Biology objective questions (Advanced Level) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

Biology objective questions (Advanced Level) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

1 >>The process of elimination of profitable birds from a flock is called ?
  • (A) brooding
  • (B) dubbing
  • (C) culling
  • (D) deworming
2 >>In India which of the following species of honey bee is reared in artificial hives ? ?
  • (A) Apis indica
  • (B) Apis dorsata
  • (C) Apis florae
  • (D) none of these
3 >>Which of the following statements about bee colony is wrong ? ?
  • (A) Domesticated species are A. indica and A. mellifera
  • (B) Sex differentiation is due to haplodiploidy
  • (C) They are female dominant societies
  • (D) Fertilized eggs develop into sterile females only
4 >>Coccidiosis in poultry is caused by ?
  • (A) protozoan parasite, Eimeria
  • (B) helminth parasites
  • (C) virus
  • (D) fungi
5 >>Which one of the following acids was produced by fermentation ? ?
  • (A) Citric acid
  • (B) Lactic acid
  • (C) Acetic acid
  • (D) All above
6 >>Vitamin B12 is produced directly during the course of fermentation by ?
  • (A) Ashbya Gossypi
  • (B) Rhizopus stolonifer
  • (C) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • (D) Propionibacteria

7 >>Antibiotics inhibit the growth or destroy ?
  • (A) bacteria and fungi
  • (B) viruses
  • (C) bacteria and viruses
  • (D) all of the above
8 >>Biopesticides are ?
  • (A) the chemicals which are used to destroy the pests
  • (B) the living organisms or their products which are used for the pest control
  • (C) the organisms which destroy the crops
  • (D) none of these
9 >>Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) are important in ?
  • (A) nitrate uptake
  • (B) phosphate uptake
  • (C) both above
  • (D) sulphate uptake
10 >>Blue green algae are mainly used as biofertilizers in the field of which crop ? ?
  • (A) Wheat
  • (B) Gram
  • (C) Paddy
  • (D) Maize
11 >>Most commonly used green manure plants are ?
  • (A) berseem, cotton and sunn hemp
  • (B) lentil, sunn hemp and berseem
  • (C) sunflower, cotton and sugarcane
  • (D) cowpea, cluster bean and teak leaves
12 >>Advantage of energy plantations is ?
  • (A) running nuclear plants
  • (B) to reduce pressure on fossil fuels
  • (C) to decrease soil erosion and pollution
  • (D) both b and c

13 >>The herbicide mixture rich in 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T with TCDD being carcinogenic and teratogenic used by Americans in Vietnam war in 1961-71 was ?
  • (A) agent organge
  • (B) triazines
  • (C) organophosphates
  • (D) pyrethroids
14 >>Fruitflies have been controlled by ?
  • (A) sterilization
  • (B) pheromonal compounds as synthetic methyl eugenol
  • (C) cultural control
  • (D) all above
15 >>Restriction enzyme was discovered by ?
  • (A) Waksman
  • (B) Alexander Flamming
  • (C) Berg
  • (D) A.Werner, H.Smith and Nathans
16 >>Cider is prepared by ?
  • (A) action of Lactobacillus on milk
  • (B) action of Saccharomyces on apple juice
  • (C) action of saccharomyces on cane sugar
  • (D) action of Bacillus on ramie
17 >>Which of the following is non-symbolic biofertilizers ? ?
  • (A) VAM
  • (B) Azotobacter
  • (C) Anabaena
  • (D) Rhizobium
18 >>Azadirachtin is obtained from ?
  • (A) neem
  • (B) Cinchona
  • (C) Cannabis sativa
  • (D) Chrysanthemum
19 >>One of the following plants have contributed to coal formation ?
  • (A) angiosperms
  • (B) pterdophytes and gymnosperms
  • (C) bacteria
  • (D) archaeobacteria
20 >>One important achievement of genetic engineering has been the production of ?
  • (A) interferon
  • (B) human insulin
  • (C) cephalosporin
  • (D) vinoblastine
21 >>Recombinant DNA research uses mostly prokaryotic bacteria and eukaryotic ���.. as recipient cells because of their fast reproduction in laboratory conditions ?
  • (A) E-coli
  • (B) Drosophila
  • (C) yeasts
  • (D) fungal hyphae
22 >>Polylinker DNA is one which ?
  • (A) do not code for any protein
  • (B) has restriction sites for several enzymes
  • (C) is used for DNA transfer
  • (D) is seen in single stranded DNA only
23 >>Rec A protein moves in ?
  • (A) 3′ - 5′ direction
  • (B) bidirectional
  • (C) 5′ - 3′ direction in DNA
  • (D) 3′ - 5′ direction in RNA
24 >>Who discovered PCR (polymerase chain reaction) ? ?
  • (A) Wilmut
  • (B) A. Jeffreys
  • (C) Eithoven
  • (D) Kary Mullis
25 >>If it is now possible to breed plants and animals with desired character through ?
  • (A) genetic engineering
  • (B) chromosome engineering
  • (C) ikebana technique
  • (D) tissue culture
26 >>The region of gene which do not form part of protein synthesis are called ?
  • (A) exons
  • (B) introns
  • (C) transposons
  • (D) cistrons

27 >>Production of hybridoma is a example of ?
  • (A) transgensis
  • (B) cell cloning
  • (C) gene cloning
  • (D) none of these
28 >>The plasmid with largest base pairs are ?
  • (A) ? Phage
  • (B) bacteriophage
  • (C) P elements
  • (D) YAC
29 >>Plasmids are the suitable vectors for genetic cloning as ?
  • (A) they are indispensable
  • (B) they are self replicating units
  • (C) they are essential for bacterial reproduction
  • (D) none above
30 >>Which of the following is used in genetic engineering ? ?
  • (A) Restriction endonuclease
  • (B) Mycobacterium
  • (C) Entamoeba
  • (D) Pepsin
31 >>The bacteria commonly used in plant genetic engineering is ?
  • (A) Escherichia coli
  • (B) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
  • (C) both above
  • (D) none above
32 >>Which is the most common plasmid used for most of genetically engineered products ? ?
  • (A) pBR322
  • (B) R plasmid types
  • (C) CaMV19S
  • (D) both a and b
33 >>The method of producing proteins for food or feed through microbial biomass is called ?
  • (A) PCR
  • (B) SCP
  • (C) nanotechnology
  • (D) none of theses

34 >>The transgenic animals have been created to model human diseases. One of such example is ?
  • (A) humanized (humanoid) mice for AIDS research having human CD4 gene
  • (B) Ducomouse
  • (C) models for immune function to cure diabetes of auto immune diseases
  • (D) all above
35 >>The foods made from genetically modified crops required to pass human testing because ?
  • (A) they may cause allergies
  • (B) they may alter genes
  • (C) they may casue mutations and release toxins
  • (D) all above
36 >>Vaccine is ?
  • (A) collection of antibiotics
  • (B) collection of life saving drugs
  • (C) collection of killed disease causing bacteria and viruses
  • (D) collection lysins
37 >>The largest ecosystem in the world is contributed by ?
  • (A) forests
  • (B) rivers
  • (C) oceans
  • (D) grasslands
38 >>An aquatic ecosystem consists of ?
  • (A) biotic factors
  • (B) biotic and abiotic fators
  • (C) consumers only
  • (D) producers only
39 >>Geotropism is an example of plant adaptation. ?
  • (A) long term
  • (B) short term
  • (C) heat adaptation amongst
  • (D) changes of light in
40 >>No two different species can occupy the same niche. This principle was given by ?
  • (A) Elton
  • (B) Lindeman
  • (C) Shelford
  • (D) Gause
41 >>The soil near the surface is usually darker than about one meter down, this is because the top soil ?
  • (A) is richer in Ca and Mg
  • (B) contains more organic matter
  • (C) is wetter than the sub soil
  • (D) is drier than the sub soil
42 >>Severe winters with few months of summer are found in ?
  • (A) Tundra
  • (B) Arctic
  • (C) Taiga
  • (D) Antartic
43 >>Bottom dwellers where no light occurs is found in ?
  • (A) benthic zone
  • (B) abyssal zone
  • (C) pelagic zone
  • (D) lotic zone
44 >>Pick up the correct statement ?
  • (A) Home range of members of a species has larger area than that of territory
  • (B) Many insects mainly honey bees communicate among themselves by secreting pheromones
  • (C) The last succession in series of biotic succession is called a sere
  • (D) Number of individuals of particular species present in a unit area at a given time is known as population size
45 >>The degree of gene flow that takes placed depends on ?
  • (A) the size of the gaps that separate the population
  • (B) the distance over which mating usually takes place
  • (C) both above
  • (D) none above
46 >>The isolated populations where genetic drift is more pronounced are ?
  • (A) large populations
  • (B) only plant populations
  • (C) only viral populations
  • (D) small populations
47 >>Large gap between natality and mortality will result in ?
  • (A) less old persons in relation to children
  • (B) more old persons
  • (C) low dependency ration
  • (D) prosperous Country
48 >>The age distribution of a population is determined by the ?
  • (A) timing of births and deaths
  • (B) the rate at which population is growing
  • (C) both above
  • (D) none above
49 >>Density-dependent population regulation results when ?
  • (A) only birth rate changes in response to density
  • (B) only death rate changes in response to density
  • (C) both above change
  • (D) population density fluctuates very little
50 >>One of the following developing country shows highest death rate due to natural calamities ?
  • (A) India
  • (B) Bangladesh
  • (C) Pakistan
  • (D) Nepal
51 >>If the strong partner is benefited and the weak partner is damaged, the relationship is known as ?
  • (A) ammensalism
  • (B) symbiosis
  • (C) commensalism
  • (D) allotrphy
52 >>A population has more than 50% in postreproductive age group ; according to you such population is ?
  • (A) stable
  • (B) declining
  • (C) inreasing
  • (D) showing biotic potential
53 >>Elephants, man and mountain sheep ?
  • (A) show more biotic potential
  • (B) are called r-strategists
  • (C) are called K-strategists
  • (D) all above
54 >>Hydoxylamine toxins are released by ?
  • (A) all parasites
  • (B) members of actinomycetes
  • (C) blue green algae
  • (D) all above
55 >>Genetic drift operates in only __ Populations ?
  • (A) island
  • (B) smaller
  • (C) larger
  • (D) Mendelian
56 >>A new species can be developed by ?
  • (A) mutation and isolation
  • (B) isolation and competition
  • (C) mutation and competition
  • (D) variation and competition
57 >>The major sub-divisions of biosphere are ?
  • (A) soil, water and hydrosphere
  • (B) soil, atmosphere and lithosphere
  • (C) atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere
  • (D) atmosphere, lithosphere and air
58 >>The lowest temperature recorded for any land mass in the world is ?
  • (A) -70 C(Deg)
  • (B) -90 C(Deg)
  • (C) -40 C(Deg)
  • (D) -100 C(Deg)
59 >>The type of food chain in which organic matter decomposed is converted into energy rich compounds is called ?
  • (A) detritus and chain
  • (B) grazing food chain
  • (C) cybernatics
  • (D) none above
60 >>The last organisms of the food chain are generally ?
  • (A) photosynthetic plants
  • (B) herbivores
  • (C) carnivores
  • (D) none of the above

Biology objective questions (Advanced Level) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

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