03 Botany Quiz | Botany GK MCQ


1 >>Q41. Gametophytes are ?
  • (A) A. Haploid structures
  • (B) B. Hamete producers
  • (C) C. Prathalli
  • (D) D. All the above
2 >>Q42. Presence of a cambium indicates ?
  • (A) A. open vascular bundle
  • (B) B. closed bundle
  • (C) C. incomplete vascular bundle
  • (D) D. broken vascular bundle
3 >>Q43. The phyllotaxy of Gnetum is ?
  • (A) A. opposite
  • (B) B. ternate
  • (C) C. alternate
  • (D) D. decussate
4 >>Q44. National Botanical Research Institute is situated at ?
  • (A) A. Delhi
  • (B) B. Kolkata
  • (C) C. Coimbatore
  • (D) D. Lucknow

5 >>Q45. The sperm in cycas is ?
  • (A) A. biciliote and spirally coiled
  • (B) B. biciliate and pyriform
  • (C) C. top - shaped and multiciliate
  • (D) D. top - shaped without cilia
6 >>Q46. Circincite venation of leaves is a typical character of ?
  • (A) A. gymnosperms
  • (B) B. ferns
  • (C) C. pteridophytes in general
  • (D) D. orchids
7 >>Q47. All fungi are always ?
  • (A) A. parasites
  • (B) B. autotrophs
  • (C) C. heterotrophs
  • (D) D. saprophytes
8 >>Q48. Why blue-green algae are called cyano bacteria? ?
  • (A) A. because they are prokaryotic
  • (B) B. because they live in waterly mediun
  • (C) C. because they have blue colour
  • (D) D. because they are unicellular organisms
9 >>Q49. The gymnosperms resemble angiosperms in having ?
  • (A) A. ciliated sperms
  • (B) B. presence of archegonia
  • (C) C. presence of ovule
  • (D) D. presence of monoxylic wood
10 >>Q50. The disease caused by the fungus colletotrichum falcatum is known as ?
  • (A) A. downy mildew
  • (B) B. leaf curl
  • (C) C. red rot
  • (D) D. blight disease

11 >>Q51. Dendrochronology is the study of ?
  • (A) A. height of a tree
  • (B) B. diameter of a tree
  • (C) C. age of a tree with the help of annual rings
  • (D) D. countin the number of branches
12 >>Q52. Clove is obtained from which of the plants parts given below? ?
  • (A) A. stem
  • (B) B. flower buds
  • (C) C. leaves
  • (D) D. roof
13 >>Q53. In Botany, the Latin names are used because ?
  • (A) A. Latin is a simple language
  • (B) B. In whole world there would be only one name for one plant
  • (C) C. it is easy to write
  • (D) D. most of the names in other languages are not correct
14 >>Q54. Which of the algae given below grows sewage ponds? ?
  • (A) A. chlorella
  • (B) B. volvox
  • (C) C. gelidium
  • (D) D. ulua
15 >>Q55. Which of the plant groups mentioned below are popularly known as amphibious of plant kingdom? ?
  • (A) A. bacteria
  • (B) B. fungi
  • (C) C. algae
  • (D) D. bryophytes
16 >>Q56. DNA double helical structure was described for the first time by ?
  • (A) A. Beadle and Tautum
  • (B) B. Mclntosch
  • (C) C. Hargobind Khorana
  • (D) D. Watson and Crick
17 >>Q57. Catalytically active enzyme is called ?
  • (A) A. Holoenzyme
  • (B) B. Coenzyme
  • (C) C. Apoenzyme
  • (D) D. Ribozyme
18 >>Q58. Water droplets at the tip of the leaf are due to ?
  • (A) A. Cuticular transpiration
  • (B) B. Lenticular transpiration
  • (C) C. Stomatal transpiration
  • (D) D. Guttation
19 >>Q59. The pulp of the pear fruil is hard, because of the presence of ?
  • (A) A. sclereids
  • (B) B. vessels
  • (C) C. tracheids
  • (D) D. fibres

20 >>Q60. The age of a tree can be determined by ?
  • (A) A. measuring the height
  • (B) B. masuring its girth
  • (C) C. counting the annual growth rings
  • (D) D. measuring its diameter
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