NCLEX RN Registered Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 07

NCLEX RN Registered Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 07

1 >>An 87-year-old man, who has been living independently, is entering a nursing home. To help him adjust, the most effective action is to: ?
  • (A) Involve him in as many activities as possible so he can meet other residents.
  • (B) Move him as quickly as possible so that he does not have time to think.
  • (C) Restrict family visits for the first 2 weeks to give him time to adjust.
  • (D) Suggest that he bring his favorite things from home to make his room seem familiar.
2 >>When preparing to perform discharge teaching with an older adult client, which nursing actions will facilitate learning? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Involving family members in the teaching sessions.
  • (B) Keeping the pace slow, presenting a small amount of material at a time.
  • (C) Using repetition as well as providing reinforcement, such as written material.
  • (D) Providing ample opportunity for repeated practice sessions.
3 >>In preparing a health education presentation for older adults, a nurse should keep in mind that: ?
  • (A) Older adults generally prefer group teaching.
  • (B) Older adult learners need more than a single teaching session.
  • (C) Presentations should use more written materials than lectures.
  • (D) Videotapes and pamphlets ensure teaching effectiveness.
4 >>Which statement by the family caregiver of an older woman with incontinence requires teaching by a nurse? ?
  • (A) "It is too bad incontinence occurs with aging."
  • (B) "Incontinence has been so embarrassing for my mother."
  • (C) "Mother says her incontinence is related to the number of children she had."
  • (D) "I am relieved to know Mother's incontinence may be reversible."
5 >>A 63-year-old client is returning home after being hospitalized for injuries received during a home invasion and robbery. Although neighborhood robberies are rampant, the client has lived in the same house for 50 years and does not want to move. The client receives a monthly social security check in the mail. The most appropriate action by a home health nurse would be to: Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Advise the client to arrange for someone to visit regularly or move into the home.
  • (B) Advise the client to have the social security check deposited directly to the bank.
  • (C) Suggest the client get a dog.
  • (D) Advise the client to get a locking mail box to prevent mail theft.

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6 >>A nurse in a senior adult day care program observes that the participants have long toenails, corns, calluses, and other problems indicating a need for foot care. What is a nurse's correct action? ?
  • (A) Schedule podiatry services at the site after a class on foot care.
  • (B) Establish a regular foot care plan whereby the participants' toenails would be cut and corns and calluses removed.
  • (C) Instruct family members in the proper methods of cutting toenails and using commercial foot care products.
  • (D) Recommend that the participants soak their feet for 10 minutes before cutting their toenails, using safe toenail clippers.
7 >>The incidence of tuberculosis in the older adult is significantly increased among individuals who: ?
  • (A) Are physically inactive.
  • (B) Are cigarette smokers.
  • (C) Have received the bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine.
  • (D) Reside in institutions.
8 >>The daughter of a client with Alzheimer's disease becomes frustrated when talking to her father. What should a nurse suggest to improve communication? ?
  • (A) Answer his questions simply even if the question is asked repeatedly.
  • (B) Finish his sentences before he becomes agitated.
  • (C) Focus the conversation on future events.
  • (D) Play word games to stimulate his mind and slow progression of the disease.
9 >>Which suggestion would be most accurate for a nurse to make to the family of a client who has Alzheimer's disease? ?
  • (A) Be sure to correct the client if the client is experiencing delusions.
  • (B) Avoid getting upset in front of the client.
  • (C) Repeat requests to the client in order to increase compliance.
  • (D) Activities should be done quickly to reduce client anxiety.
10 >>A family member asks a nurse about possible treatments for Stage III Alzheimer's disease (AD). Which statement by the nurse is correct? ?
  • (A) High doses of vitamin E may slow disease progression.
  • (B) The benefits of NSAIDs have been proven.
  • (C) The risks of herbals, such as ginkgo biloba, are greater than any benefit.
  • (D) Recent research has shown hormone replacement improves cognition.

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11 >>Which assessment findings are consistent with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD)? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Remote and recent memory impairment.
  • (B) No memory impairment but the client is unable to recognize familiar persons.
  • (C) Cognitive decline has been rapid.
  • (D) B12 deficiency or thyroid disease is often present.
12 >>A 76-year-old client with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and a known allergy to seafood is scheduled for a cardiac catheterization. Which orders should a nurse recognize as appropriate for this client? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Administration of methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol).
  • (B) Draw blood for a liver panel.
  • (C) Draw blood for a renal panel.
  • (D) Start NS IV at 125 mL/hr.
13 >>A home health nurse is visiting an older client. The client asks the nurse about splitting the simvastatin tablet that has been ordered. Which response should client teaching include? ?
  • (A) All medications can be split safely.
  • (B) Let the pharmacy split an extended-release tablet.
  • (C) Wash and dry the tablet-splitting device after each use.
  • (D) If the drug is enteric-coated, splitting changes the therapeutic response.
14 >>A home health nurse is making a follow-up visit to an older adult following discharge from a hospital. Which action by the nurse is most important regarding medication administration in the home setting? ?
  • (A) Give the ordered medication during the visit.
  • (B) Provide comprehensive teaching.
  • (C) Count the number of pills remaining.
  • (D) Prepare a list of medications for client.
15 >>A nursing priority when administering a blood transfusion is to: ?
  • (A) Check the fibrinogen level before infusing.
  • (B) Infuse blood slowly the first 20 minutes.
  • (C) Warm the blood prior to administration.
  • (D) Infuse the blood over 1 to 2 hours.
16 >>Blood sugar management for a client who has type 2 diabetes with nausea and decreased appetite should include: ?
  • (A) Continuing insulin even if the client is vomiting.
  • (B) Continuing insulin if blood sugar is less than 80 mg/dL.
  • (C) Stopping insulin until the client is able to tolerate food.
  • (D) Non of the above
17 >>Which finding indicates that epoetin alfa (Epogen) has been effective? ?
  • (A) Negative Homans' sign, aPTT of 35 to 55.
  • (B) Guaiac-negative gastric secretions and stool.
  • (C) Hematocrit of 33%.
  • (D) Creatinine of 1.4.
18 >>A nurse should locate and remove a client's clonidine patch if: ?
  • (A) The client complains of numbness and tingling down the arm that is nearest to the patch.
  • (B) The blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg.
  • (C) The client tells the nurse about being allergic to sulfa products.
  • (D) The potassium level is 3.0 mg/dL.

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19 >>Managing a sodium level of 120 in a client with diabetic ketoacidosis is correctly accomplished with: ?
  • (A) Oral salt tablets.
  • (B) Intravenous 3% sodium chloride solution.
  • (C) Fluid restriction.
  • (D) Insulin and 0.9% sodium chloride.
20 >>The correct time for a nurse to administer pancrelipase (Pancrease) is: ?
  • (A) One hour after meals.
  • (B) With meals.
  • (C) At bedtime.
  • (D) With insulin.

21 >>Before administering furosemide (Lasix), a nurse should verify that: ?
  • (A) The blood pressure is under 180/90 mm Hg.
  • (B) The potassium is over 4 mg/dL.
  • (C) There are no crackles in the lungs.
  • (D) The client has an indwelling catheter in place.
22 >>One hour after starting the insulin drip at 10 units/hr, the client's blood sugar has fallen from 899 to 750. Which action should a nurse take? ?
  • (A) Increase the insulin drip rate to 20 units/hr.
  • (B) Decrease the insulin drip rate to 7 units/hr.
  • (C) Give a bolus of 10 units of regular insulin and increase the drip rate to 8 units/hr.
  • (D) Keep the rate the same and do not bolus.
23 >>Which IV fluid order is most appropriate for a client on dialysis? ?
  • (A) D5 1 /2NS at 20 mL/hr.
  • (B) NS at 150 mL/hr.
  • (C) 1 /4NS with 20 mEq KCl at 75 mL/hr.
  • (D) D10W with 40 mEq KCl at 50 mL/hr.
24 >>Teaching for a client starting on spironolactone (Aldactone) should include: ?
  • (A) The importance of removing the patch at bedtime.
  • (B) Food sources to replace lost potassium.
  • (C) The purpose of this drug is to prevent fibrosis in the heart.
  • (D) Taking the medication just before bed.
25 >>A nurse should hold administration of a nitrate if: ?
  • (A) Pulse rate is under 60.
  • (B) Client is allergic to sulfa.
  • (C) Blood pressure is less than 90/50 mm Hg.
  • (D) Drug therapy has exceeded 2 weeks.
26 >>A client has a blood pressure of 145/83 mm Hg and an ejection fraction of 50%. Before discharge from the hospital, the client will need instructions on taking which drug(s)? ?
  • (A) A thiazide diuretic.
  • (B) Digoxin and furosemide.
  • (C) A beta blocker and an ACE inhibitor.
  • (D) An anticoagulant.
27 >>A client with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is to receive azithromycin. Before the medication is given, which nursing assessment is a priority? ?
  • (A) Obtain a CBC.
  • (B) Ask the client about allergies.
  • (C) Check the blood pressure.
  • (D) Ask the client about sexual contact.

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28 >>Which intervention would most likely prevent nausea in a client receiving cisplatin chemotherapy? ?
  • (A) Administering trimethobenzamide prn nausea.
  • (B) Administering dexamethasone and ondansetron prior to chemotherapy.
  • (C) Serving all food warm or hot.
  • (D) Keeping client NPO 24 hours before chemotherapy.
29 >>The most important nursing assessment to make before a client is started on indomethacin is: ?
  • (A) Asking if there is a history of sulfa allergies.
  • (B) Asking if there is a history of gastric bleeding.
  • (C) Checking blood pressure.
  • (D) Checking blood sugar.
30 >>A client, who is postoperative, has the anesthetic bupivacaine infusing into an epidural catheter for pain control. On assessment, a nurse notes the client has decreased sensation and numbness in the lower abdomen. The pain level is 3/10. The nurse should: ?
  • (A) Record this expected finding.
  • (B) Increase the epidural infusion rate.
  • (C) Turn the epidural infusion off and raise the head of bed.
  • (D) Turn the epidural infusion off and lower the head of bed.
31 >>A client who is postoperative needs to walk, but even turning in bed is very painful. A patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump is set with a lock-out of 6 minutes. A nurse notes 45 attempts to get medication and 2 injections received in the last 2 hours. The correct nursing action is to: ?
  • (A) Get client out of bed now while pain level is low.
  • (B) Teach client how and why to use the pump more effectively.
  • (C) Record client's refusal to get out of bed.
  • (D) Push pain button before getting client out of bed.
32 >>A client is due to receive Novolog insulin. When should it be administered? ?
  • (A) 60 minutes before the meal.
  • (B) 15 minutes before the meal.
  • (C) As soon as the meal is finished.
  • (D) Without regard to meals.
33 >>A client with a duodenal ulcer has been taking sucralfate (Carafate). Which statement by the client would be a priority for a nurse to address? ?
  • (A) "I don't like the taste, so I mix it in pudding."
  • (B) "I wish I could take Carafate at the same time as my other pills."
  • (C) "I have found that stewed prunes help prevent constipation from the drug."
  • (D) "Taking Carafate with H2O has helped my fluid intake."
34 >>A nurse is concerned that a client may be at risk for oversedation from opioid therapy using a patient-controlled analgesia pump. The most reliable assessment for possible oversedation would be to check: ?
  • (A) Changes in the level of pain reported by the client.
  • (B) The oxygen saturation level recorded by pulse oximetry.
  • (C) How easily the client can be roused from sleeping.
  • (D) The level of carbon dioxide in the blood using capnography.
35 >>For optimal effects from thrombolytic therapy given for a brain attack (cerebrovascular accident [CVA]), treatment should be given: ?
  • (A) Within 3 hours of the onset of symptoms.
  • (B) When signs of increased intracranial pressure occur.
  • (C) As pulse pressure begins to increase.
  • (D) No later than 24 hours after the onset of symptoms.
36 >>What observation should indicate to a nurse that the therapeutic effect of calcium gluconate has been achieved? ?
  • (A) Thyroid gland shrinks.
  • (B) Blood loss is curtailed during surgery.
  • (C) Trousseau's sign is absent.
  • (D) Chvostek's sign is positive.
37 >>Which common systemic side effect of chemotherapy will a nurse note in an oncology client? ?
  • (A) Ascites.
  • (B) Septicemia.
  • (C) Polycythemia.
  • (D) Leukopenia.
38 >>Which order by a physician should a nurse question? ?
  • (A) A client with COPD who is prescribed metoprolol (Lopressor).
  • (B) A client with chronic renal failure receiving an aluminum hydroxide gel (Amphogel).
  • (C) A client with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) taking diltiazem (Cardizem).
  • (D) A client on long-term hemodialysis receiving epoetin alfa (Epogen).
39 >>Which prescribed drugs would a nurse most likely give the client for respiratory stridor, with wheezing, and hypotension after a bee sting? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Epinephrine.
  • (B) Diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
  • (C) Corticosteroid (Solu-Medrol).
  • (D) Furosemide (Lasix).
40 >>During cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for ventricular fibrillation, which drug would an RN most likely prepare first? ?
  • (A) Atropine sulfate.
  • (B) Epinephrine.
  • (C) Furosemide (Lasix).
  • (D) Lidocaine.

NCLEX RN Registered Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 07

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