03 Fashion designing Quiz | MCQ | Practice test for Exam

Fashion designing Quiz | MCQ | Practice test for Exam

1 >>Expand VAT ?
  • (A) Value added tax
  • (B) Variable agreement trade
  • (C) Visual arrangement of trend
  • (D) Value agreed on trade
2 >>.-------------- is calculated at the range selection stage before order qualities are finalisect. ?
  • (A) Average selling price
  • (B) Market price
  • (C) Cost price
  • (D) Margin price
3 >>New ranges are launched for----------- main reasons per year. ?
  • (A) 4
  • (B) 3
  • (C) 2
  • (D) 1

4 >>.------------ general merchandise store, including apparel, household goods and furniture. ?
  • (A) Wholesale
  • (B) Department store
  • (C) Regional store
  • (D) Speciality store
5 >>.----------is the term offer used by the industry to describe online retailing vis the internet. ?
  • (A) Whole sale
  • (B) E- Commerce
  • (C) Catalog
  • (D) Tele- Shopping
6 >>.-----------retailing offers merchandises to consumers in a catalog as directional format ?
  • (A) Mail order
  • (B) E- Commerce
  • (C) E-retailing
  • (D) Chain store
7 >>.-----------stores owners hires more employee and increases space ?
  • (A) Large
  • (B) Small
  • (C) Partnership
  • (D) Franchise
8 >>A successful unit store may open additional locations, to grow into a----------- unit operation, ?
  • (A) Single
  • (B) Branch
  • (C) Chain
  • (D) Multiple
9 >>.------------store is often managed by one person usually the owner. ?
  • (A) Small
  • (B) Large
  • (C) Corporate
  • (D) Single
10 >>Any store that is price- directed is a-------------- store ?
  • (A) Small
  • (B) Department
  • (C) Corporate
  • (D) Promotional

11 >>The retailers charge a small membership fee, offer consumers deep discounts on general merchandise------------------- ?
  • (A) Warehouse club
  • (B) Mass- merchants
  • (C) Retail store
  • (D) Outlets
12 >>.--------------- is the group of consumers to whom a producer, manufactures or retailer aims products, services and advertising ?
  • (A) Stylist
  • (B) Target market
  • (C) Buyer
  • (D) Customer
13 >>.-----------is a designer or fashion leader who sets a fashion directton ?
  • (A) Trend setter
  • (B) Stylist
  • (C) Trend buyer
  • (D) Buyer
14 >>.----------- stores cater to a particular target customer by providing a narrow fours of merchandise ?
  • (A) Department store
  • (B) Speciality
  • (C) Regional
  • (D) Departmental
15 >>.----------- is the means of communication, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, and direct mail. ?
  • (A) Current
  • (B) Reports
  • (C) Media
  • (D) Service
16 >>.----------- which carry just one category of merchandise ?
  • (A) Single-line
  • (B) Singe trend
  • (C) Limited line
  • (D) Multiple line
17 >>Store which carry only private label merchandise. ?
  • (A) Single line
  • (B) Single brand
  • (C) Limited line
  • (D) Multiple line

18 >>.------------- retailer carry a wider variety of categories, such s women's and men's apparel accessories ?
  • (A) Limited line
  • (B) Multiple line
  • (C) Department
  • (D) Mass merchant
19 >>A single unit store may open additional locations, a-------------- operation ?
  • (A) Multiple unit
  • (B) Chain store
  • (C) Malls
  • (D) Liaised store
20 >>Store owned by a single person---------------- ?
  • (A) Partnership
  • (B) Mass merchants
  • (C) Sole proprietorship
  • (D) Corporation

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