Basic Civil Engineering Quiz | Practice Test

Multiple Choice Questions on Civil Engineering | Objective Questions | Civil Engineering Quiz | MCQ

1 >>The salient feature of functional organisation is ?
  • (A) strict adherence to specifications
  • (B) separation of planning and design part
  • (C) each individual maintains functional efficiency
  • (D) all the above
2 >>Critical path method ?
  • (A) is an improvement upon bar chart method
  • (B) provides a realistic approach to daily problems
  • (C) avoids delays which are very common in bar charts
  • (D) All the above

3 >>CPM is ?

  • (A) synthesising in concepts
  • (B) is based on time estimate
  • (C) is used for repetitive works
  • (D) all the above
4 >>Critical path lies along the activities having total float ?
  • (A) positive
  • (B) negative
  • (C) zero
  • (D) same


5 >>Construction team means ?
  • (A) an engineer
  • (B) an architect
  • (C) an owner
  • (D) all the above
6 >>A construction schedule is prepared after collecting ?
  • (A) number of operations
  • (B) output of labour
  • (C) output of machinery
  • (D) all the above
7 >>Site order book is used for recording ?
  • (A) instructions by the executive engineers
  • (B) construction measurements
  • (C) issue of store equipments
  • (D) names of the casual labour
8 >>An Executive Engineer may have powers upto ?
  • (A) 25000
  • (B) 50000
  • (C) 100000
  • (D) 200000
9 >>The main principle of an organisation, is ?
  • (A) unity of command
  • (B) cohegency
  • (C) effective control at all levels
  • (D) all the above

10 >>The estimated time required to perform an activity, is known as ?
  • (A) event
  • (B) dummy
  • (C) duration
  • (D) float
11 >>CPM family includes ?
  • (A) CPA (Critical Path Analysis)
  • (B) CPP (Critical Path Plotted)
  • (C) Critical Path Scheduling)
  • (D) All the above
12 >>The time which results in the leasi, possible construction cost of an activity, is known ?
  • (A) normal time
  • (B) slow time
  • (C) crash time
  • (D) standard time

Basic Civil Engineering Quiz | Practice Test

13 >>If the total float and duration of an activity are 5 and 10 days respectively, the particular activity can be ?
  • (A) started 5 days later
  • (B) completed 5 days later
  • (C) performed at slower rate in 15 days
  • (D) all the above.
14 >>Works costing less than Rs. 20,000 are treated as ?
  • (A) projects
  • (B) major projects
  • (C) minor projects
  • (D) all the above
15 >>critical ratio scheduling ?
  • (A) establishes the relative priorities among various activities on a common basis
  • (B) determines the status of each activity
  • (C) is a dynamic system
  • (D) none of these
16 >>Bar charts are suitable for ?
  • (A) minor works
  • (B) major works
  • (C) large projects
  • (D) all the Above
17 >>The first method invented for planning projects, was ?
  • (A) Bar chart method
  • (B) Milestone chart
  • (C) Critical path method (CPM)
  • (D) Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
18 >>If TL is the latest allowable event occurrence time, total activity slack(s), is equal to ?
  • (A) LSTEST
  • (B) LFTEFT
  • (C) TLEFT
  • (D) all the above
19 >>The Overall incharge of an organisation at the site responsible for the execution of the works, is ?
  • (A) Executive Engineer
  • (B) Engineer
  • (C) Junior Engineer
  • (D) Sub overseer
20 >>Modular coordination of construction means proper ?
  • (A) planning
  • (B) designing
  • (C) execution
  • (D) all the above

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