02 NCLEX PN Practical Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 02

NCLEX PN Practical Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 02

1 >>A gravida III para II is admitted to the labor unit. Vaginal exam reveals that the client's cervix is 8cm dilated withcomplete effacement. The priority nursing diagnosis at this time is: ?
  • (A) Alteration in coping related to pain
  • (B) Potential for injury related to precipitate delivery
  • (C) Alteration in elimination related to anesthesia
  • (D) Potential for fluid volume deficit related to NPO status
2 >>The client with varicella will most likely have an order for which category of medication? ?
  • (A) Antibiotics
  • (B) Antipyretics
  • (C) Antivirals
  • (D) Anticoagulants
3 >>A client is admitted with complaints of chest pain. Which of the following drug orders should the nurse question? ?
  • (A) Nitroglycerin
  • (B) Ampicillin
  • (C) Propranolol
  • (D) Verapamil
4 >>Which of the following instructions should be included in the teaching for the client with rheumatoid arthritis? ?
  • (A) Avoid exercise because it fatigues the joints.
  • (B) Take prescribed anti-inflammatory medications with meals.
  • (C) Alternate hot and cold packs to affected joints.
  • (D) Avoid weight-bearing activity.

5 >>A client with acute pancreatitis is experiencing severe abdominal pain. Which of the following orders should the nurse question? ?
  • (A) Meperidine
  • (B) Mylanta
  • (C) Cimetadine
  • (D) Morphine
6 >>The client is admitted to the chemical dependence unit with an order for continuous observation. The nurse is aware that the doctor has ordered continuous observation because: ?
  • (A) Hallucinogenic drugs create both stimulant and depressant effects.
  • (B) Hallucinogenic drugs induce a state of altered perception.
  • (C) Hallucinogenic drugs produce severe respiratory depression.
  • (D) Hallucinogenic drugs induce rapid physical dependence.
7 >>A client with a history of abusing barbiturates abruptly stops drug use. The nurse should give priority to assessing the client for: ?
  • (A) Depression and suicidal ideation
  • (B) Tachycardia and diarrhea
  • (C) Muscle cramping and abdominal pain
  • (D) Tachycardia and euphoric mood
8 >>During the assessment of a laboring client, the nurse notes that the FHT are loudest in the upper-right quadrant. The infant is most likely in which position? ?
  • (A) Right breech presentation
  • (B) Right occipital anterior presentation
  • (C) Left sacral anterior presentation
  • (D) Left occipital transverse presentation
9 >>The primary physiological alteration in the development of asthma is: ?
  • (A) Bronchiolar inflammation and dyspnea
  • (B) Hypersecretion of abnormally viscous mucus
  • (C) Infectious processes causing mucosal edema
  • (D) Spasm of bronchiolar smooth muscle
10 >>A client with mania is unable to finish her dinner. To help her maintain sufficient nourishment, the nurse should: ?
  • (A) Serve high-calorie foods that she can carry with her
  • (B) Encourage her appetite by sending out for her favorite foods
  • (C) Serve her small, attractively arranged portions
  • (D) Allow her in the unit kitchen for extra food whenever she pleases
11 >>To maintain Bryant's traction, the nurse must make certain that the child's: ?
  • (A) Hips are resting on the bed with the legs suspended at a right angle to the bed
  • (B) Hips are slightly elevated above the bed and the legs suspended at a right angle to the bed
  • (C) Hips are elevated above the level of the body on a pillow and the legs suspended parallel to the bed
  • (D) Hips and legs are flat on the bed, with the traction positioned at the foot of the bed
12 >>Which action by the nurse indicates understanding of herpes zoster? ?
  • (A) The nurse covers the lesions with a sterile dressing.
  • (B) The nurse wears gloves when providing care.
  • (C) The nurse administers a prescribed antibiotic.
  • (D) The nurse administers oxygen.
13 >>The client has an order for a trough to be drawn on the client receiving Vancomycin. The nurse is aware that the nurse should contact the lab in order for them to collect the blood: ?
  • (A) 15 minutes after the infusion
  • (B) 30 minutes before the infusion
  • (C) 1 hour after the infusion
  • (D) 2 hours after the infusion
14 >>The client using a diaphragm should be instructed to: ?
  • (A) Refrain from keeping the diaphragm in longer than 4 hours
  • (B) Keep the diaphragm in a cool location
  • (C) Have the diaphragm resized if she gains 5 pounds
  • (D) Have the diaphragm resized if she has any surgery
15 >>The nurse is providing postpartum teaching for a mother planning to breastfeed her infant. Which of the client's statements indicates the need for additional teaching? ?
  • (A) "I'm wearing a support bra."
  • (B) "I'm expressing milk from my breast."
  • (C) "I'm drinking four glasses of fluid during a 24-hour period."
  • (D) "While I'm in the shower, I'll allow the water to run over my breasts."
16 >>Damage to the VII cranial nerve results in: ?
  • (A) Facial pain
  • (B) Absence of ability to smell
  • (C) Absence of eye movement
  • (D) Tinnitus
17 >>A client is receiving Pyridium (phenazopyridine hydrochloride) for a urinary tract infection. The client should be taught that the medication can: ?
  • (A) Cause diarrhea
  • (B) Change the color of her urine
  • (C) Cause mental confusion
  • (D) Cause changes in taste
18 >>Which of the following test should be performed before beginning a prescription of Accutane? ?
  • (A) Check the calcium level
  • (B) Perform a pregnancy test
  • (C) Monitor apical pulse
  • (D) Obtain a creatinine level

19 >>A client with AIDS is taking Zovirax (acyclovir). Which nursing intervention is most critical during the administration of acyclovir? ?
  • (A) Limiting the client's activity
  • (B) Encouraging a high-carbohydrate diet
  • (C) Utilizing an incentive spirometer to improve respiratory function
  • (D) Encouraging fluids
20 >>A client is admitted for an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). The nurse should question the client regarding: ?
  • (A) Hearing loss
  • (B) A titanium hip replacement
  • (C) Allergies to antibiotics
  • (D) Inability to move his feet

02 NCLEX PN Practical Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 02

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