Biotechnology Quiz | MCQ | Biotech Test Quiz 01

Biotechnology Quiz | MCQ | Biotech Test Quiz #mcq.CETJOB

1 >>The use or alteration of cells or biochemicals to provide a useful product describes ?
  • (A) recombinant DNA technology.
  • (B) transgenic technology.
  • (C) biotechnology.
  • (D) gene targeting.
2 >>Which of the technologies listed below is a valuable method for mass-producing drugs and other useful proteins? ?
  • (A) recombinant DNA technology
  • (B) transgenic technology
  • (C) biotechnology
  • (D) gene targeting

3 >>Manufacturing recombinant DNA molecules involves cutting a gene from its normal location, inserting it into a circular piece of DNA from a bacterial cell, and then transferring the circle of DNA to cells of another species. Which of the tools below is used to cut the gene from its normal location? ?

  • (A) restriction enzyme
  • (B) plasmid
  • (C) bacteriophage
  • (D) vector
4 >>Manufacturing recombinant DNA molecules involves cutting a gene from its normal location, inserting it into a circular piece of DNA from a bacterial cell, and then transferring the circle of DNA to cells of another species. Which of the below describe the circular piece of DNA from a bacterial cell? ?
  • (A) restriction enzyme
  • (B) plasmid
  • (C) bacteriophage
  • (D) vector

5 >>Which gene transfer technique involves a tiny needle which is used to inject DNA into a cell lacking that DNA sequence? ?
  • (A) electroporation
  • (B) liposome transfer
  • (C) microinjection
  • (D) particle bombardment
6 >>The process of ____ involves the introduction of a gene into a cell where it exchanges places with its counterpart in the host cell. ?
  • (A) transgenic technology
  • (B) gene targeting
  • (C) knockout technology
  • (D) recombinant DNA technology
7 >>A multicellular organism that carries a specific genetic change in each cell because of an intervention at the fertilized egg stage is a ?
  • (A) transversion.
  • (B) transition.
  • (C) transgenic.
  • (D) transformant.
8 >>The first drug produced using recombinant DNA technology is used to treat ?
  • (A) hemophilia.
  • (B) dwarfism.
  • (C) heart attack.
  • (D) diabetes.
9 >>Genetic engineering manipulates gene products at the level of the ?
  • (A) protein.
  • (B) amino acid.
  • (C) DNA.
  • (D) RNA.
10 >>A knockout mouse is so named because ?
  • (A) it contains aggression genes.
  • (B) it contains multiple copies of a human gene.
  • (C) it contains an activated human gene.
  • (D) none of the above

11 >>The first patent for a transgenic organism was awarded in 1988. Which organism was patented? ?

  • (A) a yeast used in industrial processes
  • (B) a bacterium able to metabolize components of crude oil
  • (C) a mouse that manufactures human protein in its milk
  • (D) life forms cannot be patented
12 >>Palindromic sequences in DNA ?
  • (A) form ""blunt"" ends when cut by restriction enzymes.
  • (B) reflect the same sequence on two sides.
  • (C) are not useful in recombinant DNA experiments.
  • (D) all of the above.
13 >>A cDNA version of a gene includes ?
  • (A) codons for a mature mRNA.
  • (B) sequences corresponding to introns.
  • (C) sequences corresponding to promoters.
  • (D) both b and c.
14 >>Which of the following transgenic pharming products is incorrectly paired with the host organism that produces it? ?
  • (A) hemoglobin - rabbit
  • (B) human growth hormone - rat
  • (C) lactoferrin - cows
  • (D) alpha-1-antitrypsin - sheep


15 >>Swapping an inactivated allele for a gene of interest produces a ____ mouse while replacing a gene with another that has an altered function creates a ____ mouse. ?
  • (A) knockout, knockout
  • (B) knockout, gene targeted
  • (C) knockout, knockin
  • (D) gene targeted, knockin
16 >>Gene targeting is done on a(n) ?
  • (A) sperm cell.
  • (B) egg cell.
  • (C) fertilized ovum.
  • (D) early embryonic cell.
17 >>Human proteins can be produced in the milk or semen of farm animals. True or false? ?
  • (A) TRUE
  • (B) false, proteins cannot be produced in milk
  • (C) false, proteins cannot be produced in semen
  • (D) false, animals are not used for protein production
18 >>____ consist of recombinant cells containing different fragments of a foreign genome. ?
  • (A) DNA probes
  • (B) Homologous recombinants
  • (C) Genomic libraries
  • (D) Knockout organisms
19 >>Recombinant DNA technology methods began in the ?
  • (A) 1950's
  • (B) 1960's
  • (C) 1970's
  • (D) 1980's
Biotechnology Quiz | MCQ | Biotech Test Quiz 01

20 >>____ are used to select genes of interest from a genomic library. ?
  • (A) Restriction enzymes
  • (B) Cloning vectors
  • (C) DNA probes
  • (D) Gene targets

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