24 Nitrogen Compounds Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Nitrogen Compounds Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

The important nitrogen containing organic compounds are alkyl nitrites (RONO), nitro-alkanes (RNO2), aromatic nitro compounds (ArNO2), alkyl cyanides (RCN), alkyl iso cyanides (RNC),  amines  (– NH2),  aryl  diazonium  salts (ArN2Cl), amides (–CONH2) and oximes (>C = N OH). 
USES: a) Ethyl nitrite dialates the blood vessels and thus accelerates pulse rate and lowers blood pressure, so it is used as a medicine for the treatment of asthma and heart diseases (angina pectoris).
(b) Its 4% alcoholic solution (known as sweet spirit of nitre) is used in medicine as a diuretic.
(c) Since it is easily hydrolysed to form nitrous acids, it is used as a source of nitrous acid in organic synthesis.
 Isoamyl nitrite is used as an antispasmodic in angina pectoris and as a restorative in cardiac failure.
(2) Nitro alkanes or Nitroparaffins : Nitro alkanes are regarded as nitro derivatives of hydrocarbons.

Introduction of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Quiz

1. Which of the following is   amine
(a) Ethylene diamine
(b) Dimethyl amine
(c) Trimethyl amine
(d) N-methyl aniline

2. C3H9N represents
(a) Primary amine
(b) Secondary amine
(c) Tertiary amine
(d) All of these
SOL: (d) 

3. Allyl isocyanide has
(a) 9 sigma bonds and 4 pi bonds
(b) 8 sigma bonds and 5 pi bonds
(c) 8 sigma bonds, 3 pi bonds and 4 non-bonding electrons
(d) 9 sigma bonds, 3 pi bonds and 2 non-bonding electrons
SOL: (d) 

4. Triaminobenzene is a 
(a) 2 amine
(b) 3 amine
(c) 1 amine
(d) Quarternary salt

5. In alkyl cyanide alkyl group attached with
(a) C of CN group
(b) N of CN group
(c) Either C or N of CN group
(d) Both C and N of CN group

6. Number of isomeric primary amines obtained from C4H11N are
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
SOL: (b)

Preparation of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Quiz

7. The amine formed from an amide by means of bromine and alkali has
(a) Same number of C atoms as that of amide
(b) One less C atom than that of amide
(c) One more C atom than that of amide
(d) Two more C atoms than that of amide
8. Ethylamine can be prepared by the action of bromine and caustic potash on
(a) Acetamide
(b) Propionamide
(c) Formamide
(d) Methyl cyanide
9. Ethylamine can be obtained by the 
(a) Action of NH3 on ethyl iodide
(b) Action of NH3 on ethyl alcohol
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
SOL: (c)

10. Acetanilide can be prepared from aniline and which of the following
(a) Ethanol
(b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Acetone
(d) Acetic anhydride

11. The Hinsberg's method is used for
(a) Preparation of primary amines
(b) Preparation of secondary amines
(c) Preparation of tertiary amines
(d) Separation of amine mixtures

12. Which one of the following compound gives a secondary amine on reduction 
(a) Nitromethane
(b) Nitrobenzene
(c) Methyl isocyanide
(d) Methyl cyanide
SOL: (c)

13. Which of the following is converted into an alcohol on treatment with HNO2
(a) Methyl amine
(b) Aniline
(c) Dimethyl amine
(d) Triethyl amine
SOL: (a)

14. Which of the following reacts with chloroform and a base to form phenyl isocyanide 
(a) Aniline
(b) Phenol
(c) Benzene
(d) Nitrobenzene

15. Which of the following compound is the strongest base 
 (a) Ammonia
(b) Aniline
(c) Methylamine 
(d) N-methyl aniline

SOL:   (c) Methyl amine is the strongest base.

16. Nitrobenzene combines with hydrogen in the presence of platinum to produce  
(a) Toluene
(b) Benzene
(c) Aniline
(d) Azobenzene
17. Azo-dyes are prepared from :
(a) Aniline
(b) Salicylic acid
(c) Benzaldehyde
(d) Chlorobenzene
SOL:   A

Properties of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Quiz

18. Alkyl cyanides when react with Grignard reagent, the product on hydrolysis found, is
(a) Aldehyde (b) Ketone
(c) Alcohol (d) Acid
SOL:   B

19. The product formed when benzene is nitrated by fuming nitric acid is
(a) m-dinitrobenzene
(b) Nitrobenzene
(c) sym-trinitrobenzene
(d) None of these
SOL:   C

20. Which of the following amines would undergo diazotisation
(a) Primary aliphatic amines
  (b) Primary aromatic amines
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
SOL:   (b) Only primary aromatic amines can undergo diazotisation.

21. A solution of methyl amine
(a) Turns blue litmus red
(b) Turns red litmus blue
(c) Does not affect red or blue litmus
(d) Bleaches litmus
SOL:(b) Blue
This litmus paper test shows basic nature of amine.

22. The product of mustard oil reaction is
(a) Alkyl isothiocyanate
(b) Dithio carbonamide
(c) Dithio ethylacetate
(d) Thioether
SOL:    (a) Mustard oil reaction

23. 'Oil of mirbane' is
(a) Aniline
(b) Nitrobenzene
(c) p-nitroaniline
(d) p-aminoazobenzene
SOL:   B

24. The maximum number of –NO2 groups that can be introduced by nitration in benzene is usually
(a) 4 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 6
SOL:   C

25. Nitrobenzene at room temperature is
(a) Gas (b) Liquid
(c) Solid (d) Solution
SOL:   B

26. When chloroform reacts with ethyl amine in presence of alcoholic KOH, the compound formed is

(a) Ethyl cyanide
  (b) Ethyl isocyanide
(c) Formic acid
(d) An amide
27. When methyl cyanide is hydrolysed in presence of alkali, the product is
(a) Acetamide
(b) Methane
(c) CO2+H2O
(d) Acetic acid

28. Hofmann's hypobromite reaction affords a method of
(a) Preparing a tertiary amine
(b) Preparing a mixture of amines
(c) Stepping down a series
(d) Stepping up a series
SOL:    (c) 

29. Among the following compounds nitrobenzene, benzene, aniline and phenol, the strongest basic behaviour in acid medium is exhibited by 
(a) Phenol
(b) Aniline
(c) Nitrobenzene
(d) Benzene
SOL:    (b) Because the N atom in aniline has a lone pair to donate and also due to +I effect of –NH2 group.

30. Aniline on treatment with excess of bromine water gives
(a) Aniline bromide
(b) o-bromoaniline
(c) p-bromoaniline
(d) 2, 4, 6-tribromoaniline
SOL:    D
31. Unpleasant smelling carbylamines are formed by heating alkali and chloroform with
(a) Any amine
(b) Any aliphatic amine
(c) Any aromatic amine
(d) Any primary amine
SOL:    (d) The unpleasant smell is due to the formation of isocyanide.

32. When an organic compound was treated with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid in the ice cold, nitrogen gas was evolved copiously. The compound is
(a) A nitro compound
(b) A primary amine
(c) An aliphatic primary amine
(d) An aromatic primary amine
SOL:    (c)
24 Nitrogen Compounds Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

33. In the diazotisation of aniline with sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid, an excess of hydrochloric acid is used primarily to
(a) Suppress the concentration of free aniline available for coupling
(b) Suppress hydrolysis of phenol
(c) Insure a stoichiometric amount of nitrous acid
(d) Neutralize the base liberated
SOL:    (a) To supress the concentration of the aniline available for coupling other rise coupling occurs.

34. A primary amine can be converted to an alcohol by the action of 
(a) Alkali
 (b) Nitrous acid
(c) Reducing agent 
(d) Oxidising agent

35. When acetamide reacts with Br2 and caustic soda, then we get :
(a) Acetic acid
(b) Bromoacetic acid
(c) Methyl amine
(d) Ethyl amine
SOL:   (c) This is Hofman-bromide reaction. In this reaction one carbon less amines are formed from amides.
36. Reaction of cyclohexanone with dimethylamine in the presence of catalytic amount of an acid forms a compounds if water during the reaction is continuously removed. The compound formed is generally known as
(a) A Schiff’s base
(b) An enamine
(c) An imine
(d) An amine
SOL:   (b)           

37. Which of the following is secondary pollulant.

(a) CO2 (b) N2O
(c) PAN (d) SO2
SOL:   (c) Pollutants which are formed by reaction amongst the primary pollutants (persist in the environment in the form they are passed into it) are called as secondary pollutants. e.g. peroxyacyl nitrates (PAN) are formed through reaction between nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight.

Tests for Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Quiz

38. A positive carbylamine test is given by
(a) N, N-dimethylaniline
(b) 2, 4-dimethylaniline
(c) N-methyl-o-methylaniline
(d) p-methylbenzylamine
SOL:   B

39. The colour of p-amino azobenzene is 
(a) Orange
(b) Congo red
(c) Bismark brown
(d) Indigo
SOL:   A
40. When primary amine is heated with CS2 in presence of excess mercuric chloride, it gives isothiocyanate. This reaction is called
(a) Hofmann bromide reaction
(b) Hofmann mustard oil reaction
(c) Carbylamine reaction
(d) Perkin reaction
SOL:   B

41. Diazo-coupling is useful to prepare some
(a) Dyes (b) Proteins
(c) Pesticides (d) Vitamins
SOL:   A

42. Carbylamine test is used in the detection of
(a) Aliphatic 2o amine
(b) Aromatic 1o amine
(c) Aliphatic 1o amine
(d) Both aliphatic and aromatic 1o amines
SOL:   D

43. Which of the following would be most reactive towards nitration
(a) Benzene
(b) Nitro benzene
(c) Toluene
(d) Chloro benzene
SOL:   B

44. Aniline reacts with  acetaldehyde to form
(a) Schiff's base
(b) Carbylamine
(c) Immine
(d) None of these
SOL:   A

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