in the same group. It consists of seven horizontal rows called periods. These are numbered from 1 to 7.
Mendeleef’s original table consists of 8 vertical columns called groups. These are numbered as I, II III….. VIII. However, 9th vertical column called Zero group was added with the discovery of inert gases. Except for group VIII and zero, each group is further divided into two sub-groups designated as A and B. Group VIII consists of 9 elements arranged in three sets each containing three elements.
(5) Modern Periodic Law : The recent work has established that the fundamental property of an atom is atomic number and not atomic weight. Therefore, atomic number is taken as the basis of the classification of the elements. The modern periodic law was given by Moseley, it may be stated as : ''The properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic number".


The extended or long form of the periodic table

1. Hydrogen by donating one electron forms H+. In this property, it resembles with
(a) Transitional metals
(b) Alkaline earth metals
(c) Alkali metals
(d) Halogens
Sol: (c) As alkali metals have tendency to loose e-.

2. The tenth elements in the periodic table resembles with the 

(a) First period
(b) Second period
(c) Fourth group
(d) Ninth group
Sol: (b)Each period consists of a series of elements whose atom have the same principal quantum no. (n) of the outer most shell i.e. In second period n=2), this shell has four orbitals (one 2s and three 2p) which can have eight electrons, hence second period contains 8 elements from atomic no. 3 to 10.

3. The d-block elements consists mostly of 
(a) Monovalent metals
(b) All non-metals 
(c) Elements which generally form stoichiometric metal oxide
(d) Many metals with catalytic properties
Sol:   (d) Many metals with catalytic properties because
(i) They provide surface area for reaction to occur
(ii) They decreases the ionisation energy.
(iii) They have vacant d-orbitals.

4. “The 6 properties of the elements are periodic function of their atomic numbers.” The statement was given by

(a) N. Bohr
(b) J.W. Dobereiner
(c) D.I. Mendeleef
(d) H.G.J. Moseley
Sol: d

5. The long form of periodic table has

(a) Eight horizontal rows and seven vertical columns
(b) Seven horizontal rows and eighteen vertical columns
(c) Seven horizontal rows and seven vertical columns
(d) Eight horizontal rows and eight vertical columns
Sol: b

6. The telluric helix was given by
(a) De Chan Courtois (b) Newlands
(c) L. Meyer (d) Mendeleef
Sol: a

7. Chemical property of Li and Mg similar because

(a) These belong to same group 
(b) Both ionisation potential is same
(c) Shows diagonal relationship 
(d) Both electron affinity is same
Sol:  c

8. According to the periodic law of elements, the variation in properties of elements is related to their 
(a) Atomic masses 
(b) Nuclear masses
(c) Atomic numbers
(d) Nuclear neutron-proton number 
Sol: c

9. The element with atomic number 36 belongs to …… block in the periodic table 
(a) p (b) s
(c) f (d) d
Sol: (a) Kr has atomic no. 36 which is a noble gas and all noble gases are included in the p-block.

10. Which group of the periodic table contains only metals 

(a) IIA
(b) IB
(c) IA
(d) None of these
Sol: b

11. If the atomic number of an element is 33, it will be placed in the periodic table in the 
(a) First gp (b) Third gp
(c) Fifth gp (d) Seventh gp
Sol: (c) 

12. Which of the following is the atomic number of a metal

(a) 32 (b) 34
(c) 36 (d) 38
Sol:  (d) 38 is the atomic no. of strontium  which is s-block element and all the elements of s-block are metals.

13. Which of the following statement is not correct regarding hydrogen atom  
(a) It resembles halogens in some properties 
(b) It resembles alkali metals in some properties 
(c) It can be placed in 7th group of periodic table 
(d) It can not be placed in first group of periodic table
Sol: (d) Hydrogen resembles alkali metals in some properties so it can be placed in the first group of periodic table.

14. Which pair of atomic numbers represents s-block elements

(a) 7, 15 (b) 6, 12
(c) 9, 17 (d) 3, 12
Sol: (d) Last electron goes to s-subshell.

15. Which pair of elements has same chemical properties

(a) 13, 22 (b) 3, 11
(c) 4, 24 (d) 2, 4
Sol: (b) Because they belong to same group.

16. Mosley's name is most closely associated with the discovery of 
(a) Positron
(b) Deutrons
(c) Atomic number
(d) Atomic weight
Sol:  d
17. The most predominantly ionic compounds will be obtained from the combination of elements belonging to 
(a) 1 and 7 groups
  (b) 2 and 6 groups
(c) 3 and 5 groups
  (d) 0 and 7 groups
Sol:  (a) Ionic bond is formed when there is large difference of electro-negativities between the atoms.

18. In the modern periodic table, elements are arranged in

(a) Increasing mass
(b) Increasing volume
(c) Increasing atomic number 
(d) Alphabetically
Sol:  (c) Increasing atomic number. Mosley found that atomic no. was better fundamental property than atomic weight.

19. Alkali metals in each period have
(a) Smallest size
(b) Lowest ionization potential
(c) Highest ionization potential
(d) Highest electronegativity
Sol:   (b)     Lowest ionisation energy due to largest size.

20. Last element of group-IV is found to be 
(a) Strong metallic
(b) Weak metallic
(c) Strong non-metallic
(d) Weak non-metallic
Sol:   a

21. Elements of d group are called
(a) Transition elements
(b) Transuranic elements
(c) Metals
(d) Metalloids
Sol:   a

22. Which of the following is a normal element
(a) Ce (b) He
(c) Li (d) Ar
Sol:   b

Atomic and Ionic radii Quiz

23. Which of the following has largest size

(a) Al (b) Al+
(c) AL2+ (d) Al3+
Sol:     (a)    During the formation of cation the size decreases.
24. On going down a main sub-group in the periodic table (example Li to Cs in IA or Be to Ra in IIA), the expected trend of changes in atomic radius is a 

(a) Continuous increase
(b) Continuous decrease
(c) Periodic one, an increase followed by a decrease
(d) A decrease followed by increase 
Sol:     (a)  Continuous increase as no. of shells increases down the group.

25. Which of the following statement concerning lanthanides elements is false 
(a) Lanthanides are separated from one another by ion exchange method
(b) Ionic radii of trivalent lanthanides steadily increases with increase in the atomic number
(c) All lanthanides are highly dense metals
(d) More characteristic oxidation state of lanthanide elements is  +3
Sol:  (b)  Ionic radius of trivalent lanthanide’s almost remains constant with increase in the atomic number.

26. The lanthanide contraction is responsible for the fact that
(a) Zr and Y have about the same radius
(b) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state
(c) Zr and Hf have about the same radius
(d) Zr and Zn have the same oxidation state
Sol:     c

27. Which statement is correct
(a) For potassium, the atomic radius < ionic radius; but for bromine, the atomic radius > ionic radius
(b) For potassium and bromine both, the atomic radii > ionic radii
(c) For potassium and bromine both, the atomic radii < ionic radii
(d) For potassium, the atomic radius > ionic radius but for bromine, the atomic radius < ionic radius
Sol:     d

28. Point out the wrong statement :
On moving horizontally from left to right across a period in the periodic table
(a) Metallic character decreases
(b) Electronegativity increases
(c) Gram atomic volume first decreases and then increases
(d) Size of the atoms increases for normal elements
Sol:  (d) Size of elements decreases across a period.

29. When a neutral atom is converted into cation, there is
(a) Decrease in the atomic number
(b) An increase in the atomic number
(c) A decrease in size
(d) An increase in size
Sol:      (c) During the conversion of neutral atom to cation size decreases because after removal one   or more; (i) Nuclear charge per electron increases.
(ii) Outermost shell is completely removed.

30. A trend common to both groups I and VII elements in the periodic table as atomic number increases is 
(a) Oxidising power increases
(b) Atomic radius increases 
(c) Maximum valency increases
(d) Reactivity with water increases
Sol:     (b)    Atomic radius increases as no. of shells increases.
 Ionisation energy

31. In halogens, with the increase of atomic number which habit is found
(a) Habit to loose electrons decreases
(b) Ionic radii decreases
(c) Ionization potential decreases
(d) In MX2 (M= metal and X= halogen), covalent properties decreases
Sol:      (c) Ionization potential decreases. Since, atomic size increases.
32. Ionization potential is lowest for

(a) Halogens
(b) Inert gases
(c) Alkaline earth metals
(d) Alkali metals
Sol:     (d) Alkali metals, lower the no. of valence e-, lower is the value of ionization potential.

33. Which of the following explanation is best for not placing hydrogen in either the group of alkali metals or halogens
(a) The ionization energy of hydrogen is to high for group of alkali metals, but too low of halogen group
(b) Hydrogen can form compounds with all other elements
(c) Hydrogen is much lighter element than the alkali metals or the halogens
(d) None of the above
Sol:     (a) The ionization energy of hydrogen is to high for group of alkali metals, but too low for halogen group.
34. Which of the following elements has the lowest ionistion potential
(a) N (b) O
(c) F (d) Ne
Sol: B

35. Which of the following has lowest first ionisation potential
(a) B (b) C
(c) N (d) O
Sol:     (a) Ionisation potential increases across the period.
36. The first ionisation potential will be maximum for
 (a) Lithium (b) Hydrogen 
(c) Uranium (d) Iron
Sol:     (b) The first I.P. is maximum for hydrogen due to its small size.

37. Which of the following has the least ionization potential
 (a) Lithium (Li)
(b) Helium (He)
(c) Nitrogen (N)
(d) Zinc (Zn)
Sol:     (a) Li has least  I.P about 5.4.

38. The first ionisation energy of lithium will be
(a) Greater than Be
  (b) Less than Be 
(c) Equal to that of Na
(d) Equal to that of F 
Sol:     (b) I.E. increases across the period.

39. Spectrum of Li2+ is similar to that of
(a) H (b) He
(c) Be (d) Ne
Sol:     a
40. In view of their low ionisation energies the alkali metals are
 (a) Weak oxidising agents
(b) Strong reducing agents
(c) Strong oxidising agents
(d) Weak reducing agents
Sol:  (b) Alkali metals are strong reducing agents

14 Chemical Periodicity Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

41. Which has maximum first ionization potential 

(a) C (b) N
(c) B (d) O
Sol:     (b)      It has maximum ionization energy due to half filled orbitals.

42. Which among the following elements have lowest value of IE1   
(a) Pb (b) Sn
(c) Si (d) C
Sol:     (b) The ionisation energy of tin {Sn} is less than that of lead (Pb). It  is  due  to  the  poor  shielding  of  d- and f-electron in Pb due to which it feels greater attraction from nucleus.

Electron affinity Quiz

43. Which one has maximum electron affinity
(a) N (b) Be
(c) B (d) Cl
Sol:     (d) Halogens have maximum electron affinity due to their smaller size.

44. The electron affinity for the inert gases is

(a) Zero (b) High
(c) Negative (d) Positive
Sol:     (a) Zero, because of the stable electronic configuration the noble gases do not show any force of attraction towards the incoming electron.

45. Which element has maximum electron affinity
(a) Na (b) S
(c) Mg (d) Al
Sol:     (b)Electron affinity increases across the period.

46. Which of the following has the least electron affinity in  
(a) Oxygen (b) Carbon
(c) Nitrogen (d) Boron
Sol:     c
47. The electron affinity of
(a) Carbon is greater than oxygen
(b) Sulphur is less than oxygen
(c) Iodine is greater than bromine
(d) Bromine is less than chlorine
Sol:     d

48. The amount of energy which is released due to addition of extra electron to the outermost orbit of gaseous atom is called
(a) Electron capacity
(b) Electron affinity
(c) Ionisation potential
(d) Electronegativity
Sol:     b

49. Electron affinity is the lowest for
(a) Nitrogen (b) Carbon
(c) Oxygen (d) Sulphur
Sol:     b

50. Which one of the elements has the maximum electron affinity
(a) F (b) Cl
(c) Br (d)
Sol:     (b) Flourine although have highest electronegativity due to its very small size, effective inter electronic repulsions are observed which brings down its electron affinity.

51. Which among the following factors is the most important in making fluorine the strongest oxidizing halogen
(a) Hydration enthalpy 
(b) Ionization enthalpy
(c) Electron affinity
(d) Bond dissociation energy
Sol:     (d) The bond dissociation energy of F-F bond is very low. The weak F-F bond makes fluorine the strongest oxidising halogen.

52. Which of the following pairs show reverse properties on moving along a period from left to right and from top to down in a group 
(a) Nuclear charge and electron affinity 
  (b) Ionisation energy and electron affinity
(c) Atomic radius and electron affinity
(d) None of these
Sol:     (c) Atomic radius increase from top to bottom in a group while decrease from left to right in a period on the other hand electron affinity shows severe trends i.e. decrease from top to bottom in a group and increase from left to right in a period.

Electronegativity Quiz

53. On Pauling scale which of the following does not have electronegativity >= 3.0 
(a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen
(c) Chlorine (d) Bromine
Sol:     d

54. An atom with high electronegativity has 
 (a) Large size
(b) High ionisation potential 
(c) Low electron affinity
(d) Low ionisation potential
Sol:     (b) An atom with high electronegativity has high  I.P.
55. Which element has the highest electronegativity

(a) C (b) Mg
(c) O (d) S
Sol:     (c) Because of small size and high nuclear charge.

56. Keeping in view the periodic law and the periodic table suggest which of the following elements should have the maximum electronegative character
(a) P (b) As
(c) Bi (d) Sb
Sol:   (a) Electronegativity decreases down the group.

57. In third row of periodic table from   to Cl

(a) Electronegativity increases
(b) Electronegativity decreases
(c) Ionization energy decreases
(d) Atomic volume increases
Sol:   (a) Electronegativity increases since the size decreases.
58. Which of the following is the most electropositive element

(a) Aluminium (b) Magnesium
(c) Phosphorus (d) Sulphur
Sol:    (b)Electropositive character decreases across the period as metallic character decreases.

59. Electronegativity is a measure of the capacity of an atom to
(a) Attract electrons
(b) Attract protons
(c) Repel electrons
(d) Repel protons
Sol:     a

60. With increasing atomic number in a certain period
(a) The chemical reactivity decreases
(b) The chemical reactivity increases
(c) The electropositive character increases
(d) The electronegative character increases
Sol:     (d) The electronegative character increases as the size decreases.
61. Which of the following have maximum electronegativity
(a) Al (b) S
(c) Si (d) P
Sol:   (b) Electronegativity increases across a period.

62. Choose the correct statement
(a) Electronegativity increases down a group 
(b) Electronegativity decreases down a group
(c) Electronegativity decreases from left to right along a period
(d) Electronegativity changes along a group but remains constant along a period
Sol:     (b) Electronegativity decreases down the group as atomic radius increases.

63. In C,N,O and F the electronegativity
(a) Decreases from carbon to fluorine
(b) Increases from carbon to fluorine
(c) Increases from carbon to oxygen and then decreases
(d) Decreases from carbon to oxygen and then increases
Sol:     b

Valency and oxidation state Quiz

64. Most reducing agent is 
(a) K (b) Mg
(c) Al (d) Ba
Sol:     (a)

65. Acidity of pentoxides in VA group 
(a) Decreases (b) Increases
(c) Remains same (d) None
Sol:     (a) Basic or metallic character of pentaoxides in VA group increases down the group. Hence acidity decreases.
66. Which will show maximum non-metallic character

(a) B (b) Be
(c) Mg (d) Al
Sol:     A

67. Which of the following halogen acids is least acidic   

(a) HI (b) HCl
(c) HF (d) HBr
Sol:     (c) HF is least acidic due to the small size of fluorine.

68. Pentavalency in phosphorus is more stable when compared to that of nitrogen even through they belong to same group is due to
(a) Reactivity of phosphorus
(b) Inert nature of nitrogen 
(c) Dissimilar electronic configuration 
(d) Larger size of phosphorus atom
Sol:     D
69. An element of atomic weight 40 has 2, 8, 8, 2 as the electronic configuration. Which one of the following statements regarding this element is not correct 
(a) It belongs to II group of the periodic table
(b) It has 20 neutrons 
(c) The formula of its oxide is MO2
(d) It belongs to 4th period of the periodic table
Sol:     (c) Its valency is 2. So it will form MO type compound.

70. In the periodic table, the metallic character of elements
(a) Decreases from left to right across a period and on descending a group
(b) Decreases from left to right across a period and increases on descending a group
(c) Increases from left to right across a period and on descending a group 
(d) Increases from left to right across a period and decreases on descending a group
Sol:     B
71. Which of the following aqueous acid is most acidic
 (a) HCl (b) HF
(c) HI (d) HBr
Sol:     C

72. Which is the weakest base 
(a) NaOH (b) KOH
(c) Ca(OH) 2 (d) Zn(OH)2
Sol:     D

73. Which of the following gas does not have an octet or eight electrons in the outer shell
(a) Ne (b) Ar
(c) Rn (d) He
Sol:     (d) He has the atomic number 2 so it does not have octet.

74. Beryllium and aluminium exhibit many properties which are similar. But, the two elements differ in
(a) Forming covalent halides 
(b) Forming polymeric hydrides 
(c) Exhibiting maximum covalency in compounds
(d) Exhibiting amphoteric nature in their oxides

Sol:     (c) Beryllium has the valency of +2 while aluminum exhibits its valency as +3.

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