25 Polymers Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Polymers Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Polymers are compounds of very high molecular masses formed by the combination of a large number of simple molecules. 
The simple molecules which combine to give polymers are called monomers. The process by which the simple molecule (i.e. monomers) are converted into polymers is called polymerization. 
Example: Polyethylene 
 All polymers are macromolecules but all macromolecules are not polymers because polymers consist of repeating units of monomer e.g., chlorophyll is a macromolecule but not a polymer.
Classification of polymers
(1) Classification based on source of availability: They are classified as
(i) Natural polymers (ii) Synthetic polymers (iii) Semi-synthetic polymers
(i) Natural polymers: The polymers obtained from nature (plants and animals) are called natural polymers. These polymers are very essential for life. They are as under.
(a) Starch: It is a polymer of glucose and it is the food reserve of a plant.
(b) Cellulose: It is also a polymer of glucose. It is a chief structural material of the plant both starch and cellulose are made by plants from glucose produced during photosynthesis.
(c) Proteins: These are polymers of -amino acids, they have generally 20 to 1000  amino acids joined together in a highly organized arrangement. These are building blocks of the animal body and constitute an essential part of our food.
(d) Nucleic acids: These are polymers of various nucleotides. For example, RNA and DNA are common nucleotides.
(ii) Synthetic polymers: The polymers which are prepared in the laboratories are called synthetic polymers. These are also called man-made polymers. For example polyethene, PVC nylon, Teflon, bakelite terylene, synthetic rubber, etc.
(iii) Semisynthetic polymers: These polymers are mostly derived from naturally occurring polymers by chemical modifications. For example, cellulose is a naturally occurring polymer, cellulose on acetylation with acetic anhydride in the presence of sulphuric acid forms cellulose diacetate polymers. It is used in making thread and materials like film glasses etc. Vulcanized rubber is also an example of semisynthetic polymers used in making tyres etc. gun cotton which is cellulose nitrate used in making explosives.

Classification of Polymer Quiz

1. Thermoplastics are 
(a) Linear polymers
(b) Highly cross-linked
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Crystalline

2. ‘Cis-1, 4-polyisoprene’ is
(a) Thermoplastic
(b) Thermosetting plastic
(c) Elastic (rubber)
(d) Resin
SOL: (c) Natural rubber is the only addition polymer of nature and is known as ‘Cis-1, 4-polyisoprene’.
3. ‘Shellac’ secreted by lac insects is
(a) Natural plastic
(b) Natural resin
(c) Natural elastic
(d) Any of these

4. Which of the following is not a polymer
(a) Gun cotton
(b) Perspex
(c) Shellac (eg. lac shellac)
(d) Wax (eg. bees wax)
SOL: (d) Wax is a molecular solid

5. Which of the following is an example of condensation polymer
(a) Nylon
(b) Bakelite
(c) Urea-formaldehyde resin
(d) All of these

6. Which of the following is a natural polymer 
(a) Polyester (b) Glyptal
(c) Starch (d) Nylon-6
SOL: (c) Starch is a natural polymer and other are synthetic.

7. Which is a naturally occuring polymer
(a) Polythene (b) PVC 
(c) Acetic acid (d) Protein
SOL: (d)Protein is a natural polymer of  amino acids

8. Which of the following polymer is an example of fibre

(a) Silk (b) Dacron
(c) Nylon-66 (d) All of these
SOL:  (d)Silk is protein fibre. Dacron is polyester fibre and Nylon-66 is polyamide fibre.

9. Natural rubber is which type of polymer
(a) Condensation polymer (b) Addition polymer
(c) Co-ordination polymer (d) None of these
SOL: (b)Natural rubber is addition polymer of isoprene (2-methyl-1, 3-butadiene)

10. Polyethylene is  
(a) Random copolymer
(b) Homo polymer
(c) Alternate copolymer
(d) Crosslinked copolymer
SOL: (b)Polyethylene is a homopolymer
11. Which of the following is a biodegradable polymer 
 (a) Cellulose (b) Polythene
(c) Polyvinyl chloride (d) Nylon-6

SOL: (a) Cellulose is the natural fibre which are biodegradable polymer rest are synthetic polymer which are not biodegradable.

12. Which of the following is an example of condensation polymers

(a) Polythene (b) PVC
(c) Orlon (d) Terylene

13. Which of the following is a step-growth polymer
(a) Polyisoprene
(b) Polythene
(c) Nylon 
(d) Polyacrylonitrile
SOL:  (c) Step growth polymerization involves condensation reaction between two difunctional monomer to produce dimer which in turn, produce, tetramer and so on with the loss of simple molecules like H2O, NH3, HCl etc.

14. An example of chain growth polymer is
(a) Nylon-66 (b) Bakelite
(c) Terylene (d) Teflon

15. Which of the following is synthetic rubber
(a) Buna-S
(b) Neoprene
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
SOL: (c) Buna-S and Neoprene both are synthetic rubber.

16. Which of the following is a linear polymer
(a) Nylons
(b) Bakelite 
(c) Low density polythene
(d) Melamine-formaldehyde polymer

General Methods of Preparation and Mechanism of Polymerisation Quiz

17. When condensation product of hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid is heated to 553K in an atmosphere of nitrogen for about 4-5 hours, the product obtained is

(a) Solid polymer of nylon 66
(b) Liquid polymer of nylon 66
(c) Gaseous polymer of nylon 66
(d) Liquid polymer of nylon 6
SOL: (b) The condensation polymerisation of hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid is done in solution form by interface technique. In this liquid nylon polymer is obtained.

18. Polymerization of glycol with dicarboxylic acids is
(a) Addition polymerisation
(b) Condensation polymerisation
(c) Telomerisation
(d) Any of these
SOL: (b) Condensation Polymerization because loss of water molecule takes place.

19. The ‘mercerised cellulose’ is chemically prepared by
(a) Acetylation
(b) Mercuriation
(c) Halogenation
(d) Hydrolysis

20. The product of addition polymerisation reaction is
(a) PVC (b) Nylon
(c) Terylene (d) Polyamide

21. Example of condensation polymer is
(a) Formaldehyde->meta-ormaldehyde
(b) Acetaldehyde -> para-aldehyde
(c) Acetone -> mesityl oxide
(d) Ethene -> polyethene

22. Complete hydrolysis of cellulose gives
(a) D-fructose (b) D-ribose
(c) D-glucose (d) L-glucose

SOL: (c) D-glucose is the monomer of cellulose.

23. The phenol-formaldehyde resins are formed by polymerisation of phenol and formaldehyde by
(a) Addition polymerisation
(b) Condensation polymerisation
(c) Both (a) and (b) 
(d) None of these

24. The monomers used in the production of nylon-66 are

(a) Hexamethylene diamine and ethylene glycol
(b) Adipic acid and ethylene glycol
(c) Adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine
(d) Dimethyl terephthalate and ethylene glycol
SOL: (c)

25. The compound required for the formation of a thermosetting polymer with methanol is

(a) Benzene
(b) Phenyl amine
(c) Benzaldehyde
(d) Phenol
SOL: (d) When phenol react with HCHO form bakelite which is a thermosetting polymer.

26. Which polymer is formed by chloroethene 
(a) Teflon (b) Polyethene
(c) PVC (d) Nylon
SOL: (c) Generally chloroethene (vinyl chloride) formed PVC polyvinyle chloride.

27. The starting material for the preparation of styrene is
 (a) Ethane  (b) Ethene
(c) Ethyne (d) Vinyl chloride

25 Polymers Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

28. Terylene is the polymer of 

(a) Ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid
(b) Melamine and formaldehyde
(c) Vinyl chloride and formaldehyde
(d) Hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid

29. The compound used in the manufacture of terylene is
(a) Ethylene
(b) Vinyl chloride
(c) Ethylene glycol
(d) Adipic acid
SOL: (c) Terylene is a polymer of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid

Composition, Properties and Uses of Polymer Quiz

30. Nylon polymers are 
(a) Acidic (b) Basic
(c) Amphoteric (d) Neutral

Polymers Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

31. Nylon yarns are usually 
(a) Highly inflammable
(b) Non-inflammable
(c) Both (a) and (b) types are known
(d) Uncertain inflammability
SOL: (c) Both highly inflammable and Non-inflammable

32. Which of the following is a synthetic polymer
(a) Rubber (b) Perspex
(c) Protein (d) Cellulose
SOL: (b)Perspex is a synthesized polymer.

33. As the molecular weight increases the tensile strength of polymers
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remains unchanged (d) Uncertain

34. Triethyl aluminium titanium chloride used in plastic industry is a 
(a) Vulcaniser
(b) Plasticiser
(c) Ziegler-Natta catalyst
(d) Telomer
SOL: (c)  

35. Glyptals are chiefly employed in
(a) Toy making
(b) Surface coating
(c) Photofilm making
(d) Electrical insulators

36. Which of the following has a higher glass-transition temperature
(a) Polyethylene
(b) Polypropylene
(c) Polyvinylchloride
(d) Polystyrene

37. The process of vulcanisation makes rubber
(a) Soluble in water (b) Elastic
(c) Hard (d) Soft

38. Which of the following polymers are hard
(a) Linear
(b) Cross-linked
(c) Branched chain
(d) Thermoplastic

39. Which of the following has the largest molecular mass
(a) Monomer (b) Dimer
(c) Polymer (d) Oligomer

40. Heating of rubber with sulphur is known as
(a) Galvanisation
(b) Vulcanisation
(c) Bessemerisation
(d) Sulphonation

41. Which of the following fibres are made of polyamides
(a) Dacron (b) Orlon
(c) Nylon (d) Rayon

42. Which is not a polymer
(a) Ice (b) Starch
(c) Protein (d) Cellulose
SOL: (a) Ice is a molecular solid.

43. Which one of the following in used to make 'non-stick' cookware
(a) PVC
(b) Polystyrene
(c) Polyethylene terephthalate
(d) Polytetrafluoroethylene
SOL:  (d) Teflon has great chemical inertness and high thermal stability, hence used for making non-stick utensils. For this purpose, a thin layer of teflon is coated on the inner side of the vessel.

44. The polymer used for making contact lenses for eyes is

(a) Polymethylmethacrylate
(b) Polyethelene
(c) Polyethylacrylate
(d) Nylon-6
SOL: (a) Also known as PMMA. It is a transparent, excellent light transmitter and its optical clarity better than glass so it is used in the preparation of lenses for eyes.

45. Which polymer is used for making magnetic recording tapes
 (a) Dacron (b) Acrilan
(c) Glyptal (d) Bakelite

46. Characteristic property of Teflon is
(a) 2000 poise viscosity
(b) High surface tension
(c) Non-inflammable and resistant to heat
(d) Highly reactive
SOL: (c) Teflon is non-inflammable and resistant to heat so it is used in coating, particularly in non-sticking frying pans

47. Which of the following is currently used as a tyre  cord

(a) Terelene
(b) Polyethylene
(c) Polypropylene
(d) Nylon - 6
Critical Thinking Questions

48. High density polyethylene (HDPE) can be prepared from ethylene by
(a) Ziegler-Natta process
(b) Heating with peroxides
(c) Condensing in sealed tubes
(d) Condensing with styrenes
SOL: (a) (HDPE) is prepared by co-ordination polymerization which occurs through the intermediate formation of co-ordination complexes. For example, ethylene first forms a co-ordination complex with the transition metal titanium by donating its  -electrons. The   complex thus formed then reacts stepwise with a large number of ethylene molecules ultimately leading to the formation of a polymer. The polythene so obtained has high density  and higher m.pt. (403K) as compare to LDPE (density- 0.92 g/cm3 and m.pt. 384K)

49. Perlon is 
(a) Rubber (b) Nylon-6
(c) Terelene (d) Oxlon
SOL: (b) Perlon is Nylon-6. It is prepared from a single monomer having a potential amino group of one end and a potential carbonyl group of other end.

50. Styrene at room temparature is
(a) Solid (b) Liquid
(c) Gas (d) Colloidal solution
SOL: (b) Styrene at room temperature is liquid.

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