23 Carboxylic Acids Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Carboxylic Acids Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Carboxylic acids are classified as monocarboxylic acids, dicarboxylic acids, tricarboxylic acids etc. depending on the number of – COOH groups present in the molecule.
Physical properties of monocarboxylic acids 
(1) Physical state : The first three members (upto 3 carbon atoms) are colourless, pungent smelling liquids. The next six members are oily liquids having unpleasant smell. The higher members are colourless and odourless waxy solids.
(2) Solubility : The lower members of the aliphatic carboxylic acid family (upto C4) are highly soluble in water. The solubility decreases with the increase in the size of the alkyl group. All carboxylic acids are soluble in alcohol, ether and benzene etc.
# The solubility of lower members of carboxylic acids is due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between the – COOH group and water molecules.
# Acetic acid exists in the solution in dimer form due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The observed molecular mass of acetic acid is 120 instead of 60.
(3) Melting point 
(i) The melting points of carboxylic acids donot vary smoothly from one member to another.
(ii) The melting point of the acids having even number of carbon atoms are higher than those containing an odd number immediately above and below them.
(iii) The acids with even number of carbon atoms have the – COOH group and the terminal – CH3 group on the opposite side of the carbon chain.
(iv) In the case of odd numbers, the two groups lie on the same side of the chain.

General Introduction of Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives Quiz

1. Fats and oils are mixture of
(a) Glycerides and saturated fatty acids
(b) Glycerides and unsaturated fatty acids
(c) Glycerides of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
(d) Only saturated and unsaturated fatty acids


2. Which one is not a glyceride
(a) Fat (b) Oil
(c) Phospholipid (d) Soaps

SOL:  (d)Soaps are sodium salt of fatty acids e.g.-   Sodium Steariate acid.

3. The general formula (RCO)2O represents 

(a) An ester 
(b) A ketone 
(c) An ether 
(d) An acid anhydride 
SOL:  (d)
4. A tribasic acid is 
(a) Oxalic acid 
(b) Tartaric acid 
(c) Lactic acid 
(d) Citric acid 
It is citric acid consist three carboxylic group.
5. Amphiphilic molecules are normally associated with
 (a) Isoprene based polymers
(b) Soaps and detergents
(c) Nitrogen based fertilizers e.g. urea
(d) Pain relieving medicines such as aspirin

6. Wax are long chain compounds belonging to the class
 (a) Acids (b) Alcohols
(c) Esters (d) Ethers
SOL:  (c)Wax are long chain ester. 

7. Glycine may be classed as all of the following except

(a) A base
(b) An acid
(c) A zwitter ion
(d) Optically active acid

SOL:  (d)Glycine do not have the chiral carbon so it is not optically active acid.
8. Number of oxygen atoms in a acetamide molecule is
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
SOL:  (a)

9. Urea is
(a) Monoacidic base
(b) Diacidic base
(c) Neutral
(d) Amphoteric
SOL:  (a)Urea behaves as a monoacidic base and react with nitric acid and form sparingly soluble nitrate.

10. The general formulas CnH2nO2  could be for open chain
 (a) Diketones
(b) Carboxylic acids
(c) Diols
(d) Dialdehydes
11. Fats and oils are
(a) Acids (b) Alcohols
(c) Esters (d) Hydrocarbons
SOL:  (c) Fats and oil jointly known as lipid which are the ester of glycerol with high fatty acid.

12. The ester among the following is
(a) Calcium lactate
(b) Ammonium acetate
(c) Sodium acetate
(d) None of these
SOL:  (d) 

13. Sodium or potassium salts of higher fatty acids are called
 (a) Soaps (b) Terpenes
(c) Sugars (d) Alkaloids
SOL:  (a) Soaps are the sodium or potassium salts of higher fatty acids

14. Oleic, stearic and palmitic acids are
(a) Nucleic acids
(b) Amino acids
(c) Fatty acids
(d) None of these

Preparation of Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives Quiz

15. Acetic acid is obtained when
(a) Methyl alcohol is oxidised with potassium permanganate
(b) Calcium acetate is distilled in the presence of calcium formate
(c) Acetaldehyde is oxidised with potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid
(d) Glycerol is heated with sulphuric acid
SOL:  (c) 
16. Acetic acid is manufactured by the fermentation of
 (a) Ethanol (b) Methanol
(c) Ethanal (d) Methanal
SOL: (a)

17. o-xylene when oxidised in presence of V2O5  the product is
(a) Benzoic acid
(b) Phenyl acetic acid
(c) Phthalic acid
(d) Acetic acid
SOL:   C

18. CO2 on reaction with ethyl magnesium bromide gives 
 (a) Ethane 
(b) Propanoic acid 
(c) Acetic acid
(d) None of these
SOL:    B

19. Sodium acetate reacts with acetyl chloride to form 
 (a) Acetic acid (b) Acetone
(c) Acetic anhydride (d) Sodium formate

20. Ammonium acetate reacts with acetic acid at   to form
(a) Acetamide (b) Formamide
(c) Ammonium cyanate (d) Urea
SOL: (a)
21. Tischancko reaction is used for preparation of
(a) Ether
(b) Ester
(c) Amide
(d) Acid anhydride

SOL:   (b) 
22. When succinic acid is heated, product formed is 
 (a) Succinic anhydride
(b) Acetic acid
(c)   and methane
(d) Propionic acid 

SOL: (a) When succinic acid is heated it forms. Succinic anhydride 

Properties of Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives Quiz

23. Ethyl acetate at room temperature is a
(a) Solid (b) Liquid
(c) Gas (d) Solution

24. Urea is a better fertilizer than ammonium sulphate because
(a) It has greater percentage of nitrogen
(b) It is more soluble
(c) It is weakly basic
(d) It does not produce acidity in soil

Carboxylic Acids Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

25. The reaction of acetamide with water is an example of
 (a) Alcoholysis
(b) Hydrolysis
(c) Ammonolysis
(d) Saponification
SOL: (b)The reaction of acetamide with water is an example of hydrolysis.

26. The acid which reduces Fehling solution is
(a) Methanoic acid
(b) Ethanoic acid
(c) Butanoic acid
(d) Propanoic acid
SOL: (a) Methanoic acid resemble with aldehyde due to its structure. So it reduce fehling reagent. 

27. When propanamide reacts with   and NaOH then which of the following compound is formed
(a) Ethyl alcohol
(b) Propyl alcohol
(c) Propyl amine
(d) Ethylamine
28. Hydrolysis of an ester gives a carboxylic acid which on Kolbe’s electrolysis yields ethane. The ester is 

(a) Ethyl methonoate
(b) Methyl ethanoate
(c) Propylamine
(d) Ethylamine
SOL: (b)
23 Carboxylic Acids Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

29. Which of the following reduces Tollen's reagent
 (a) Acetic acid (b) Citric acid
(c) Oxalic acid (d) Formic acid
SOL: (d)Formic acid resemble with aldehyde due to its structure so it reduce Tollen’s reagent.

30. Oxalic acid may be distinguished from tartaric acid by
(a) Sodium bicarbonate solution
(b) Ammonical silver nitrate solution
(c) Litmus paper
(d) Phenolphthalein

31. Reaction of ethyl formate with excess of CH3MGI followed by hydrolysis gives
(a) n-propyl alcohol (b) Ethanal
(c) Propanal (d) Isopropyl alcohol

32. Of the following four reactions, formic and acetic acids differ in which respect  
(a) Replacement of hydrogen by sodium
(b) Formation of ester with alcohol
(c) Reduction of Fehling solution
(d) Blue litmus reaction

33. Formaldehyde and formic acid can be distinguished using
 (a) Tollen's reagent
(b) Fehling solution
(c) Ferric chloride
(d) Sodium bicarbonate

34. Ester and acetamide are distinguished by
(a) Hydrolysis with strong acids or alkali 
(b) Derivatives of fatty acids
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

35. Which of the following can possibly be used as analgesic without causing addiction and moon modification
 (a) Morphine
(b) N-acetyl-para-aminophenol
(c) Drazepom
(d) Tetrahydrocatinol
SOL: (b)            N-acetyl paraamino phenol 

36. When acetic acid is dissolved in benzene its molecular mass

(a) Decreases
(b) Increases
(c) Either increases or decreases
(d) Suffers no change
SOL:  (b)Molecular Mass increases due to dimer formation      

37. Benzoic acid has higher molecular weight in benzene and less in water because
(a) Water has lower freezing point and higher boiling point than benzene
(b) It dissociates to a greater extent in benzene than in water
(c) It associates in water and dissociates in benzene
(d) It dissociates in water and associates in benzene

38. What is the main reason for the fact that carboxylic acids can undergo ionization
(a) Absence of Alpha-hydrogen
(b) Resonance stabilisation of the carboxylate ion
(c) High reactivity of Alpha-hydrogen
(d) Hydrogen bonding
39. Benzoic acid is less acidic than salicylic acid because of 
 (a) Hydrogen bond
(b) Inductive effect
(c) Resonance
(d) All of these 
(e) None of these
SOL: (a) Due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding.  

40. Lactic acid on heating with conc. H2SO4 gives
 (a) Acetic acid
(b) Propionic acid
(c) Acrylic acid
(d) Formic acid

 41. Acetamide is
(a) Acidic (b) Basic
(c) Neutral (d) Amphoteric
SOL:  (d) Acetamide can behave as weak acid as well as base.

Uses of Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives Quiz

42. To which of the following groups does soap belongs
 (a) Esters
(b) Amines
(c) Salts of organic higher fatty acids
(d) Aldehydes

43. Aspirin is an acetylation product of
(a) o-hydroxybenzoic acid (b) o-dihydroxybenzene
(c) m-hydroxybenzoic acid (d) p-dihydroxybenzene

44. Which one is used as a food preservative
(a) Sodium acetate
(b) Sodium propionate
(c) Sodium benzoate
(d) Sodium oxalate

45. What makes a lemon sour
(a) Tartaric acid
(b) Oxalic acid
(c) Citric acid
(d) Hydrochloric acid

46. Carboxylic acids are more acidic than phenol and alcohol because of
(a) Intermolecular hydrogen bonding
(b) Formation of dimers
(c) Highly acidic hydrogen
(d) Resonance stabilization of their conjugate base
SOL:  (d)Resonance stabilization of their conjugate base i.e., carboxylate ion.

47. When propionic acid is treated with aqueous sodium bicarbonate CO2 is liberated. The ‘C’ of CO2 comes from

(a) Methyl group (b) Carboxylic acid group
(c) Methylene group (d) Bicarbonate

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