Biology objective questions (Structure Functions) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

Biology objective questions (Structure & Functions) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

1 >>Chlorophyll “a” occurs in all Photosynthetic plants except: ?
  • (A) Green algae
  • (B) Blue green algae
  • (C) Angiosperms
  • (D) Pigment containing bacteria
2 >>When the fluid outside a cell has a greater concentration of a given molecule than the fluid inside the cell, the external fluid is ?
  • (A) isotonic
  • (B) hypertonic
  • (C) hypotonic
  • (D) ultratonic
3 >>The osmotic pressure of pure water is: ?
  • (A) 0
  • (B) 1
  • (C) 10
  • (D) 100
4 >>The water potential of all solutions as compared to pure water is always: ?
  • (A) higher
  • (B) lower
  • (C) equal
  • (D) none of these
5 >>The wavelengths of visible light are longer than the wavelengths of ?
  • (A) infrared
  • (B) ultraviolet
  • (C) microwaves
  • (D) radio waves
6 >>The wavelengths of visible light are shorter than the wavelengths of ?
  • (A) infrared
  • (B) ultraviolet
  • (C) x-rays
  • (D) gamma rays

7 >>Which of the following colours of light work best for photosynthesis? ?
  • (A) Red
  • (B) Yellow
  • (C) Blue
  • (D) Both a and c
8 >>Which of the following is the worlds most common protein? ?
  • (A) cellulose
  • (B) ribulose biphosphate carboxylase
  • (C) insulin
  • (D) diastase
9 >>Photophosphorrylation in a chloroplast is mot similar to which of the following mitochondrial reaction? ?
  • (A) substrate-level phosphorylation
  • (B) oxidative phosphorylation
  • (C) oxidative decarboxylation
  • (D) hydrolysis
10 >>A photosystem is an assemblage of pigment molecules together ranging from ?
  • (A) 10 – 100
  • (B) 100 – 200
  • (C) 200 – 400
  • (D) 400 – 500
11 >>The final acceptor of electrons during the light reaction of photosynthesis is: ?
  • (A) Cyt. F
  • (B) Cyt. B
  • (C) ATP
  • (D) NADP

12 >>Which of the following is obtained from phosphoglyceraldehyde in the dark reaction of photosynthesis? ?
  • (A) phosphoglyceric acid
  • (B) glucose
  • (C) carbon dioxide
  • (D) plastoquinone
13 >>Which of the following conditions in a plant cell would increase the uptake of water? ?
  • (A) osmotic pressure is higher than the turgor pressure
  • (B) osmotic pressure is equal to turgor pressure
  • (C) osmotic pressure is less than the turgor pressure
  • (D) both a and c
14 >>Which of the following would occur when a plant cell is packed in a fluid with high osmotic concentration than the cell sap? ?
  • (A) imbibition
  • (B) Plasmolysis
  • (C) Deplasmolysis
  • (D) Diffusion
15 >>With the increase of ions in the xylem its water potential becomes ?
  • (A) more positive
  • (B) more negative
  • (C) zero
  • (D) neutral
16 >>Water potential of a liquid increases when solute concentration ?
  • (A) Increases
  • (B) Decreases
  • (C) Remains unchanged
  • (D) None of these
17 >>Which of the following is not true of the exudation of water? ?
  • (A) water drops come out through stomata
  • (B) water drops come out through hydathodes
  • (C) water is forced out of the leaves by root pressu
  • (D) water drops are not formed by dew
18 >>Water in the xylem vessel will ascend up until ?
  • (A) its cohesive and adhesive strength is more than the gravitational pull
  • (B) gravitational pull is higher then the cohesive and adhesive strength of water
  • (C) sufficient water is available in the soil
  • (D) it is used in the photosynthesis
19 >>Plants do not store carbohydrates as glucose because it ?
  • (A) dissolves in water, thereby altering the osmotic bala
  • (B) attracts insects herbivores
  • (C) is an unstable molecule
  • (D) would replace ribose in DNA synthesis
20 >>Which of the following processes is responsible for the entry of water into root hair? ?
  • (A) wall pressure
  • (B) osmotic pressure
  • (C) turgor pressure
  • (D) atmospheric pressure

21 >>Which of the following forces are responsible for the ascent of water in plant body? ?
  • (A) atmospheric pressure
  • (B) root pressure
  • (C) transpiration pull
  • (D) both b and c
22 >>Of the total sunlight reaching the earth, the percentage used in the photosynthesis is: ?
  • (A) 0.02
  • (B) 0.2
  • (C) 0.3
  • (D) 0.5
23 >>Which of the following products of light reaction of photosynthesis is not used in the dark reaction? ?
  • (A) ATP
  • (B) NADPH2
  • (C) Oxygen
  • (D) None of these
24 >>The empirical formula of chlorophyll a is: ?
  • (A) C55 H72 O5 N4 Mg
  • (B) C55 H70 O5 N3 Mg
  • (C) C56 H72 O66 N4 Mg
  • (D) C55 H74 O5 N5 Mg

25 >>Which of the following is true of chlorophyll? ?
  • (A) absorbs all types of waves of sunlight
  • (B) containing iron atom in the center
  • (C) containing magnesium atom in the center
  • (D) present in all cells of green plants
26 >>The most effective light absorbed by the chlorophyll is: ?
  • (A) yellow
  • (B) orange
  • (C) green
  • (D) none of these
27 >>Photosystem I has an absorption spectrum of wavelengths of around ?
  • (A) 600 nm
  • (B) 650 nm
  • (C) 680 nm
  • (D) 700 nm
28 >>Which of the following is not necessary for photosynthesis? ?
  • (A) CO2
  • (B) Chlorophyll
  • (C) H2O
  • (D) Oxygen
29 >>In photosystem II, the electrons lost by reaction center are replaced by electrons from ?
  • (A) H2O
  • (B) C2 O
  • (C) Photosystem I
  • (D) ATP
30 >>In animals the product of anaerobic respiration is: ?
  • (A) Butyric acid
  • (B) Alcohol
  • (C) Glucose
  • (D) Lactic acid
31 >>The process of Glycolysis takes place in: ?
  • (A) Mitochondria
  • (B) Cytoplasm
  • (C) Stroma
  • (D) Granum
32 >>In electron transport chain, one pair of electrons passing from NADreduced to oxygen produces ?
  • (A) 4 ATP
  • (B) 3 ATP
  • (C) 2 ATP
  • (D) 1 ATP
33 >>From which of the following plants gain weight? ?
  • (A) Respiration
  • (B) Transpiration
  • (C) Photosynthesis
  • (D) Fermentation

34 >>Cambium is responsible for increase in: ?
  • (A) Length
  • (B) Photosynthesis
  • (C) Diameter
  • (D) Transpiration
35 >>In which of the following cells elongate parallel to the long axis of the stem or root? ?
  • (A) Pith
  • (B) Trachieds
  • (C) Cortex
  • (D) Parenchyma
36 >>Spiral thickenings of the walls of cells occur in: ?
  • (A) Parenchyma
  • (B) Chlorenchyma
  • (C) Xylem vessels
  • (D) Cortex
37 >>The molecule which actually enters the Krebs cycle is: ?
  • (A) Pyruvic acid
  • (B) Acetyl-CoA
  • (C) Oxao acetic acid
  • (D) Fumaric acid
38 >>In the Krebs cycle oxaloacetic acid reacts with: ?
  • (A) Pyruvic acid
  • (B) Citric acid
  • (C) Acetyl-CoA
  • (D) Succinic acid
39 >>One ATP molecule is generated during the Krebs cycle in the step: ?
  • (A) citric acid ----------- Alpha Ketoglutatic acid
  • (B) Alpha Ketoglutatic acid ------- Succinic acid
  • (C) Succinic acid ---------------- Fumaric acid
  • (D) Fumaric acid----------- Malic acid
40 >>It involves the liberation of Oxygen and absorbtion of CO2 ?
  • (A) Aerobic respiration
  • (B) Anaerobic respiration
  • (C) Photosynthesis
  • (D) Both A & B

41 >>At the end of the electron transport chain during respiration, electrons are accepted by: ?
  • (A) NAD
  • (B) FAD
  • (C) Oxygen
  • (D) Hydrogen
42 >>During growth fibers elongate greatly: ?
  • (A) At right angle to the long axis
  • (B) Parallel to the long axis
  • (C) Obliquely to the long axis
  • (D) In all directions
43 >>Which of these is the naturally occurring auxins? ?
  • (A) Indole acetic acid
  • (B) 2, 4-D
  • (C) Abscisic acid
  • (D) Butyric acid
44 >>The application of Auxin in small amount: ?
  • (A) Stimulate the growth of leaves
  • (B) Retard the growth of leaves
  • (C) Suppress the growth of leaves
  • (D) Does not affect the growth of laves
45 >>Which of these increases the growth rate of isolated cells in a test tube? ?
  • (A) Auxins
  • (B) Cytokinins
  • (C) Gibberellins
  • (D) None of these
46 >>Chrysanthemum indicum is a: ?
  • (A) Short day plant
  • (B) Long day plant
  • (C) Day neutral plant
  • (D) Both A & B
47 >>Thigmotropism is a growth movement in response to: ?
  • (A) sunlight
  • (B) gravity
  • (C) water
  • (D) touch
48 >>Which one of the following properties are shared by photosynthesis and aerobic respiration? ?
  • (A) CO2 consumption
  • (B) ATP synthesis
  • (C) O2 release
  • (D) Glucose synthesis
49 >>The function of cellular respiration is to ?
  • (A) make ATP
  • (B) make NADPH
  • (C) get rid of glucose
  • (D) get rid of carbon dioxide
50 >>Each chemical reaction in cellular respiration requires ?
  • (A) a molecule of ATP
  • (B) a molecule of FAD
  • (C) a molecule of NAD
  • (D) a specific enzyme
51 >>The term anaerobic means ?
  • (A) with glucose
  • (B) with oxygen
  • (C) without glucose
  • (D) without oxygen
52 >>Which of the following processes makes direct use of oxygen? ?
  • (A) Glycolysis
  • (B) Fermentation
  • (C) Electron transport chain
  • (D) Krebs cycle
53 >>How many ATP molecules are formed during one turn of Kreb’s cycle? ?
  • (A) zero
  • (B) 1
  • (C) 2
  • (D) 3
54 >>Glycolysis is a process found in ?
  • (A) only eukaryotic cells
  • (B) only prokaryotic cells
  • (C) only most muscle cells
  • (D) virtually all cells
55 >>How many molecules of oxygen gas are used during the Glycolysis of one glucose molecule? ?
  • (A) non
  • (B) 1
  • (C) 6
  • (D) 38
56 >>Phosphoglyceraldehyde is oxidized during Glycolysis. What happens to the hydrogen atoms that are removed during this oxidation? ?
  • (A) They oxidize NAD
  • (B) They reduce NAD
  • (C) They are transferred to Pyruvic acid
  • (D) They are eliminated in the form of methane
57 >>During the first step of Glycolysis, glucose is converted to glucose phosphate. The phosphate group comes from ?
  • (A) inorganic phosphate
  • (B) phospholipids of the membrane
  • (C) ADP
  • (D) ATP
58 >>Which of the following is not true of Glycolysis? ?
  • (A) substrate level phosphorylation takes place
  • (B) the end products are carbon dioxide and water
  • (C) ATP is formed
  • (D) ATP is used
59 >>Which of the following is not formed during alcohol fermentation? ?
  • (A) acetyl coenzyme A
  • (B) Pyruvic acid
  • (C) Ethanol
  • (D) Carbon dioxide
60 >>Which of the following is the end product of anaerobic respiration in animals? ?
  • (A) ethyl alcohol
  • (B) lactic acid
  • (C) carbon dioxide
  • (D) water

Biology objective questions (Structure Functions) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

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