Biology objective questions (Beginner Level) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

Biology objective questions (Beginner Level) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

1 >>Secondary growth involves activity of the ?
  • (A) root tips
  • (B) shoot tip
  • (C) apical meristem
  • (D) lateral meristem
2 >>The function of root cap is to ?
  • (A) produce embryonic cells
  • (B) protect the root apical meristem from damage
  • (C) absorb water
  • (D) absorb minerals
3 >>The essential chemical processes in living organisms are ?
  • (A) catabolism
  • (B) anabolism
  • (C) Cell division
  • (D) all above
4 >>Rules regarding the binomial nomenclature are framed by ?
  • (A) the scientists of Central America
  • (B) Director of Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew
  • (C) the International Science Congress
  • (D) individuals of all the countries
5 >>ICBN was adopted in ?
  • (A) 1951
  • (B) 1961
  • (C) 1971
  • (D) 1985
6 >>′Law of Priority′ is applicable after the year ?
  • (A) 1720
  • (B) 1753
  • (C) 1853
  • (D) 1845

7 >>A person who studies about the origin, evolution and variations in plants and also about the classification of plants is referred as ?
  • (A) taxonomist
  • (B) herbal taxonomist
  • (C) classical taxonomist
  • (D) evolutionist
8 >>Amongst all the kingdoms, the only taxon that exists in nature as a biologically cohesive unit is the ?
  • (A) species
  • (B) genus
  • (C) phylum or division
  • (D) kingdom
9 >>One of the following includes all the others ?
  • (A) Class
  • (B) Order
  • (C) Genus
  • (D) Species
10 >>The most convenient way for easy identification of plants and animals by applying diagnostic features is ?
  • (A) recognition
  • (B) preservation
  • (C) comparison
  • (D) use of taxonomic keys
11 >>′Elemens de Botanique′ was written by ?
  • (A) Valliant
  • (B) Tournefort
  • (C) Micheli
  • (D) de Bary
12 >>Principles of bionomial nomenclature proposed by Linnaeus are contained in his book, ?
  • (A) Philosphia Botanica
  • (B) Historia Plantarum
  • (C) Species Plantarum
  • (D) Flora Lapponica

13 >>Who for the first time tried to use two word names for plants and animals ?
  • (A) Linnaeus
  • (B) Bauhin
  • (C) John Ray
  • (D) Aristotle
14 >>The classification of Engler and Pranti is one which is based on ?
  • (A) overall similarities
  • (B) utilitarian system
  • (C) plant habit
  • (D) common evolutionary descent
15 >>The disadvantage of Linnaeus two kingdom classification is that it:- ?
  • (A) Can demarcate between cryptogams
  • (B) clubs together saprophytic fungi with photosynthetic organisms
  • (C) divides all organisms into plants and animals
  • (D) distinguishes between fungi and protista.
16 >>Kingdom protista is not considered natural one because ?
  • (A) it has diverse modes of form, structure and nutrition
  • (B) of organisms like slime mould which are totally different from all other organisms
  • (C) Its members are from different evolutionary lines
  • (D) all above.
17 >>Whittaker failed to give any place to one of the following in his classification ?
  • (A) cyanobacteria
  • (B) viruses
  • (C) slime moulds
  • (D) all above
18 >>One of the following group is odd one out ?
  • (A) Cyanobacteria, archaebacteria and methanobacteria
  • (B) Club moss, bog moss and peat moss
  • (C) Reptiles, birds and mammals
  • (D) None above
19 >>The total number of members of kingdom animalia so far discovered are ?
  • (A) 1.2 million
  • (B) 5 million
  • (C) 3 million
  • (D) 2 million
20 >>Which statement about the archaean genome is true ? ?
  • (A) It is much more similar to the bacterial genome than to eukaryotic genomes
  • (B) More than half of its genes are never observed in bacteria or eukaryotes
  • (C) It is much smaller than the bacterial genome.
  • (D) It is housed in the nucleus and no archaean genome has yet been sequenced.

21 >>A taxon derived from a single ancestral population is ?
  • (A) phenetic
  • (B) monophyletic
  • (C) phylogenetic
  • (D) polyphyletic
22 >>The book ′Structure and Reproduction of the Algae′ describing taxonomy of algae is written by ?
  • (A) Whittaker
  • (B) Fritsch
  • (C) Trainer
  • (D) Christensen
23 >>Which of the following grouping is correct ? ?
  • (A) Cuttle, fish, silver fish, sea urchin (coelentrates)
  • (B) Centipede, silverfish, millipede (arthropoda)
  • (C) Taenia sodium, round worm, flat worm (platyhelminthes)
  • (D) None above.
24 >>The plant classification proposed initially were ?
  • (A) natural
  • (B) artificial
  • (C) numerical
  • (D) phylogenetic

25 >>The total number of plant families included by Bentham and Hooker in their classification is ?
  • (A) 202
  • (B) 186
  • (C) 196
  • (D) 206
26 >>Weisz and Fuler classified the living plants into the following groups ?
  • (A) aquatic, terrestrial, aerial
  • (B) monera, protista, mentazoa
  • (C) cryptogams and phanerogams
  • (D) angiosperms and gymnosperms
27 >>The female sex organs in Riccia and Funaria is ?
  • (A) antheridium
  • (B) paraphyses and capsule
  • (C) archegonium
  • (D) all above.
28 >>Elaters are present in the sporogonium of ?
  • (A) Riccia
  • (B) Selaginella
  • (C) Marchantia
  • (D) both a and c
29 >>Name the alga which inhabits the ventral surface of the Anthoceros thallus ? ?
  • (A) Chlamydomonas
  • (B) Nostac
  • (C) Volvax
  • (D) Chara
30 >>Stomata occurs in the ?
  • (A) gametophyte of Riccia
  • (B) gametophyte of Marchantia
  • (C) sporogonium of Funaria
  • (D) gametophyte of Funaria
31 >>The tallest moss in the world is ?
  • (A) Funaria
  • (B) Pogonatum
  • (C) Buxbaumia
  • (D) Dawasonia
32 >>The number of generations in the life cycle of pteridophyte are ?
  • (A) two
  • (B) one
  • (C) three
  • (D) four
33 >>Glossopodium, a water absorbing tissue is a part of a ligule and is characteristic of ?
  • (A) Pteris
  • (B) Selaginella
  • (C) Dryopteris
  • (D) Azolla
34 >>The fern leaves are known as ?
  • (A) lamina
  • (B) fronds
  • (C) sporophyll
  • (D) blades

35 >>Which of the following fossil genera stand midway between pterudophytes and gymnosperms ? ?
  • (A) Lycopodites
  • (B) Seleginellites
  • (C) Matonidium
  • (D) Calioxylon
36 >>Sunken stomata are characteristic of ?
  • (A) Cycas
  • (B) Pinus
  • (C) Taxus
  • (D) all above.
37 >>Transfusion tissue replaces the veins is ?
  • (A) Cycas and ferns
  • (B) Cycas and Pinus
  • (C) Cycas
  • (D) Selaginella
38 >>Dwarf shoots of Pinus are ?
  • (A) never shed
  • (B) shed every year
  • (C) shed every five year
  • (D) shed after 3 to 15 years
39 >>What is the number of neck canal cells in the archegonium of gnetales ? ?
  • (A) 0
  • (B) 4
  • (C) 8
  • (D) 16
40 >>Oleroesin (Canada balsma) is obtained from ?
  • (A) Impatiens balsamia
  • (B) Pinus
  • (C) Helianthus
  • (D) Abies balsamea
41 >>The plants which are very small and have soft stems such as grasses are called ?
  • (A) climbers
  • (B) lianas
  • (C) runners
  • (D) herbs
42 >>The only dicot family bearing six cotyledons is ?
  • (A) leguminosae
  • (B) compositae
  • (C) orchidaceae
  • (D) loranthaceae
43 >>The first true ansiosperm evolved from and ancestral ?
  • (A) Arceuthobium
  • (B) Gnetum
  • (C) Cycas
  • (D) Taxus
44 >>Which of the following is the most closely matching set ?
  • (A) cuttle fish, silver fish, hag fish
  • (B) man, chimpanze, monkey
  • (C) bat, pigeon, butterfly
  • (D) crab, earthworm, oyster
45 >>The body plan of an animal is ?
  • (A) its general structure.
  • (B) its general form and the functional interrelationship of its parts
  • (C) its general form and its evolutionary history
  • (D) the functional interrelationship of its parts and its evolutionary history
46 >>The animal with haemocoel is ?
  • (A) Hydra
  • (B) Leucosolenia
  • (C) centipede
  • (D) earthworm
47 >>Rabbit is ?
  • (A) nocturnal
  • (B) diurnal
  • (C) crepuscular
  • (D) auroral
48 >>Invertebrates are characterised by ?
  • (A) absence of a true coelom
  • (B) absence of endoskeleton
  • (C) absence of pharyngeal gill slits
  • (D) dorsally or laterally placed heart
49 >>Sponges are more advanced than protozoa because ?
  • (A) they have gastric cavity
  • (B) of division of labour among the cells
  • (C) they have locomotary organs
  • (D) they show regeneration
50 >>The cells which help in fertilization are ?
  • (A) archeocytes
  • (B) thesocytes
  • (C) choanocytes
  • (D) porocytes
51 >>A cavity found in all sponges is ?
  • (A) radial chamber
  • (B) excurrent canals
  • (C) paragastric cavity
  • (D) incurrent canals
52 >>′Mermaid′s gloves′ is ?
  • (A) Spongilla
  • (B) Euplectella
  • (C) Chalina
  • (D) Cliona
53 >>Digestion in Leucosolenia and other sponges is ?
  • (A) only extracellular
  • (B) only intracellular
  • (C) first extracellular, then intracellular
  • (D) first intracellular, then extracellular
54 >>There is true alternation of generation shown by cnidarians called as ?
  • (A) metachrosis
  • (B) metagenesis
  • (C) metamorphosis
  • (D) metaboly
55 >>The main function of interstitial cells is ?
  • (A) excretion
  • (B) defence
  • (C) replenishment of lost cells
  • (D) digestion
56 >>The blood in the body of Hydra is ?
  • (A) present
  • (B) absent
  • (C) not well organized
  • (D) present only in embryo
57 >>The locomotion in Hydra taken place by ?
  • (A) walking
  • (B) floating and gliding
  • (C) looping and somersaulting
  • (D) all of these method
58 >>Hydra is ?
  • (A) Protandrous
  • (B) Protogynous
  • (C) androgynous
  • (D) gynandrous
59 >>The generic name of brain-coral is ?
  • (A) Fungia
  • (B) Meandrina
  • (C) Modrepora
  • (D) Astraea
60 >>The Great Barrier Reef of northern coast of Australia resembles ?
  • (A) fringing reef
  • (B) atoll
  • (C) both above
  • (D) none above

Biology objective questions (Beginner Level) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions
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