01 Botany Quiz | Botany GK MCQ


1 >>Q1.Turpentine is obtained from ?
  • (A) A. pinus
  • (B) B. cedrus
  • (C) C. eucalyptus
  • (D) D. taxus
2 >>Q2. The metal ion involved in stomatal regulations is ?
  • (A) A. iron
  • (B) B. magnesium
  • (C) C. zinc
  • (D) D. potassium
3 >>Q3. Which one of the following is concerned with the production of ATP molecules? ?
  • (A) A. cristae
  • (B) B. cisternae
  • (C) C. vesicles
  • (D) D. lamellae
4 >>Q4. Pollinium found in the family ?
  • (A) A. Asclepiadaceae
  • (B) B. Orchidaceae
  • (C) C. Asclepiadaceae and Orchidaceae
  • (D) D. None of these

5 >>Q5. The ratio 3 : 1 is obtained in ?
  • (A) A. dihybrid cross
  • (B) B. monohybrid cross
  • (C) C. crossing over
  • (D) D. mutation
6 >>Q6. Consider, the following statements: Assertion (A) : Rhizopus lives on bread ; Reason (R) : Because it is a parasite. ?
  • (A) A. Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
  • (B) B. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
  • (C) C. A is true, but R is false
  • (D) D. A is false, but R is true
7 >>Q7. Which of the following is NOT correctly matched? ?
  • (A) A.Auxin enlargement - Cell
  • (B) B.Gibberellin synthesis - Amylase
  • (C) C.Cytokinin ageing - Promotes
  • (D) D.Ethylene - Fruit ripening
8 >>Q8. Coralloid roots are found in ?
  • (A) A. paddy
  • (B) B. getum
  • (C) C. araucaria
  • (D) D. cycas
9 >>Q9. Pulses contain large amount of ?
  • (A) A. fats
  • (B) B. vitamins
  • (C) C. proteins
  • (D) D. minerals
10 >>Q10.Which one is a xerophyte? ?
  • (A) A. Hydrilla
  • (B) B. Nelumbium
  • (C) C. Nerium
  • (D) D. Ceratophyllum

11 >>Q11. Which of the following diseases is NOT caused by bacteria? ?
  • (A) A. Typhoid
  • (B) B. Influenza
  • (C) C. Diptheria
  • (D) D. Cholera
12 >>Q12. Which one of the following is correctly matched? ?
  • (A) A.Stanley -Pencillin
  • (B) B.Alexander Fleming-AIDS
  • (C) C.Robert Gallo-Tobacco Mosaic virus
  • (D) D.Iwanoski-Discovery of virus
13 >>Q13. Gymnosperms are ?
  • (A) A. Closed seeded plants
  • (B) B. Open seeded plants
  • (C) C. Seedless plants
  • (D) D. Herbaceous plants
14 >>Q14. Reduction division is ?
  • (A) A. Amitosis
  • (B) B. Mitoss
  • (C) C. Nuclear division
  • (D) D. Meiosis
15 >>Q15. The female sex organ of polytrichum is ?
  • (A) A. Antheridium
  • (B) B. Archegonium
  • (C) C. Foot
  • (D) D. Protonema
16 >>Q16. DNA model was first proposed by ?
  • (A) A. Watson ana Paul
  • (B) B. Watson and Crick
  • (C) C. Robert Hooke
  • (D) D. Robert Brown
17 >>Q17. Opium is obtained from ?
  • (A) A. popover
  • (B) B. cannabis
  • (C) C. digitalis
  • (D) D. piper
18 >>Q18. Mendel did his hybridization experiments in this plant ?
  • (A) A. Sweet pea plant
  • (B) B. Pea plant
  • (C) C. Tomato plant
  • (D) D. Cotton plant
19 >>Q19. The sun's energy is fixed in the world by ?
  • (A) A. Soil
  • (B) B. Water
  • (C) C. Green plants
  • (D) D. Animals

20 >>Q20. Fixation of nitrogen in the soil is done by ?
  • (A) A. Virus
  • (B) B. Fungus
  • (C) C. Bacteria
  • (D) D. Protozoa
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