Inorganic Chemistry Quiz | objective questions | Chemistry General Knowledge Questions | MCQ

Inorganic Chemistry Quiz | objective questions | Chemistry General Knowledge Questions | MCQ

1 >>What kind of transition in the H Balmer series of H atom would have shortest λ? ?
  • (A) n1 = 2, n2 = 3
  • (B) n1 = 2, n2 = 4
  • (C) n1 = 2, n2 = ∞
  • (D) n1 = 2, n2 = 0
2 >>The ionisation energy of H atom is 13.6 eV. The ionisation energy of Li+2 ion will be: ?
  • (A) 54.4 eV
  • (B) 122.4 eV
  • (C) 13.6 eV
  • (D) 27.2 eV
3 >>The ratio of radii of Bohr′s 3rd and 4th orbits in H atom are: ? 

  • (A) 3:4
  • (B) 3:8
  • (C) 9:16
  • (D) 8:9
4 >>Ionisation energy of Na atom is 4.946 x 102 kJ⁄mol. The wavelength of radiation sufficient to ionise Na atom is: ?
  • (A) 4 x 1024 nm
  • (B) 0.241 nm
  • (C) 241 nm
  • (D) 400 nm
5 >>A 0.66 kg ball is moving with a speed of 100 m⁄s. The associated wavelength will be: ?
  • (A) 6.6 x 10−32 m
  • (B) 1.0 x 10−35 m
  • (C) 6.6 x 10−34 m
  • (D) 1.0 x 10−32 m
6 >>According to Bohr theory, the angular momentum of an electron in 5th orbit is: ?
  • (A) 25h ⁄ π
  • (B) h ⁄ π
  • (C) 10h ⁄ π
  • (D) 2.5h ⁄ π

7 >>The ratio of ionisation energy of He and Be3+ is: ?

  • (A) 01:01
  • (B) 01:03
  • (C) 01:09
  • (D) 01:16
8 >>The wavelengths of electron waves in 2 orbits is 3 : 5. The ratio of kinetic energy of electrons will be: ?

  • (A)25:09
  • (B) 05:03
  • (C) 09:25
  • (D) 03:05
9 >>Correct order of polarizing power is: ?
  • (A) Cs+ < K+ < Mg2+ < Al3+
  • (B) Al3+ < Mg2+ < K+ < Cs+
  • (C) Mg2+ < Al3+ < K+ < Cs+
  • (D) K+ < Cs+ < Mg2+ < Al3+
10 >>Which of the following is the correct increasing order of their ionic mobilities in aqueous medium? ?
  • (A) Li+ < K+ < Na+
  • (B) Na+ < Mg2+ < Al3+
  • (C) K+ < Na+ < Li+
  • (D) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+
11 >>Formula of stable halide which may be formed by element with Z = 114 will be: ?
  • (A) MX
  • (B) MX2
  • (C) MX3
  • (D) MX4

12 >>The first four IE of an element A are 300 kJ, 500 kJ, 8000 kJ and 10000 kJ respectively. Similarly the first three EA of an element B are −1000 kJ, 100 kJ and 500 kJ respectively. What will be the formula of compound formed by A and B? ?
  • (A) AB
  • (B) A2B
  • (C) AB2
  • (D) AB3
13 >>Solutions of equal strength of XOH nad QOH are prepared. The ionisation potential of X and Q are 5.1 and 13.0 eV respectively, whereas their electronegativities are 0.9 and 3.2. Spot the incorrect conclusion: ?
  • (A) Reaction of XOH and NH4Cl will produce NH3
  • (B) Solution of QOH will give effervescence with NaHCO3
  • (C) Phenolphthalein will give pink colour with XOH solution
  • (D) The pH of QOH solution will be more than 7
14 >>The first five IPs of an element are 7.1, 14.3, 34.5, 46.8 and 162.2 eV respectively. The element is likely to be: ?
  • (A) Na
  • (B) Si
  • (C) F
  • (D) Ca
15 >>The atomic number of 3 elements A, B and C are x, x+1 and x+2. C is an alkali metal. In a compound of A and C, the nature of bond is: ?
  • (A) Coordinate
  • (B) Covalent
  • (C) Ionic
  • (D) Metallic
16 >>Which of the following relations is correct? ?
  • (A) 2 IP − EA − EN = 0
  • (B) 2 IP − EN + EA = 0
  • (C) 2 EN − IP − EA = 0
  • (D) EN − IP − EA = 0
17 >>The IE of Li is 520 kJ⁄mol. The amount of energy required to convert 70 mg of Li atoms in gaseous state into Li+ ions is: ?
  • (A) 5.2 kJ
  • (B) 52 kJ
  • (C) 520 kJ
  • (D) 52 J
18 >>The lanthanide contraction is responsible for the fact that: ?
  • (A) Zr and Hf have about the same radius
  • (B) Zr and Y have about the same radius
  • (C) Zn and Nb have same oxidation state
  • (D) Zr and Zn have same oxidation state
19 >>Which is NOT the correct order for the stated property? ?
  • (A) Ba > Sr > Mg (Atomic radius)
  • (B) F > O > N (First IE)
  • (C) Cl > F > I (EA)
  • (D) O > Se > Te (Electronegativity)
20 >>What is the magentic moment of K3[FeF6]? ?
  • (A) 3.87 BM
  • (B) 4.89 BM
  • (C) 5.91 BM
  • (D) 6.92 BM
21 >>The ∠HSH in H2S is 92o. It infers to: ?
  • (A) S is sp3 hybridised
  • (B) Lonepair−lonepair repulsion is greater than bondpair−bondpair repulsion
  • (C) The bonds are more or less purely p type
  • (D) The bondpair−bondpair repulsion is high enough due to larger size of S
22 >>Which compound has the maximum covalent character? ?
  • (A) LiCl
  • (B) NaCl
  • (C) KCl
  • (D) CsCl

23 >>The geometry of AlF63− is: ?
  • (A) Tetrahedral
  • (B) Hexagonal
  • (C) Pyramidal
  • (D) Octahedral
24 >>The type of hybridisation of Xe in XeF6 will be the same as that of the central atom of: ?
  • (A) PCl5
  • (B) SF6
  • (C) IF7
  • (D) CCl4
25 >>The order of increasing polarity is: ?
  • (A) CO2, HCl, H2O, HF
  • (B) HF, H2O, HCl, CO2
  • (C) CO2, HCl, HF, H2O
  • (D) CO2, HF, H2O, HCl
26 >>In which of the following, there exists a pπ−dπ bond? ?
  • (A) Graphite
  • (B) Diamond
  • (C) Dimethyl amine
  • (D) Trisilylamine
27 >>Number of sigma bonds in P4O10 is: ?
  • (A) 6
  • (B) 9
  • (C) 16
  • (D) 20
28 >>CaO and NaCl have the same crystal structure and approximately the same ionic radii. If U is the lattice energy of NaCl, the approximate energy of NaCl is: ?
  • (A) U
  • (B) 2U
  • (C) 4U
  • (D) U ⁄ 2
29 >>CH3 is an isostere of: ?
  • (A) CH4
  • (B) NH3
  • (C) BH3
  • (D) CH3+
30 >>The nature of π bond in perchlorate ion is: ?
  • (A) O (dπ) − Cl (pπ)
  • (B) O (pπ) − Cl (dπ)
  • (C) O (dπ) − Cl (dπ)
  • (D) O (pπ) − Cl (pπ)
31 >>In the anion HCOO, the 2 C−O bonds are found to be of equal length. What is the reason for it? ?
  • (A) Electronic orbitals of C atoms are hybridised
  • (B) The C=O bond is weaker than the C−O bond
  • (C) The anion HCOO has 2 resonating structures
  • (D) The anion is obtained by removal of a proton from the acid molecule

32 >>The hybridisation of P in PO43− is the same as in: ?
  • (A) I in ICl4
  • (B) S in SO3
  • (C) N in NO3
  • (D) S in SO42−
33 >>Which one is a planar molecule? ?
  • (A) XeO4
  • (B) XeO3F
  • (C) XeO2F2
  • (D) XeF4
34 >>The linear structure is possessed by: ?
  • (A) SnCl2
  • (B) NCO
  • (C) NO2+
  • (D) CS2
35 >>In which process does the bond order increase and magnetic behaviour change? ?
  • (A) N2 → N2+
  • (B) C2 → C2+
  • (C) NO → NO+
  • (D) O2 → O2+
36 >>Which has zero dipole moment? ?
  • (A) ClF
  • (B) PCl3
  • (C) SiF4
  • (D) AgBr
37 >>Which of the following possesses maximum hydration energy? ?
  • (A) MgSO4
  • (B) RaSO4
  • (C) SrSO4
  • (D) BaSO4
38 >>The structure of ICl2 is: ?
  • (A) Trigonal
  • (B) Octahedral
  • (C) Square planar
  • (D) Distorted trigonal bipyramid
39 >>Which species has the maximum number of lone pair of electrons on the central atom? ?
  • (A) ClO3
  • (B) XeF4
  • (C) SF4
  • (D) I3
40 >>Hydrogen bond is strongest in: ?
  • (A) S−H−O
  • (B) O−H−S
  • (C) F−H−F
  • (D) O−H−N
41 >>The nodal plane in the π bond of ethene is located in: ?
  • (A) The molecular plane
  • (B) A plane parallel to the molecular plane
  • (C) A plane perpendicular to the molecular plane which bisects the C−C σ bond at right angle
  • (D) A plane perpendicular to the molecular plane which contains the C−C bond
42 >>The pair of species having identical shapes are: ?
  • (A) CF4, SF4
  • (B) XeF2, CO2
  • (C) BF3, PCl3
  • (D) PF5, IF5
43 >>Which one of the following species is diamagnetic in nature? ?
  • (A) H2
  • (B) H2
  • (C) H2+
  • (D) He2+
44 >>Which of the following carbonates does not dissociate on heating? ?
  • (A) Li2CO3
  • (B) K2CO3
  • (C) MgCO3
  • (D) CaCO3
45 >>Which of the following bicarbonates are obtained in solid state? ?
  • (A) NaHCO3
  • (B) LiHCO3
  • (C) Ca(HCO3)2
  • (D) All of these
.46 >>The alkali metals form salt like hydrides by the direct synthesis at elevated temperature. The thermal stability of these hydrides decrease in which of the following order? ?
  • (A) NaH > LiH > KH > RbH > CsH
  • (B) LiH > NaH > KH > RbH > CsH
  • (C) CsH > RbH > KH > NaH > LiH
  • (D) KH > NaH > LiH > CsH > RbH
47 >>As compared to lithium, sodium reacts quickly with water because: ?
  • (A) Its molecular weight is less
  • (B) It is more electronegative
  • (C) It is more electro-positive
  • (D) It is a metal
48 >>Which of the following on thermal decomposition yields a basic as well as an acidic oxide? ?
  • (A) NaNO3
  • (B) KClO3
  • (C) CaCO3
  • (D) NH4NO3
49 >>The compound exhibiting maximum value of equivalent conductance in a fused state is: ?
  • (A) SrCl2
  • (B) CaCl2
  • (C) MgCl2
  • (D) BeCl2
50 >>Arrange in the decreasing order of first ionisation enthalpy: ?
  • (A) Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba
  • (B) Ca, Sr, Ba, Mg
  • (C) Sr, Ba, Mg, Ca
  • (D) Ba, Mg, Ca, Sr
51 >>What is the correct order of increasing basic strength? ?
  • (A) MgO < BeO < CaO < BaO
  • (B) BeO < MgO < CaO < BaO
  • (C) BaO < CaO < MgO < BeO
  • (D) CaO < BaO < BeO < MgO
52 >>Which of the following compounds of cement sets at the slowest rate? ?
  • (A) Dicalcium silicate
  • (B) Tricalcium silicate
  • (C) Tricalcium aluminate
  • (D) Tetracalcium aluminoferrite
53 >>Which of the following is used as a scavenger in metallurgy? ?
  • (A) Na
  • (B) K
  • (C) Ca
  • (D) Zn
54 >>Carbon can not be used in the extraction of Al2O3 because: ?
  • (A) Pure carbon is not easily available
  • (B) The enthalpy of formation of CO2 is more than that of Al2O3
  • (C) It is an expensive proposition
  • (D) The enthalpy of formation of Al2O3 is very high
55 >>A salt when reacts with dil. H2SO4, evolves a gas which turns lime water milky and has bleaching property. The gas evolved is: ?
  • (A) CO
  • (B) CO2
  • (C) SO2
  • (D) SO3
56 >>Aqua fortis is: ?
  • (A) HNO3
  • (B) H3PO3
  • (C) HPO3
  • (D) HNO2
57 >>Reactivity of borazole is greater than that of benzene because: ?
  • (A) It has localized electron in it
  • (B) Borazole is electron deficient compound
  • (C) Borazole is polar compound
  • (D) Borazole is non polar compound
58 >>The maximum percentage of available chlorine on the basis of CaOCl2.H2O formula is: ?
  • (A) 40
  • (B) 35
  • (C) 49
  • (D) 45
59 >>The soldiers of Napoleon army, while at Alps during freezing winter suffered a serious problem as regards to the tin buttons of their uniforms. White metallic tin buttons got converted to grey powder. This transformation is related to: ?
  • (A) A change in the partial pressure of oxygen in the air
  • (B) An interaction with water vapours contained in the humid air
  • (C) A change in the crystalline structure of tin
  • (D) An interaction with nitrogen of the air at very low temperatures
60 >>When SO2 is passed through an aqueous solution of iodine, the solution becomes colourless. This is because of: ?
  • (A) The bleaching action of SO2
  • (B) The formation of HI
  • (C) The formation of iodic acid
  • (D) The formation of sulphur and sulphuric acid

Inorganic Chemistry Quiz | objective questions | Chemistry General Knowledge Questions | MCQ

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