07 NCLEX PN Practical Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 07

NCLEX PN Practical Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 07

1 >>Which of the following snacks would be suitable for the child with gluten-induced enteropathy? ?
  • (A) Soft oatmeal cookie
  • (B) Buttered popcorn
  • (C) Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • (D) Cheese pizza
2 >>A client with schizophrenia is receiving chlorpromazine (Thorazine) 400mg twice a day. An adverse side effect of the medication is: ?
  • (A) Photosensitivity
  • (B) Elevated temperature
  • (C) Weight gain
  • (D) Elevated blood pressure
3 >>Which information should be given to the client taking phenytoin (Dilantin)? ?
  • (A) Taking the medication with meals will increase its effectiveness.
  • (B) The medication can cause sleep disturbances.
  • (C) More frequent dental appointments will be needed for special gum care.
  • (D) The medication decreases the effects of oral contraceptives.
4 >>A client has returned to his room following an esophagoscopy. Before offering fluids, the nurse should give priority to assessing the client's: ?
  • (A) Level of consciousness
  • (B) Gag reflex
  • (C) Urinary output
  • (D) Movement of extremities

5 >>Which instruction should be included in the discharge teaching for the client with cataract surgery? ?
  • (A) Over-the-counter eyedrops can be used to treat redness and irritation.
  • (B) The eye shield should be worn at night.
  • (C) It will be necessary to wear special cataract glasses.
  • (D) A prescription for medication to control post-operative
6 >>An 8-year-old is admitted with drooling, muffled phonation, and a temperature of 102�F. The nurse should immediately notify the doctor because the child's symptoms are suggestive of: ?
  • (A) Strep throat
  • (B) Epiglottitis
  • (C) Laryngotracheobronchitis
  • (D) Bronchiolitis
7 >>Phototherapy is ordered for a newborn with physiologic jaundice. The nurse caring for the infant should: ?
  • (A) Offer the baby sterile water between feedings of formula
  • (B) Apply an emollient to the baby's skin to prevent drying
  • (C) Wear a gown, gloves, and a mask while caring for the infant
  • (D) Place the baby on enteric isolation
8 >>A teen hospitalized with anorexia nervosa is now permitted to leave her room and eat in the dining room. Which of the following nursing interventions should be included in the client's plan of care? ?
  • (A) Weighing the client after she eats
  • (B) Having a staff member remain with her for 1 hour after she eats
  • (C) Placing high-protein foods in the center of the client's plate
  • (D) Providing the client with child-size utensils
9 >>According to Erickson's stage of growth and development, the developmental task associated with middle childhood is: ?
  • (A) Trust
  • (B) Initiative
  • (C) Independence
  • (D) Industry
10 >>The nurse should observe for side effects associated with the use of bronchodilators. A common side effect of bronchodilators is: ?
  • (A) Tinnitus
  • (B) Nausea
  • (C) Ataxia
  • (D) Hypotension
11 >>The 5-minute Apgar of a baby delivered by C-section is recorded as 9. The most likely reason for this score is: ?
  • (A) The mottled appearance of the trunk
  • (B) The presence of conjunctival hemorrhages
  • (C) Cyanosis of the hands and feet
  • (D) Respiratory rate of 20-28 per minute
12 >>A 5-month-old infant is admitted to the ER with a temperature of 103.6�F and irritability. The mother states that the child has been listless for the past several hours and that he had a seizure on the way to the hospital. A lumbar puncture confirms a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. The nurse should assess the infant for: ?
  • (A) Periorbital edema
  • (B) Tenseness of the anterior fontanel
  • (C) Positive Babinski reflex
  • (D) Negative scarf sign
13 >>A client with a bowel resection and anastamosis returns to his room with an NG tube attached to intermittent suction. Which of the following observations indicates that the nasogastric suction is working properly? ?
  • (A) The client's abdomen is soft.
  • (B) The client is able to swallow.
  • (C) The client has active bowel sounds.
  • (D) The client's abdominal dressing is dry and intact.
14 >>The nurse is teaching the client with insulin-dependent diabetes the signs of hypoglycemia. Which of the following signs is associated with hypoglycemia? ?
  • (A) Tremulousness
  • (B) Slow pulse
  • (C) Nausea
  • (D) Flushed skin

15 >>Which of the following symptoms is associated with exacerbation of multiple sclerosis? ?
  • (A) Anorexia
  • (B) Seizures
  • (C) Diplopia
  • (D) Insomnia
16 >>Which of the following conditions is most likely related to the development of renal calculi? ?
  • (A) Gout
  • (B) Pancreatitis
  • (C) Fractured femur
  • (D) Disc disease
17 >>A client with AIDS is admitted for treatment of wasting syndrome.Which of the following dietary modifications can be used to compensate for the limited absorptive capability of the intestinal tract? ?
  • (A) Thoroughly cooking all foods
  • (B) Offering yogurt and buttermilk between meals
  • (C) Forcing fluids
  • (D) Providing small, frequent meals
18 >>The treatment protocol for a client with acute lymphocytic leukemia includes prednisone, methotrexate, and cimetadine. The purpose of the cimetadine is to: ?
  • (A) Decrease the secretion of pancreatic enzymes
  • (B) Enhance the effectiveness of methotrexate
  • (C) Promote peristalsis
  • (D) Prevent a common side effect of prednisone
19 >>Which of the following meal choices is suitable for a 6-month-old infant? ?
  • (A) Egg white, formula, and orange juice
  • (B) Apple juice, carrots, whole milk
  • (C) Rice cereal, apple juice, formula
  • (D) Melba toast, egg yolk, whole milk
20 >>The LPN is preparing to administer an injection of vitamin K to the newborn. The nurse should administer the injection in the: ?
  • (A) Rectus femoris muscle
  • (B) Vastus lateralis muscle
  • (C) Deltoid muscle
  • (D) Dorsogluteal muscle

07 NCLEX PN Practical Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 07

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