Organic Chemistry Quiz | objective questions | Chemistry General Knowledge Questions | MCQ

Organic Chemistry Quiz | objective questions | Chemistry General Knowledge Questions | MCQ

1 >>IUPAC name of carbonyl chloride is: ?
  • (A) Phosgene
  • (B) Chloromethanoyl chloride
  • (C) Dichloroketone
  • (D) Dichloromethanone
2 >>How many carbons are in simplest alkyne having two side chains? ?
  • (A) 5
  • (B) 6
  • (C) 7
  • (D) 8
3 >>The compound name trichloroethene is: ?
  • (A) Westron
  • (B) Perclene
  • (C) Westrosol
  • (D) Orione
4 >>On evaporation of an aqueous solution of ammonium cyanate, we get urea. This is the class of reaction known as: ?
  • (A) Polymerization
  • (B) Isomerization
  • (C) Association
  • (D) Dissociation
5 >>Which is not found in alkenes? ?
  • (A) Chain isomerism
  • (B) Geometrical isomerism
  • (C) Metamerism
  • (D) Position isomerism
6 >>The compound C4H10O can show: ?
  • (A) Metamerism
  • (B) Functional isomerism
  • (C) Positional isomerism
  • (D) All the types

7 >>The least number of carbon atoms for an alkane to show stereoisomerism is: ?
  • (A) 2
  • (B) 3
  • (C) 4
  • (D) 5
8 >>The isomerism observed in alkanes is: ?
  • (A) Metamerism
  • (B) Chain isomerism
  • (C) Position isomerism
  • (D) Geometrical isomerism
9 >>The optical isomerism is shown by: ?
  • (A) Oxalic acid
  • (B) Benzoic acid
  • (C) Acetic acid
  • (D) Lactic acid
10 >>A similarity between optical and geometrical isomerism is: ?
  • (A) Each forms equal number of isomers for a given compound
  • (B) If in a compound, one is present, then so is the other
  • (C) Both are included in stereoisomerism
  • (D) They have no similarity
11 >>The number of stereoisomers possible for a compound of the molecular formula CH3 − CH = CH − CH(OH) − Me is: ?
  • (A) 3
  • (B) 2
  • (C) 4
  • (D) 6
12 >>Which of the following does not show geometrical isomerism? ?
  • (A) 1,2−dichloro−1−pentene
  • (B) 1,3−dichloro−2−pentene
  • (C) 1,1−dichloro−1−pentene
  • (D) 1,4−dichloro−2−pentene

13 >>Ninhydrin has 3 keto groups. Which keto group is expected to be hydrated more easily? ?
  • (A) 2
  • (B) 3
  • (C) 1
  • (D) All equally
14 >>Bayer angle strain in cyclobutane will be: ?
  • (A) 22.44o
  • (B) 90o
  • (C) 9.4o
  • (D) 0.44o
15 >>Which of the following is a true statement? ?
  • (A) RCOOH is more stable than RCOO
  • (B) RCOO is more stable than RCOOH
  • (C) RCOO and RCOOH do not show resonating structures
  • (D) All of the above
16 >>The electron attracting species in the following are: ?
  • (A) −CN
  • (B) −NH2
  • (C) −NHR
  • (D) −NHCOR
17 >>pKa values of HCN, CH3COOH and HF respectively are 9.2, 4.7 and 3.2. Evaluate pKb for CN, CH3COO and F. ?
  • (A) 9.2, 4.7, 16.0
  • (B) 4.8, 9.3, 10.8
  • (C) 7.2, 3.7, 3.2
  • (D) 2.2, 2.3, 3.8
18 >>2,3−dibromobutane, when heated with zinc dust yields: ?
  • (A) 2−butene
  • (B) 2−butyne
  • (C) 1−butane
  • (D) Butane
19 >>2−pentyne can be converted into trans−pent−2−ene by reaction with: ?
  • (A) H2⁄Ni
  • (B) H2⁄Lindlar′s catalyst
  • (C) Na⁄liq. NH3
  • (D) Zn⁄HCl
20 >>Which of the following compounds has the highest melting point? ?
  • (A) n−butane
  • (B) n−pentane
  • (C) n−hexane
  • (D) n−heptane
21 >>Which of the following compounds has the highest boiling point? ?
  • (A) Ethene
  • (B) Propene
  • (C) cis−2−butene
  • (D) trans−2−butene
22 >>The reaction of toluene with Cl2 in presence of FeCl3 gives predominantly: ?
  • (A) m−chlorobenzene
  • (B) Benzoyl chloride
  • (C) Benzyl chloride
  • (D) o− and p−chlorotoluene
23 >>Which one of the following conformations of cyclohexane is chiral? ?
  • (A) Boat
  • (B) Twist boat
  • (C) Rigid
  • (D) Chair

24 >>Octane number can be changed by: ?
  • (A) Isomerization
  • (B) Alkylation
  • (C) Cyclisation
  • (D) All of these
25 >>An unknown compound A has the formula C4H6. When A is treated with excess of Br2, a new compound B is formed with formula C4H6Br4. A also gives white ppt. with Tollen′s reagent. The compound A may be: ?
  • (A) But−1−yne
  • (B) But−2−yne
  • (C) But−1−ene
  • (D) But−2−ene
26 >>Xylene on treatment with Br2⁄FeBr3 gives only one product. Xylene was: ?
  • (A) o−xylene
  • (B) m−xylene
  • (C) p−xylene
  • (D) Not possible
27 >>The name fire damp is given to: ?
  • (A) Methane
  • (B) Ethane
  • (C) Propane
  • (D) Butane
28 >>In which of the following compounds, addition of HBr in presence and absence of peroxide will have no effect? ?
  • (A) 1−butene
  • (B) 2−butene
  • (C) Isobutene
  • (D) 2−pentene
29 >>Anti Markownikov′s addition of HBr is not observed in: ?
  • (A) Propene
  • (B) But−1−ene
  • (C) But−2−ene
  • (D) Pent−3−ene
30 >>18 C−H and 7 C−C sigma bonds are present in: ?
  • (A) n−heptane
  • (B) Cyclohexane
  • (C) 3,3−dimethyl pentane
  • (D) 2,2,3−trimethyl pentane
31 >>Periodic acid oxidises: ?
  • (A) 1,4−diols
  • (B) 1,3−diols
  • (C) 1,2−diols
  • (D) β−ketoaldehyde
32 >>Which of the following is the most suitable method for removing the traces of water from ethanol? ?
  • (A) Heating with sodium metal
  • (B) Passing dry HCl gas through it
  • (C) Distilling it
  • (D) Reacting with Mg
33 >>Oxymercuration−demercuration reaction of 1−methyl cyclohexene gives: ?
  • (A) trans−2−methyl cyclohexanol
  • (B) cis−2−methyl cycloheaxanol
  • (C) 1−methyl cyclohexanol
  • (D) Mixture of cis− and trans−2−methyl cyclohexanol

34 >>The function of ZnCl2 in Lucas test for alcohols is: ?
  • (A) To act as acid catalyst and react with HCl to form H2ZnCl4
  • (B) To act as base catalyst and react with NaOH to form Na2Zn(OH)4
  • (C) To act as amphoteric catalyst
  • (D) To act as neutral catalyst
35 >>In water, H−O−H bond angle is 104.5o, but in ethers (R−O−R), the C−O−C bond angle is about 110o. The reason to justify it, is: ?
  • (A) Positive inductive effect of alkyl groups is more than that of hydrogen
  • (B) The alkyl group is polar, while hydrogen is not
  • (C) Distortion caused by the lone pair of oxygen atom is more than compensated by the bulky alkyl groups
  • (D) The hybridisation of oxygen atoms is different in ethers and in water
36 >>An aromatic ether is not cleaved by HI even at 525 K. The aromatic ether is: ?
  • (A) C6H5OCH3
  • (B) C6H5OC6H5
  • (C) C6H5OC3H7
  • (D) Tetrahydrofurane
37 >>In a reaction, RCHO is reduced to RCH3 using amalgamated zinc and conc. HCl, and warming the solution. The reaction is known as: ?
  • (A) Meerwein−Ponddorf reaction
  • (B) Clemmensen reaction
  • (C) Wolff−Kishner reaction
  • (D) Schiff reaction
38 >>The most reactive compound towards formation of cyanohydrin on treatment with KCN followed by acidification is: ?
  • (A) p−nitrobenzaldehyde
  • (B) p−hydroxybenzaldehyde
  • (C) Benzaldehyde
  • (D) Phenylacetaldehyde
39 >>A mixture of benzaldehyde and formaldehyde on heating with aqueous NaOH solution gives: ?
  • (A) Benzyl alcohol and sodium formate
  • (B) Sodium benzoate and methyl alcohol
  • (C) Sodium benzoate and sodium formate
  • (D) Benzyl alcohol and methyl alcohol
40 >>The correct order of acidic strengths of the carboxylic acids is: ?
  • (A) Formic acid < Benzoic acid < Acetic acid
  • (B) Formic acid < Acetic acid < Benzoic acid
  • (C) Acetic acid < Formic acid < Benzoic acid
  • (D) Acetic acid < Formic acid < Benzoic acid
41 >>The heat of hydrogenation of benzene is 50 kcal⁄mol. The resonance energy of benzene is 36 kcal⁄mol. The heat of hydrogenation of cyclohexene is approximately: ?
  • (A) 9 kcal⁄mol
  • (B) 19 kcal⁄mol
  • (C) 29 kcal⁄mol
  • (D) 27 kcal⁄mol
42 >>Elimination of bromine from 2−bromobutane results in the formation of: ?
  • (A) Equimolar mixture of 1− and 2−butene
  • (B) Predominantly 2−butene
  • (C) Predominantly 1−butene
  • (D) Predominantly 2−butyne
43 >>Electrolysis of cold concentrated aqueous solution of potassium succinate yields: ?
  • (A) Ethane
  • (B) Ethyne
  • (C) Ethene
  • (D) Ethane−1,2−diol
44 >>1,2−dibromopropane on treatment with X moles of NaNH2 followed by treatment with ethyl bromide gave pentyne. The value of X is: ?
  • (A) 1
  • (B) 2
  • (C) 3
  • (D) 4
45 >>When acetylene reacts with arsenic trichloride in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride, it produces: ?
  • (A) β−chlorovinyldichloroarsine
  • (B) Lewisite
  • (C) Nitrobenzene
  • (D) Both (1) and (2)
46 >>Which of the following will undergo metasubstitution on monochlorination? ?
  • (A) Ethoxybenzene
  • (B) Chlorobenzene
  • (C) Ethylbenzoate
  • (D) Phenol
47 >>The reaction of cis−2−butene with CH2I2 and Zn (Cu) to give cis−1,2−dimethyl cyclopropane is: ?
  • (A) Stereospecific reaction
  • (B) Enantiospecific reaction
  • (C) Diastereoselective reaction
  • (D) Regioselective reaction
48 >>2−methylbutane on reacting with bromine in the presence of sunlight gives mainly: ?
  • (A) 1−bromo−3−methylbutane
  • (B) 2−bromo−3−methylbutane
  • (C) 2−bromo−2−methylbutane
  • (D) 1−bromo−2−methylbutane
49 >>Acid catalysed hydration of alkenes except ethene leads to the formation of: ?
  • (A) Mixture of secondary and tertiary alcohols
  • (B) Mixture of primary and secondary alcohols
  • (C) Secondary or tertiary alcohol
  • (D) Primary alcohol
50 >>Benzene hexachloride is prepared from benzene and chlorine in sunlight by: ?
  • (A) Subsitution reaction
  • (B) Elimination reaction
  • (C) Addition reaction
  • (D) Rearrangement
51 >>Reaction of t−butyl bromide with sodium methoxide produces: ?
  • (A) Isobutane
  • (B) Isobutylene
  • (C) Sodium t−butoxide
  • (D) t−butyl methyl ether
52 >>One of the following that can not undergo dehydrohalogenation is: ?
  • (A) Iso−propyl bromide
  • (B) Ethanol
  • (C) Ethyl bromide
  • (D) None of these
53 >>Which of the following statements is true when (CCl3)3−OH reacts with Lucas reagent? ?
  • (A) Cloudiness appears immediately
  • (B) Cloudiness appears within 10 minutes
  • (C) Cloudiness will not appear at room temperature
  • (D) Ketone will be formed in this reaction
54 >>Ether is obtained by the reaction of ethyl alcohol and H2SO4 at: ?
  • (A) 474 K
  • (B) 383 K
  • (C) 413 K
  • (D) 273 K
55 >>The correct order of increasing boiling points is: ?
  • (A) Isobutane < n−butane < n−butyl chloride < n−butanol
  • (B) Isobutane < n−butyl chloride < n−butane < n−butanol
  • (C) n−butane < n−butanol < n−butyl chloride < isobutane
  • (D) n−butane < isobutane < n−butyl chloride < n−butanol
56 >>The reaction of HCOOH with conc. HSO4 gives: ?
  • (A) CO2
  • (B) CO
  • (C) Oxalic acid
  • (D) Acetic acid
57 >>Alkaline or acid hydrolysis of CH3COCl is nothing but: ?
  • (A) Electrophilic substitution
  • (B) Nucleophilic substitution
  • (C) Free radical substitution
  • (D) Biradical substitution
58 >>An organic compound gives a fruity smell. The compound on distillation in presence of dilute alkali yields a product capable of giving positive iodoform test. The compound is: ?
  • (A) Methyl formate
  • (B) Isopropyl acetate
  • (C) Methyl propionate
  • (D) n−propyl formate
59 >>Acetic acid exists as dimer in C6H6 due to: ?
  • (A) Condensation reaction
  • (B) Hydrogen bonding
  • (C) Presence of a carboxyl group
  • (D) Presence of hydrogen at α−carbon
60 >>Which of the following lacks chirality? ?
  • (A) 2−hydroxy propanoic acid
  • (B) 2−amino propanoic acid
  • (C) 2,3−butene−dioic acid
  • (D) 2,3−dihydroxy butanoic acid

Organic Chemistry Quiz | objective questions | Chemistry General Knowledge Questions | MCQ

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