01 Environmental Engineering Quiz | MCQ | Practice Test #mcq

01 Environmental Engineering Quiz | MCQ | Practice Test

1 >>What are the methods of treatment & disposal of radioactive wastes ? ?
  • (A) Evaporation & chemical precipitation.
  • (B) Biological methods & adsorption in ion exchange materials.
  • (C) Fixing into a solid mass with cement and sinking deep in the sea.
  • (D) All (a), (b) & (c).
2 >>Bacterial aerobic oxidation of polluted water in biological oxidation ponds is done to purify it. Presence of bacteria helps in ?
  • (A) coagulation and flocculation of colloids.
  • (B) oxidation of carbonaceous matter to CO2.
  • (C) nitrification or oxidation of ammonia derived from breakdown of nitrogeneous organic matter to the nitrite and eventually to the nitrate
  • (D) all (a), (b) and (c).
3 >>Main pollutant present in automobile exhaust is ?
  • (A) CO
  • (B) CO2
  • (C) NO
  • (D) hydrocarbons
4 >>Maximum allowable noise exposure limits for a man working for 8 hours a day in a noisy chemical plant is about __________ decibels. ?
  • (A) 20
  • (B) 40
  • (C) 60
  • (D) 90
5 >>Industrial workers working in leather tanning & manufacturing units are prone to suffer from ?
  • (A) respirtory ailments (e.g. bronchitis).
  • (B) skin diseases (e.g. dermatities).
  • (C) silicosis.
  • (D) blurred vision.

6 >>Pick out the wrong statement. ?
  • (A) Biological oxygen demand (B.O.D.) value of a sewerage sample is always lower than its chemical oxygen demand (C.O.D.) value.
  • (B) Environmental pollution by NOx�emission is much higher by four stroke petrol engines as compared to the two stroke engines.
  • (C) Temperature in stratosphere rises with increasing altitude.
  • (D) The characteristic of a green house body is that it allows the long wavelength incoming solar radiation to come in but does not allow the short wavelength infra red radiation to escape out of the earth's atmosphere.
7 >>Peroxyacyl nitrate (PAN), a pollutant is found in the ?
  • (A) automobile exhaust.
  • (B) flue gas of coal based power plant.
  • (C) exhaust of nitric acid plant.
  • (D) exhaust of sulphuric acid plant.
8 >>Foaming and priming in boiler operation can be reduced by reduction in __________ in feed water. ?
  • (A) turbidity
  • (B) color (Hazen)
  • (C) total solids
  • (D) all (a), (b) & (c)
9 >>Ambient noise level can be reduced by __________ decibels by planting trees (like coconut, neem etc.) near public utility buildings (like hospitals & schools). ?
  • (A) 1 to 2
  • (B) 5 to 10
  • (C) 15 to 20
  • (D) 25 to 30
10 >>Pick out the wrong statement. ?
  • (A) Catalytic converter is fitted in automobiles to reduce carbon monoxide concentration in exhaust emissions.
  • (B) Inhalation of pollutant carbon monoxide results in death by asphyxiation.
  • (C) Sulphur dioxide is the main pollutant emitted from the exhaust of petrol driven automobiles.
  • (D) Decomposition of plants containing chlorophyll is a natural source of carbon monoxide in atmosphere.

11 >>Which of the following radioactive wastes emits all ?, ? & ? rays and hence is the most hazardous of all radioactive emitters? ?
  • (A) I-131
  • (B) Sr-90
  • (C) Au-198
  • (D) Ra-226

12 >>COD of raw municipal sewage may be in the range of about __________ mg/litre. ?
  • (A) 90-120
  • (B) 100-120
  • (C) 80-90
  • (D) 90-110
13 >>Maximum permissible turbidity in potable water is __________ ppm. ?
  • (A) 1
  • (B) 10
  • (C) 250
  • (D) 1000
14 >>Presence of __________ hardness is responsible for the temporary hardness in water. ?
  • (A) carbonate
  • (B) calcium
  • (C) choride
  • (D) sulphate
15 >>Dose of chlorine for disinfection of water is about __________ mg/litre of water. ?
  • (A) 0.01
  • (B) 0.1
  • (C) 0.3
  • (D) 1

16 >>A shallow pond in which the sewage is retained and biologically treated is called ?
  • (A) oxidation
  • (B) Imhoff tank
  • (C) lagoon
  • (D) skimming tank
17 >>Which is the most practical and economical method for removal of suspended solid matter from polluted water ? ?
  • (A) Sedimentation
  • (B) Skimming off
  • (C) Chlorination
  • (D) Biological oxidation
18 >>Atmospheric pollution caused by the exhaust gas of supresonic transport air-crafts is mostly in the atmospheric region called ?
  • (A) thermosphere
  • (B) stratosphere
  • (C) troposphere
  • (D) mesosphere
19 >>Iron & manganese present in the polluted water is removed by ?
  • (A) simple filtration.
  • (B) oxidation followed by settling & filtration.
  • (C) chemical coagulation.
  • (D) chlorination only.
20 >>Water effluent generated in printing industry is decolourised by ?
  • (A) ion exchange technique.
  • (B) reverse osmosis.
  • (C) electrolytic decomposition.
  • (D) adsorption.
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