Biology objective questions (Plant Physiology) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

Biology objective questions (Plant Physiology) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

1 >>Pollen tube is required for the production of: ?
  • (A) Embryo
  • (B) Spore
  • (C) Zygote
  • (D) Seed
2 >>Integumented mega sporangium in which megaspore is retained is called: ?
  • (A) Ovule
  • (B) Seed
  • (C) Embryo
  • (D) Pollen tube
3 >>In Selaginella the embryo develops into: ?
  • (A) Root, stem, leaves and cotyledons
  • (B) Root, stem, leaves and flowers
  • (C) Root, stem, leaves and seeds
  • (D) Root, stem, leaves and fruits
4 >>Primitive vascular paints had sporangia at: ?
  • (A) Axils of leaves
  • (B) Bases of branches
  • (C) Tips of branches
  • (D) Both A & B
5 >>Which one of the following is necessary for the development of seed? ?
  • (A) introduction of Heterospory
  • (B) retention of the megaspore within mega sporangium
  • (C) development of pollen tube
  • (D) all of these

6 >>Which of the following are non-vascular plants? ?
  • (A) club mosses
  • (B) ferns
  • (C) mosses
  • (D) conifers
7 >>In tracheophyte the Sporophyte generation is ?
  • (A) dependent
  • (B) dominant
  • (C) without leaves
  • (D) without roots
8 >>Which of the following is not the character of gametophyts in tracheophyte? ?
  • (A) large
  • (B) reduced
  • (C) short lived
  • (D) small
9 >>Which of the following do not produce seeds? ?
  • (A) ferns
  • (B) club mosses
  • (C) horse tails
  • (D) all of these
10 >>The Pteredophytes are also called lower vascular plants because they: ?
  • (A) contain cambium
  • (B) do not produce seeds
  • (C) produce flowers
  • (D) non of these
11 >>Which of the following do not have true leaves? ?
  • (A) Psilotum
  • (B) Selaginella
  • (C) Equisetum
  • (D) Lycopodium

12 >>The oldest known vascular plants were widespread about ?
  • (A) 300 million year ago
  • (B) 400 million years ago
  • (C) 500 million year ago
  • (D) 600 million year ago
13 >>In which of the following only the stem performs the function of photosynthesis? ?
  • (A) Psilotum
  • (B) Selaginella
  • (C) Lycopodium
  • (D) Equisetum
14 >>Which of the following number of rows of leaves are present on the stem of Selaginella? ?
  • (A) two
  • (B) four
  • (C) five
  • (D) six
15 >>Which of the following is not the part of Selaginella plant? ?
  • (A) Stem
  • (B) Root
  • (C) Seed
  • (D) Leaves
16 >>Reproductive leaves produced at the ends of upright branches in Selaginella are called: ?
  • (A) sporophylls
  • (B) sporangia
  • (C) sporocarps
  • (D) spermatia
17 >>In Selaginella, sporangia are produced: ?
  • (A) at the lower margins of leaves
  • (B) on the lower surface of leaves
  • (C) in the axils of sporophyll
  • (D) on the upper surface of sporophylls
18 >>Megaspores are produced inside ?
  • (A) microsporangia
  • (B) megasporangia
  • (C) archegonia
  • (D) antheridia
19 >>Meiosis in Selaginella occurs ?
  • (A) before zygote germination
  • (B) before gametes formation
  • (C) before spores formation
  • (D) after spore formation
20 >>In Selaginella sperms are transported to the egg through ?
  • (A) insects
  • (B) water
  • (C) pollen tube
  • (D) air
21 >>Which of the following are trends towards seed habit exhibited by Selaginella? ?
  • (A) Heterospory
  • (B) Presence of pollen tube
  • (C) Non-flagellated sperms
  • (D) Dependency on water for fertilization
22 >>In which of the following sporangium is enveloped in a leaf? ?
  • (A) Equisetum
  • (B) Psilotum
  • (C) Selaginella
  • (D) Lycopodium
23 >>The sporangia of horsetail (Equisetum) cones are produced ?
  • (A) in the axils of leaves
  • (B) on the tip of branches
  • (C) on little branches
  • (D) enveloped in leaf

24 >>In which of the following sporangia are not properly protected? ?
  • (A) Pines
  • (B) Psilotum
  • (C) Selaginella
  • (D) Lycopodium
25 >>Which of the following is not the character of seed plants? ?
  • (A) Heterospory
  • (B) Presence of pollen tube
  • (C) Dependency on water for fertilization
  • (D) Development of seed
26 >>Which of the following are the characteristics of the ovule? ?
  • (A) presence of integument
  • (B) retention of megaspore
  • (C) maturation into seed
  • (D) all of these
27 >>Which of the following helped the seed plants to adapt to a wide variety of environments? ?
  • (A) Heterospory
  • (B) Presence of roots
  • (C) No dependency on external water for fertilization
  • (D) Production of leaves
28 >>Sperms are transported to the egg in seed plants through? ?
  • (A) water
  • (B) pollen tube
  • (C) insects
  • (D) air
29 >>A plant in the division Tracheophyta has a Sporophyte with ?
  • (A) isogametes
  • (B) flagellated and motile eggs
  • (C) vessels that transport fluids
  • (D) no independent life
30 >>In Selaginella, of the two cells formed by the first division of zygote, only one develops into an embryo while the other grows into an elongated structure called. ?
  • (A) rhizophore
  • (B) radical
  • (C) suspensor
  • (D) prothallus
31 >>Which of the following belongs to Gymnosperm group: ?
  • (A) Cedrus
  • (B) Wheat
  • (C) Sugar cane
  • (D) Tobacco
32 >>The leaves produced by the Pinus plant are: ?
  • (A) One type
  • (B) Two types
  • (C) Three types
  • (D) Four types
33 >>Pinus produces: ?
  • (A) Cones
  • (B) Fruits
  • (C) Flowers
  • (D) None of these
34 >>The numb of microsporangia in each sporophyll of male cone of Pinus is: ?
  • (A) One
  • (B) Two
  • (C) Three
  • (D) Four
35 >>Megaspore divides by mitosis and forms: ?
  • (A) Male gametophyte
  • (B) Male Sporophyte
  • (C) Female gametophyte
  • (D) Female Sporophyte

36 >>The seed of Pinus germinates and forms new: ?
  • (A) Sporophyte
  • (B) Micro gametophyte
  • (C) Thallophyte
  • (D) Mega gametophyte
37 >>The endosperm in Angiosperm is: ?
  • (A) Monoploid
  • (B) Triploid
  • (C) Diploid
  • (D) Teraploid
38 >>The Endosperm in Gymnosperms is: ?
  • (A) Triploid
  • (B) Diploid
  • (C) Monoploid
  • (D) Tetraploid
39 >>Antheridia are produced by: ?
  • (A) Pine
  • (B) Pea
  • (C) Mustard
  • (D) None of these
40 >>They lack secondary growth: ?
  • (A) Gymnosperms
  • (B) Angiosperms
  • (C) Pteredophytes
  • (D) Both A & B

41 >>Which of the following produce flowers? ?
  • (A) Bryophytes
  • (B) Pterdophytes
  • (C) Gymnosperms
  • (D) Angiosperms
42 >>When calyx and corolla are not distinguishable, they are collectively called: ?
  • (A) Panicle
  • (B) Pedicel
  • (C) Protoplast
  • (D) Perianth
43 >>It is a racemose inflorescence in which the main axis is elongated and the flowers are sessile: ?
  • (A) Corymb
  • (B) Umbel
  • (C) Capitulum
  • (D) Spike
44 >>In Cassia fistula the inflorescence is: ?
  • (A) Typical raceme
  • (B) Typical cyme
  • (C) Umbel
  • (D) Catkin
45 >>A branched raceme is called: ?
  • (A) Panicle
  • (B) Capitulum
  • (C) Umbel
  • (D) Corymb
46 >>In which of the following, flowers are sessile and crowded together on a short axis? ?
  • (A) Umbel
  • (B) Corymb
  • (C) Panicle
  • (D) Capitulum
47 >>Iberis (Candytuft) is an example of: ?
  • (A) Spike
  • (B) Catkin
  • (C) Corymb
  • (D) Cyme
48 >>In Euphorbia, the inflorescence is: ?
  • (A) Uniparous
  • (B) Biparous
  • (C) Multiparous
  • (D) None of these
49 >>In wind pollinated flowers the petals are: ?
  • (A) Large
  • (B) Coloured
  • (C) Scented
  • (D) Small and dry
50 >>Triticum aestivum belongs to the family: ?
  • (A) Solanaceae
  • (B) Poaceae (Graminae)
  • (C) Brassicaceae
  • (D) Leguminosae
51 >>Female gametophyte of an angiosperm consists of: ?
  • (A) 3 cells
  • (B) 5 cells
  • (C) 7 cells
  • (D) 9 cells
52 >>The male gametophyte of an angiosperm consists of: ?
  • (A) one cell
  • (B) 2 cells
  • (C) 3 cells
  • (D) 4 cells
53 >>Endosperm mother cell is: ?
  • (A) Monoploid
  • (B) Diploid
  • (C) Triploid
  • (D) Tetraploid
54 >>Their cotyledons absorb the endosperm tissue and are greatly enlarged: ?
  • (A) Castor oil
  • (B) Rice
  • (C) Corn
  • (D) Bean
55 >>The protective covering (integument) of the ovule is transformed into: ?
  • (A) Embryo
  • (B) Cotyledon
  • (C) Hypocotyl
  • (D) Seed coat (testa)
56 >>Which of the following produces winged fruits ? ?
  • (A) Guavas
  • (B) Cocklebur
  • (C) Dodonaea
  • (D) Coconut
57 >>It is an underground stem that is short, thickened, and fleshy containing food material: ?
  • (A) Rhizome
  • (B) Tuber
  • (C) Corm
  • (D) Bulb
58 >>Which of the following type of stem is found in iris: ?
  • (A) Rhizome
  • (B) Tuber
  • (C) Corm
  • (D) Bulb
59 >>Potato is an example of ?
  • (A) Rhizome
  • (B) Tuber
  • (C) Corm
  • (D) Bulb
60 >>Organisms in this kingdom are made of prokaryotic cells: ?
  • (A) Protista
  • (B) Plantae
  • (C) Fungi
  • (D) Monera

Biology objective questions (Plant Physiology) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions
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