NCLEX RN Registered Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 06

NCLEX RN Registered Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 06

1 >>A client is in a rehabilitation unit 2 weeks after a right middle cerebral artery infarct. Which is the best activity plan? ?
  • (A) Passive range of motion should be performed on the right arm and leg several times a day.
  • (B) The client should know how to get up from the right side of the bed.
  • (C) Maintain bed rest with all rails up until the client can lift both legs off the mattress.
  • (D) Immobilize joints on the left side of the body into a position of flexion contracture.
2 >>A client with a vertebrobasilar stroke is being managed for dysphagia. Which intervention will be most helpful? ?
  • (A) Eliminate distractions when giving directions.
  • (B) Keep the head of the bed flat after meals.
  • (C) Provide a thin liquid diet.
  • (D) Provide nutrition through a feeding tube.
3 >>Which intervention will be most helpful to a client with aphasia? ?
  • (A) Encourage use of gestures in communication.
  • (B) Use many adjectives and adverbs when describing desired activity.
  • (C) Speak loudly when giving directions.
  • (D) Chew food thoroughly before swallowing.
4 >>The nursing assistant asks the nurse if a N95 respirator should be worn when caring for the client with H1N1. The correct response by the nurse is: ?
  • (A) Droplet precautions require a direct caregiver to wear a respirator.
  • (B) There is an N95 in the client's room for use by the nursing staff.
  • (C) The N95 is usually reserved if treatment produces an aerosol spray of sputum.
  • (D) The respirator should be worn if the nurse has cold symptoms.
5 >>The nurse should ensure that a healthy 89-year-old client admitted to a skilled nursing facility has received which vaccinations? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Pneumococcal.
  • (B) Hepatitis B (series of 3).
  • (C) Tetanus.
  • (D) Influenza.
6 >>An elderly client has a noncemented total hip joint placed. Postoperative activity for this client should include: ?
  • (A) Bedrest for 6 weeks with continuous passive motion.
  • (B) Touch-down weight-bearing starting first postoperative day.
  • (C) Head of bed flat for 48 hours.
  • (D) Hip immobilization for 3 to 4 weeks with no weight-bearing.

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7 >>A client with Alzheimer's disease has superficial skin breakdown related to functional incontinence. The correct nursing intervention includes: ?
  • (A) Inserting a continuous indwelling catheter per order.
  • (B) Assisting to the toilet and protecting bed with pads.
  • (C) Limiting oral fluid intake to 250 mL/day.
  • (D) Administering a loop diuretic, such as furosemide, as ordered.
8 >>An elderly client, who has had a stroke, is receiving fullstrength tube feedings of 75 mL/hr, and an IV of D5 1 /2NS at 50 mL/hr. The Na+ level is 150. Which action should be taken by a nurse? ?
  • (A) The IV should be changed to a higher Na+ content such as D5NS.
  • (B) The rate of the IV should be slowed.
  • (C) Tap water should be given through the feeding tube.
  • (D) A diuretic should be given.
9 >>An elderly client with kidney disease is admitted with dementia. The laboratory values are: Ca++ at 7 mg/dL, PO4 at 7 mg/dL, albumin at 2 gm, creatinine at 8 mg/dL. The laboratory findings indicate: ?
  • (A) Elevated phosphates from kidney failure.
  • (B) High risk for seizures from low Ca++. Treatment is a priority.
  • (C) Need for dialysis to raise phosphate level.
  • (D) Need for a diet high in dairy to increase albumin.
10 >>An elderly client continues to have fecal incontinence with 6 to 7 small brown liquid stools each day. The client eats a soft diet and does not receive any stool softeners or laxatives. The client's primary form of activity is sitting in the wheelchair for 2 hours twice a day. What is the correct explanation for the frequent diarrhea stools? ?
  • (A) Inadequate roughage in the diet.
  • (B) Inactivity from sedentary lifestyle.
  • (C) Gastrointestinal virus.
  • (D) Fecal impaction.
11 >>An elderly client has a suspected medical diagnosis of cataracts. Which symptom is consistent with this finding? ?
  • (A) Objects are distorted and blurry.
  • (B) Vision is improved in bright lights.
  • (C) Objects have a halo around them.
  • (D) Single objects seem to be doubled.
12 >>What is the most appropriate footwear that a nurse should recommend to a client with Parkinson's disease? ?
  • (A) Open-toed sandals.
  • (B) Double-knotted leather wing tips.
  • (C) High-top sneakers.
  • (D) Slip-on rubber soles.
13 >>What are normal changes associated with aging? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Decreased salivation.
  • (B) Decreased ability to hear low-frequency sounds.
  • (C) Impaired healing of tissues.
  • (D) Multiple nighttime voiding.

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14 >>An RN makes a home visit to a client who is 62 years old, and finds that the client is not responding to verbal stimuli and has no pulse or respirations, and the skin is cool to touch. The nurse's first action should be to: ?
  • (A) Do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, 2 breaths.
  • (B) Do chest compression.
  • (C) Call emergency response (911).
  • (D) Call the family first.
15 >>In reviewing the laboratory and x-ray reports of an elderly client, which findings should a nurse identify as being consistent with a diagnosis of emphysema? ?
  • (A) Increased PCO2, hypoinflated alveoli, and decreased PO2 .
  • (B) Decreased PCO2, decreased PO2, and decreased hematocrit.
  • (C) Increased PCO2, hyperinflated alveoli, and decreased hematocrit.
  • (D) Increased PCO2, increased hematocrit, and hyperinflated alveoli.
16 >>When a nurse shines a penlight into an elderly client's eyes to check pupil reaction, the nurse notes that one of the eyes is very cloudy and the pupil does not react. The nurse should: ?
  • (A) Check vision in the cloudy eye.
  • (B) Notify the MD for CT evaluation.
  • (C) Keep the room lights dim.
  • (D) Restrict dietary protein.
17 >>An elderly client with a history of congestive heart failure (CHF) and hypertension (HTN) had a hip prosthesis inserted. Blood pressure is 80/50 mm Hg; heart rate is 80; urine output is 15 mL during the last hour. The most appropriate nursing action would be to: ?
  • (A) Document these findings and continue to monitor vital signs.
  • (B) Give NS 250 mL over 15 minutes, check vital signs (VS) and lung sounds.
  • (C) Check Na+ and K+ levels before selecting IV fluids.
  • (D) Give 1 L lactated Ringer's as fast as possible, then check VS, neck circumference, and lab reports.
18 >>Following general anesthesia for a hip replacement, an elderly client's vital signs are: P: 80, R: 14, BP 110/78 mm Hg; O2 saturation is 100% on 40% mask; and pain is 2/10. The client is shivering and complains of being cold. The first nursing priority should be to: ?
  • (A) Remove the oxygen.
  • (B) Check the temperature.
  • (C) Apply warm blankets.
  • (D) Give pain medication.
19 >>A 78-year-old client with CHF is being discharged home where his wife, who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), plans to care for him. The wife indicates that the family will help. The correct action by a nurse would be to: ?
  • (A) Recommend a nursing home placement for the couple.
  • (B) Contact a health-care practitioner to determine if the wife is able to provide care.
  • (C) Determine if the family members will help.
  • (D) Offer to make referrals for community resources to assist the couple.

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20 >>A client with age-related hearing loss is complaining to a nurse about being frustrated with hearing difficulties. Which sound is most difficult for the client to hear? ?
  • (A) Recording of a march played softly.
  • (B) Young children talking.
  • (C) Motorcycle on the street.
  • (D) A man's voice in an elevator.

21 >>Which conditions increase the risk of the older adult client developing a decubitus ulcer? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Osteoarthritis.
  • (B) Impaired circulation.
  • (C) Incontinence.
  • (D) Malnutrition.
22 >>An older client complains of colored rings around the lightbulbs in the room. The correct response by a nurse would be: ?
  • (A) "Is there a history of cataracts in your family?"
  • (B) "I don't see any colored rings in the lightbulbs."
  • (C) "Have you had your eyes checked for glaucoma?"
  • (D) "Have you fallen recently and hit your head?"
23 >>Which condition is most likely to cause chronic pain in an older adult? ?
  • (A) Osteoarthritis.
  • (B) An old fracture.
  • (C) Sinus headaches.
  • (D) Peripheral neuropathy.
24 >>The care plan for an older adult with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and chronic anxiety should include: Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Inhalation therapy and instruction about methods of conserving energy.
  • (B) An exercise program to increase the vital capacity of the lungs.
  • (C) Respiratory exercises with emphasis on forced inhalation.
  • (D) Oxygen therapy at 4 L/min as needed, and deep breathing for relaxation.
25 >>Which sign/symptom in an older adult is most indicative of a urinary tract infection? ?
  • (A) Confusion.
  • (B) Painful urination.
  • (C) Fever above 102°F.
  • (D) Urinary frequency.
26 >>A nurse should include the risk of developing vaginitis when teaching an older adult woman about: ?
  • (A) Anticoagulation therapy.
  • (B) Resuming sexual activity.
  • (C) Effects of poor nutrition.
  • (D) Prolonged antibiotic therapy.
27 >>An elderly client, who underwent a total hip replacement 3 days ago, asks why "crossing my legs" is prohibited. The correct response by a nurse is based on the knowledge that: ?
  • (A) Abduction can cause dislocation of the prosthesis.
  • (B) Adduction can cause dislocation of the prosthesis.
  • (C) Pressure on arteries in the legs can cause blood clots.
  • (D) Avoiding acute flexion of the hip prevents contractures.

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28 >>An older adult with osteoarthritis reports pain, stiffness, and deformities of the fingers. Which nursing actions would be appropriate? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Application of cold packs.
  • (B) Teaching hand exercises.
  • (C) Scheduling meditation therapy.
  • (D) Giving prescribed vitamin therapy.
29 >>Which older adult client is at greatest risk of developing hypothermia? ?
  • (A) A client with a sedentary lifestyle.
  • (B) A client who is shivering.
  • (C) A client who complains of being cold.
  • (D) A client with increased body fat.
30 >>A nurse is teaching an elderly client with right hemiplegia and severe speech impairment how to dress. An appropriate first step in the teaching would be to: ?
  • (A) Ask the client to put on a shirt.
  • (B) Demonstrate the correct way to put on a shirt.
  • (C) Explain the difficulties in putting on a shirt.
  • (D) Give verbal instructions on dressing techniques.
31 >>To prevent injury, a nurse should advise an older adult who is taking tricyclic antidepressants to: ?
  • (A) Eat a diet high in roughage.
  • (B) Get an additional night-light.
  • (C) Provide lubrication for the oral mucosa.
  • (D) Stand up slowly from sitting or lying positions.
32 >>A nurse should monitor an older adult more closely for adverse reactions to medications if the client history includes: ?
  • (A) CHF and COPD.
  • (B) Colitis and polycythemia vera.
  • (C) Hepatitis and glomerulonephritis.
  • (D) Diabetes and cholecystitis.
33 >>After reviewing an older adult client's history, a nurse should include teaching about fall prevention if the client has been taking: ?
  • (A) Diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
  • (B) Ferrous sulfate.
  • (C) Guaifenesin (Robitussin)
  • (D) Loratidine (Claritin)
34 >>While waiting to be seen in an emergency department (ED) for possible CHF, an elderly client with moderate dementia jumps up and says, "I have to go feed my chickens now." A triage nurse's most appropriate response is: ?
  • (A) "All right, you may leave."
  • (B) "Please tell us about your chickens."
  • (C) "That noise was the TV, not chickens."
  • (D) "You are not on the farm anymore."
35 >>To improve an older adult's sense of security, a nurse should: ?
  • (A) Focus on increasing socialization skills in the client.
  • (B) Connect the past with the future through pictures.
  • (C) Provide praise and recognition for past accomplishments.
  • (D) Review comforting memories using reminiscence.
36 >>A healthy, older adult client complains of dry, itchy skin. The correct response by the nurse is: ?
  • (A) "Avoid scratching the skin to minimize the risk of infection."
  • (B) "Drink fluids and shower instead of taking a bath."
  • (C) "Take fewer baths, use soap sparingly, and apply lotion afterward."
  • (D) "Wear cotton clothing and use a hypoallergenic soap."
37 >>A 90-year-old client's condition is one of lethargy, poor capillary perfusion, and urinary incontinence. These findings should indicate to a nurse that this client is at greatest risk for: ?
  • (A) Aspiration.
  • (B) Contractures.
  • (C) Dehydration.
  • (D) Skin breakdown.
38 >>An 80-year-old client complains of sleeping less and awakens several times during the night. The client takes acetaminophen at bedtime and does not drink caffeine. Which response by a nurse is most appropriate? ?
  • (A) Tell the client to eliminate fluids after 6:00 p.m.
  • (B) Recommend that the client go to bed 1 hour earlier.
  • (C) Recommend a sleep study to diagnose sleep apnea.
  • (D) Tell the client that the sleeping pattern is a normal age-related change.
39 >>Assessment of an older adult with pneumonia will often reveal: Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Anorexia and changes in behavior.
  • (B) Headache and difficulty breathing.
  • (C) Muscle aches and fever.
  • (D) Nonproductive cough and chest pain.
40 >>A 73-year-old client is admitted for rehabilitation after a mild stroke. The client complains of not feeling rested, begins to nap during the day, and sleeps only 4 to 5 hours nightly. The most appropriate nursing action is to: ?
  • (A) Assess the client's sleep-wake cycle to determine necessary interventions.
  • (B) Do nothing as the sleep pattern is associated with normal aging.
  • (C) Determine if the client takes a medication for sleep at bedtime and request an order.
  • (D) Relocate the client to a different room that is quieter.

NCLEX RN Registered Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 06

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