21 Halogen Compounds Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Halogen Compounds Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Compounds derived from hydrocarbons by the replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms by the corresponding number of halogen atoms are termed as halogen derivatives. The halogen derivatives of the hydrocarbons are broadly classified into three classes:
Halogen derivatives of saturated hydrocarbons (Alkanes)- Halo-alkanes.
Halogen derivatives of unsaturated hydrocarbons (Alkenes and alkynes)-Halo-alkene or alkyne.
Halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons (Arenes)-Halo-arenes.
Chloroform or trichloromethane, CHCl3
It is an important trihalogen derivative of methane. It was discovered by Liebig in 1831 and its name chloroform was proposed by Dumas as it gave formic acid on hydrolysis. In the past, it was extensively used as anaesthetic for surgery but now it is rarely used as it causes liver damage.
Chloroform Uses 
(i) It is used as a solvent for fats, waxes, rubber, resins, iodine, etc.
(ii) It is used for the preparation of chloretone (a drug) and chloropicrin (Insecticide).
(iii) It is used in laboratory for the test of primary amines, iodides and bromides.
(iv) It can be used as anaesthetic but due to harmful effects it is not used these days for this purpose. 
(v) It may be used to prevent putrefaction of organic materials, i.e., in the preservation of anatomical species.
Tests of chloroform 
(i) It gives isocyanide test (Carbylamine test).
(ii) It forms silver mirror with Tollen's reagent.
(iii) Pure Chloroform does not give white precipitate with silver nitrate.

Introduction of Halogen containing compounds Quiz

1. Haloforms are trihalogen derivatives of
(a) Ethane (b) Methane
(c) Propane (d) Benzene
SOL:  (b)

2. Benzene hexachloride is 
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane
(b) 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane
(c) 1, 6-phenyl-1, 6-chlorohexane
(d) 1, 1-phenyl-6, 6-chlorohexane
SOL:   A

3. Number of   present in B.H.C. (Benzene hexachloride) are
(a) 6 (b) Zero
(c) 3 (d) 12

4. Which of the following is a primary halide
(a) Isopropyl iodide
(b) Secondary butyl iodide
(c) Tertiary butyl bromide
(d) Neo hexyl chloride

SOL:   (d) Neohexyl chloride is a primary halide as in it Cl-atom is attached to a primary carbon.

5. Full name of DDT is
(a) 1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane
(b) 1, 1-dichloro-2, 2-diphenyl trimethylethane
(c) 1, 1-dichloro-2, 2-diphenyl trichloroethane
(d) None of these

SOL:   A

Preparation of Halogen containing compounds Quiz

6. Benzene reacts with chlorine to form benzene hexachloride in presence of
(a) Nickel (b) AlCl2
(c) Bright sunlight (d) Zinc

SOL:   C

7. Propene on treatment with HBr gives
(a) Isopropyl bromide
(b) Propyl bromide
(c) 1, 2-dibromoethane
(d) None of the above
SOL:   (a)

8. The catalyst used in Raschig's process is
(a) LiAlH4
(b) Copper chloride
(c) Sunlight
(d) Ethanol/Na
SOL:   B

9. The compound formed on heating chlorobenzene with chloral in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid, is
 (a) Freon
(b) DDT
(c) Gammexene
(d) Hexachloroethane

SOL:   B

10. Acetone is mixed with bleaching powder to give
 (a) Chloroform
(b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Ethanol
(d) Phosgene
SOL:    (a) Acetone forms chloroform when heated with bleaching powder.

11. A Grignard's reagent may be made by reacting magnesium with
(a) Methyl amine
(b) Diethyl ether
(c) Ethyl iodide
(d) Ethyl alcohol
SOL:   (c)

12. Which of the following is responsible for iodoform reaction
(a) Formalin (b) Methanol
(c) Acetic acid (d) Ethanol
SOL:   D

13. When a solution of sodium chloride containing ethyl alcohol is electrolysed, it forms
(a) Ethyl alcohol
(b) Chloral
(c) Chloroform
(d) Acetaldehyde

SOL:   C

14. Ethylene reacts with bromine to form
(a) Chloroethane
(b) Ethylene dibromide
(c) Cyclohexane
(d) 1-bromo propane
SOL:    (b)  When ethylene reacts with bromine, it forms ethylene dibromide.

Properties of Halogen containing compounds Quiz

15. Ethylene difluoride on hydrolysis gives 
(a) Glycol
(b) Fluoroethanol
(c) Difluoroethanol
(d) Freon

SOL:    (a) 

16. Which of the following statements about chloroform is false
(a) It is a colourless, sweet-smelling liquid
(b) It is almost insoluble in water
(c) It is highly inflammable
(d) It can be used as an inhalational anaesthetic agent
SOL:   C

17. Ethyl bromide reacts with lead-sodium alloy to form

(a) Tetraethyl lead
(b) Tetraethyl bromide
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
SOL:   (a)  

18. Iodoform heated with  Ag powder to form 
(a) Acetylene (b) Ethylene
(c) Methane (d) Ethane
SOL:   (a)

Halogen Compounds Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

19. The reactivity of halogen atom is minimum in
(a) Propyl chloride
(b) Propyl iodide
(c) Isopropyl chloride
(d) Isopropyl bromide
SOL:   C

20. Chlorobenzene is
(a) Less reactive than benzyl chloride
(b) More reactive than ethyl bromide
(c) Nearly as reactive as methyl chloride
(d) More reactive than isopropyl chloride
SOL:   A

21. The reactivities of methyl chloride, propyl chloride and chlorobenzene are in the order
(a) Methyl chloride > propyl chloride > chlorobenzene
(b) Propyl chloride > methyl chloride > chlorobenzene
(c) Methyl chloride > chlorobenzene > propyl chloride
(d) Chlorobenzene > propyl chloride > methyl chloride
SOL:   A

22. Carbylamine is liberated when..... is heated with chloroform and alcoholic potash
(a) An aldehyde
(b) A primary amine
(c) A secondary amine
(d) A phenol
SOL:   B
21 Halogen Compounds Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

23. When chloroform is exposed to air and sunlight, it gives

(a) Carbon tetrachloride
(b) Carbonyl chloride
(c) Mustard gas
(d) Lewsite

SOL:  (b)

24. One of the following that cannot undergo dehydro-halogenation is
(a) Iso-propyl bromide 
(b) Ethanol
(c) Ethyl bromide
(d) None of these

SOL:   (b) Ethanol cannot undergo dehydrohalogenation.

25. The bad smelling substance formed by the action of alcoholic caustic potash on chloroform and aniline is

(a) Phenyl isocyanide
(b) Nitrobenzene
(c) Phenyl cyanide
(d) Phenyl isocyanate
SOL:   A

26. Ethylidene chloride on treatment with aqueous KOH gives

(a) Ethylene glycol
(b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Formaldehyde
(d) None
SOL:   B

27. Alkyl halide on heating with alc.  in a sealed tube results…
(a) 1° amine (b) 2° amine
(c) 3° amine (d) All of these

SOL:   D

28. By heating a mixture of CHCl3 with silver powder, the compound formed is
(a) Acetylene
(b) Silver acetate 
(c) Methanol
(d) None of these
SOL:   A

29. Chloropicrin is     
(a) Trichloro acetaldehyde
(b) Nitrochloroform
(c) 2,4,6-trinitro phenol
(d) None of these

SOL:   B

30. Chloroform reacts with concentrated   to give
 (a) Water gas
(b) Tear gas
(c) Laughing gas
(d) Producer gas

SOL:   . (b) When chloroform reacts with HNO3 product formed are chloropicrin or tear gas and water.

31. When alkyl halide is heated with dry Ag2O, it produces
 (a) Ester (b) Ether
(c) Ketone (d) Alcohol
SOL:   (b) Alkyl halide on reaction with dry silver oxide furnish ether.

32. Which metal is used in Wurtz synthesis

(a) Ba (b) Al
(c) Na (d) Fe
SOL:   (c)  

33. Why is chloroform put into dark coloured bottles

(a) To prevent evaporation
(b) To prevent from moisture 
(c) To prevent it from oxidation to form phosgene
(d) To prevent its reaction with glass
SOL:   C

34. DDT is
(a) A solid (b) A liquid
(c) A gas (d) A solution
SOL:   A

Uses of Halogen containing compounds Quiz

35. Iodoform can be used as
(a) Anaesthetic (b) Antiseptic
(c) Analgesic (d) Antifebrin
SOL:   (b) Iodoform is used as an antiseptic for dressing wounds. When it comes in contact with skin (organic matter), Iodine is set free which responsible for antiseptic action.

36. An important insecticide is obtained by the action of chloral on chlorobenzene. It is
(a) BHC
(b) Gammexene
(c) DDT
(d) Lindane
SOL:   C

37. B.H.C. is used as
(a) Insecticide (b) Pesticide
(c) Herbicide (d) Weedicide
SOL:   A

38. Benzene hexachloride (BHC) is used as
(a) Dye
(b) Antimalerial drug
(c) Antibiotic
(d) Insecticide
SOL:   D

39. Depletion of ozone layer is caused by
(a) Freon (b) Alkane 
(c) Gringard reagent (d) All of these

SOL:   A

40. Which one of the following possess highest m.pt.
(a) Chlorobenzene
(b) o-dichlorobenzene
(c) m-dichlorobenzene
(d) p-dichlorobenzene
SOL:    (d)  p-dichlorobenzene molecule has symmetrical structure. It can fit well in its crystal lattice. The intermolecular forces of attraction are strong. Hence, it possesses highest melting point.

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