04 Botany Quiz | Botany GK MCQ


1 >>Q1. The name Traveller's palm refers to ?
  • (A) A. Cocos nucifera
  • (B) B. Musa sapientum
  • (C) C. Revenala madagas cariensis
  • (D) D. Heliconia
2 >>Q2. Phyllode is seen in the plant ?
  • (A) A. Acacia melanoxylon
  • (B) B. Acacia orabica
  • (C) C. Acocia concinna
  • (D) D. Acacia sundra
3 >>Q3. Polyploids can be artificially induced by ?
  • (A) A. colchicine
  • (B) B. cross - pollination
  • (C) C. self - pollination
  • (D) D. vegetative propagation
4 >>Q4. Parthenacarpy can be induced by ?
  • (A) A.ABA
  • (B) B.IAA
  • (C) C.GA
  • (D) D.C₂H₄

5 >>Q5. Raphanobrassica was discovered by ?
  • (A) A.Karpachanko
  • (B) B. Lysanko
  • (C) C. Mendel
  • (D) D. Brown
6 >>Q6. When FADH₂ is oxidised, the following number of ATP is produced ?
  • (A) A.3
  • (B) B.2
  • (C) C.1
  • (D) D.6
7 >>Q7. Half leaf experiment proves the essentiality of ?
  • (A) A.O₂
  • (B) B.CO₂
  • (C) C.H₂O
  • (D) D.HCO₂
8 >>Q8. The universal CO₂ acceptor molecule is called ?
  • (A) A. RuBP
  • (B) B. PEP
  • (C) C. OAA
  • (D) D. Acetyl CoA
9 >>Q9. In anoxygenic photosynthesis, which of the following takes part as electron donors? ?
  • (A) A.H₂O
  • (B) B.CO₂
  • (C) C.H₃O
  • (D) D.H₂S
10 >>Q10. Velamen root is found in ?
  • (A) A. Spathoglotts
  • (B) B. Vanda
  • (C) C. Cuscuta
  • (D) D. Pothos

11 >>Q11.Rosewood is obtained from ?
  • (A) A. Dalbergia latifolia
  • (B) B. Thespesia populnea
  • (C) C. Mangifera indica
  • (D) D. Delonix regia
12 >>Q12. Pencillin was invented by ?
  • (A) A. J. Salk
  • (B) B. Hooke
  • (C) C. Alexander Fleming
  • (D) D. E.Jenner
13 >>Q13. Spirulina which is a source of SCP is a ?
  • (A) A. Blue green algae
  • (B) B. Red algae
  • (C) C. Fungus
  • (D) D. Bacterium
14 >>Q14. Chlorophyll is formed in the presence of ?
  • (A) A. Copper
  • (B) B. Zinc
  • (C) C. Aluminium
  • (D) D. Magnesium
15 >>Q15. Hormone involved in phototropism is ?
  • (A) A. Auxin
  • (B) B. Gibbrellin
  • (C) C. Kinetin
  • (D) D. Vitamin
16 >>Q16. Who is the father of Genetics ? ?
  • (A) A. Gregor Mendel
  • (B) B. Hugo devries
  • (C) C. Robert Hooke
  • (D) D. Linnoeus
17 >>Q17. The main function of RNA is ?
  • (A) A. carbohydrate synthesis
  • (B) B. lipid synthesis
  • (C) C. protein synthesis
  • (D) D. no specific function
18 >>Q18. An example of a Hesperidium is ?
  • (A) A. Banana
  • (B) B. Guava
  • (C) C. Citrus
  • (D) D. Grape
19 >>Q19. Which of these is an antibiotic? ?
  • (A) A. Pencillin
  • (B) B. Terramycin
  • (C) C. Aureomycin
  • (D) D. All of these

20 >>Q20. The flow of genetic information from nucleic add to protein is called ?
  • (A) A. processing of RNA
  • (B) B. transcription
  • (C) C. translation
  • (D) D. central dogma
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