01 NCLEX PN Practical Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 01

NCLEX PN Practical Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 01

1 >>When assessing a laboring client, the nurse finds a prolapsed cord. The nurse should: ?
  • (A) Attempt to replace the cord
  • (B) Place the client on her left side
  • (C) Elevate the client's hips
  • (D) Cover the cord with a dry, sterile gauze
2 >>The nurse is caring for a 30-year-old male admitted with a stab wound. While in the emergency room, a chest tube is inserted.Which of the following explains the primary rationale for insertion of chest tubes? ?
  • (A) The tube will allow for equalization of the lung expansion.
  • (B) Chest tubes serve as a method of draining blood and serous fluid, and assist in reinflating the lungs.
  • (C) Chest tubes relieve pain associated with a collapsed lung.
  • (D) Chest tubes assist with cardiac function by stabilizing lung expansion.
3 >>A client who delivered this morning tells the nurse that she plans to breastfeed her baby. The nurse is aware that successful breastfeeding is most dependent on the: ?
  • (A) Mother's educational level
  • (B) Infant's birth weight
  • (C) Size of the mother's breast
  • (D) Mother's desire to breastfeed
4 >>The nurse is monitoring the progress of a client in labor. Which finding should be reported to the physician immediately? ?
  • (A) The presence of scant bloody discharge
  • (B) Frequent urination
  • (C) The presence of green-tinged amniotic fluid
  • (D) Moderate uterine contractions

5 >>The nurse is measuring the duration of the client's contractions. Which statement is true regarding the measurement of the duration of contractions? ?
  • (A) Duration is measured by timing from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction.
  • (B) Duration is measured by timing from the end of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction.
  • (C) Duration is measured by timing from the beginning of one contraction to the end of the same contraction.
  • (D) Duration is measured by timing from the peak of one contraction to the end of the same contraction.
6 >>The physician has ordered an intravenous infusion of Pitocin for the induction of labor. When caring for the obstetric client receiving intravenous Pitocin, the nurse should monitor for: ?
  • (A) Maternal hypoglycemia
  • (B) Fetal bradycardia
  • (C) Maternal hyperreflexia
  • (D) Fetal movement
7 >>A client with diabetes visits the prenatal clinic at 28 weeks gestation. Which statement is true regarding insulin needs during pregnancy? ?
  • (A) Insulin requirements moderate as the pregnancy progresses.
  • (B) A decreased need for insulin occurs during the second trimester.
  • (C) Elevations in human chorionic gonadotrophin decrease the need for insulin.
  • (D) Fetal development depends on adequate insulin regulation.
8 >>A client in the prenatal clinic is assessed to have a blood pressure of 180/96. The nurse should give priority to: ?
  • (A) Providing a calm environment
  • (B) Obtaining a diet history
  • (C) Administering an analgesic
  • (D) Assessing fetal heart tones
9 >>A primigravida, age 42, is 6 weeks pregnant. Based on the client's age, her infant is at risk for: ?
  • (A) Down syndrome
  • (B) Respiratory distress syndrome
  • (C) Turner's syndrome
  • (D) Pathological jaundice
10 >>A client with a missed abortion at 29 weeks gestation is admitted to the hospital. The client will most likely be treated with: ?
  • (A) Magnesium sulfate
  • (B) Calcium gluconate
  • (C) Dinoprostone (Prostin E.)
  • (D) Bromocrystine (Pardel)
11 >>A client with preeclampsia has been receiving an infusion containing magnesium sulfate. Blood pressure is 160/80, deep tendon reflexes are 1 plus, and urinary output for the past hour is 100mL. The nurse should: ?
  • (A) Continue the infusion of magnesium sulfate while monitoring the client's blood pressure
  • (B) Stop the infusion of magnesium sulfate and contact the physician
  • (C) Slow the infusion rate and turn the client on her left side
  • (D) Administer calcium gluconate and continue to monitor the blood pressure
12 >>Which statement describes the inheritance pattern of autosomal recessive disorders? ?
  • (A) An affected newborn has unaffected parents.
  • (B) An affected newborn has one affected parent.
  • (C) Affected parents have a one in four chance of passing on the defective gene.
  • (D) Affected parents have unaffected children who are carriers.
13 >>A pregnant client, age 32, asks the nurse why her doctor has recommended a serum alpha fetoprotein. The nurse should explain that the doctor has recommended the test: ?
  • (A) Because it is a state law
  • (B) To detect cardiovascular defects
  • (C) Because of her age
  • (D) To detect neurological defects
14 >>A client with hypothyroidism asks the nurse if she will still need to take thyroid medication during the pregnancy. The nurse's response is based on the knowledge that: ?
  • (A) There is no need to take thyroid medication because the fetus's thyroid produces thyroid-stimulating hormones.
  • (B) Regulation of thyroid medication is more difficult because the thyroid gland increases in size during pregnancy.
  • (C) It is more difficult to maintain thyroid regulation during pregnancy due to a slowing of metabolism.
  • (D) Fetal growth is arrested if thyroid medication is continued during pregnancy.
15 >>The nurse is responsible for performing a neonatal assessment on a full-term infant. At 1 minute, the nurse could expect to find: ?
  • (A) An apical pulse of 100
  • (B) Absence of tonus
  • (C) Cyanosis of the feet and hands
  • (D) Jaundice of the skin and sclera
16 >>A client with sickle cell anemia is admitted to the labor and delivery unit during the first phase of labor. The nurse should anticipate the client's need for: ?
  • (A) Supplemental oxygen
  • (B) Fluid restriction
  • (C) Blood transfusion
  • (D) Delivery by Caesarean section
17 >>A client with diabetes has an order for ultrasonography. Preparation for an ultrasound includes: ?
  • (A) Increasing fluid intake
  • (B) Limiting ambulation
  • (C) Administering an enema
  • (D) Withholding food for 8 hours

18 >>An infant who weighs 8 pounds at birth would be expected to weigh how many pounds at 1 year? ?
  • (A) 14 pounds
  • (B) 16 pounds
  • (C) 18 pounds
  • (D) 24 pounds
19 >>A pregnant client with a history of alcohol addiction is scheduled for a nonstress test. The nonstress test: ?
  • (A) Determines the lung maturity of the fetus
  • (B) Measures the activity of the fetus
  • (C) Shows the effect of contractions on the fetal heart rate
  • (D) Measures the neurological well-being of the fetus
20 >>A full-term male has hypospadias. Which statement describes hypospadias? ?
  • (A) The urethral opening is absent.
  • (B) The urethra opens on the dorsal side of the penis.
  • (C) The penis is shorter than usual.
  • (D) The urethra opens on the ventral side of the penis.

01 NCLEX PN Practical Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 01

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