27 Chemistry in Action Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Chemistry in Action Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Chemistry plays very important role in our every day life from the starting, it has been in the service of mankind. Our daily needs of food, clothing, shelter, potable water, medicines etc. are in one or the other manner connected with chemical compounds, processes and principles. We always owe a debt to chemists for their important contributions for giving us life saving drugs, synthetic fibres, synthetic detergents, variety of cosmetics, preservatives for our food, fertilizers, pesticides etc. There is no aspect of our life that is not affected by the developments in chemistry. Thus the mankind owes much to chemistry because it has improved the quality of life.
Dye is a natural or synthetic colouring matter which is used in solution to stain materials especially fabrics. All the coloured substances are not dyes. A coloured substance is termed as a dye if it fulfils the following conditions,
 It must have a suitable colour.
 It can be fixed on the fabric either directly or with the help of mordant.
 When fixed it must be fast to light and washing, i.e., it must be resistant to the action of water, acids and alkalies, particularly to alkalies as washing soda and soap have alkaline nature.
(1) Theory of Dyes : A dye consists of a chromophore group and a salt forming group called anchoric group. In 1876, Otto witt put forth a theory as to correlate colour with molecular structure (constitution). The theory is named 'The Chromophore Auxochrome Theory' and its main postulates are,
(i) The colour of the organic compounds is due to the presence of certain multiple bonded groups called chromophores.

Dyes and Pigment Quiz

1. The blue print process involves the use of 
(a) Indigo dyes
(b) Vat dyes
(c) Iron compounds
(d) Zinc compounds
SOL: (c) The blue print process involve the use of iron compound.

2. An azo dye is formed by interaction of an aromatic diazonium chloride with
(a) A phenol
(b) An aliphatic primary amine
(c) Benzene
(d) Nitrous acid

3. Alizarin belongs to the class of 
(a) Vat dyes
(b) Mordant dyes
(c) Substantive dyes
(d) Reactive dyes
SOL: (b) A mordant is any substance which can be fixed to the fibre and which can be dyed later on mostly hydroxide or basic salts of chromium aluminium and iron are used as mordant. A dye which imparts different colours in the presence of different mordant is referred to as a mordant dye. For ex. alizarin is a mordant dye when mordanted with aluminium salt solution. It imparts rose red colour to fabric but the same fabric is dyed blue when it is mordanted with barium salt and it dyes violet is mordant with Ferric salt.

4. Which of the following is dye
(a) Methyl orange (b) Orange I
(c) Aniline yellow (d) All of these

5. Which of the following is an example of basic dye
(a) Alizarin  (b) Malachite green
(c) Indigo (d) Orange I
SOL: (b) Basic dyes contain NH2 or –NR2 groups as colour bearing group or colour enhancing groups they are generally used for Wool, cotton, leather, paper, polyester, nylon etc. e.g. aniline yellow, crysodine G, butter yellow, malachite green etc.
6. Which of the following is a direct dye
(a) Phenolphthalein (b) Congo red
(c) Alizarin (d) Indigo
SOL: (b) Direct dyes stick to the fibre through hydrogen bonding. They belong to the class of azo dyes. They are used to dye the fabric directly by placing it in not aqueous solution of dye e.g. martius yellow, Congored etc.
7. Which one is disperse dye
(a) Congo red (b) Alizarin
(c) Celliton (d) None of these
SOL: (c) Disperse dye are usually applied in the form of dispersion of finely divided dye in a soap solution in the presence of Phenol, Cresol, Benzoic acid etc. They are mainly used to dye decron, nylon, synthetic fibre. Example Celliton (blue).
8. Malachite green is a direct dye for silk and wool. It is prepared by condensing
(a) Benzaldehyde and dimethyl aniline
(b) Carbonyl chloride and dimethyl aniline
(c) Benzene diazonium chloride with dimethyl aniline
(d) None of the above  
SOL: (a) Malachite green prepared by the condensation of Benzaldehyde and dimethyl aniline.
9. Fluorescin, a well known dye is obtained by the reactions of 
(a) Phthalic anhydride and phenol
(b) Phthalic anhydride and resorcinol
(c) Succinic acid and resorcinol
(d) Phthalic anhydride and catechol 
SOL: (b) Fluorescin is obtained by the reaction of Phthalic anhydride and resorcinol.

10. Identify the wrong statement regarding alizarin
(a) Alizarin was extracted from the roots of the madder plant
(b) It's chemical name is 1, 2-dihydroxy anthraquinone
(c) It is fixed to fabrics by using mordants like aluminium sulphate giving fast red colour
(d) It has red crystal soluble in alkalies and the solution imparts red colour to fabrics   

11. Methyl orange is an indicator in acid-alkali titration. It gives
(a) Yellow colour in alkaline medium
(b) Red colour in acid medium
(c) Yellow colour in acid medium
(d) Yellow colour in alkaline medium and red colour in acid medium 
SOL: (d) Methyl orange is yellow in alkaline medium and red in acedic medium.
12. A dye imparts red colour on fabric. What colour of light was absorbed by the dye
(a) Blue (b) Red
(c) Green (d) Orange    
SOL: (c) Green is the complimentary colour of red.
13. Which of the following is an azo dye
(a) Orange-I
(b) Phenolphthalein
(c) Malachite green
(d) Methylene blue    
SOL: (a) Orange-I is an acid azodye
14. An example of anthraquinone dye is 
(a) Alizarin
(b) Basic acid
(c) Methylene blue
(d) Phenolphthalein
SOL: (a) Alizarin is an example of anthraquinon dye.
15. Which of the following is a basic dyes
(a) Congo Red
(b) Aniline Yellow
(c) Alizarin
(d) Indigo    
SOL: (b) Aniline yellow is a basic dyes.

Drugs and Medicines Quiz

16. A medicine which promotes the secretion of urine is called
(a) Uretic (b) Monouretic
(c) Diuretic (d) Triuretic
17. An example of a psychedelic agent is
(a) DNA (b) LSD
(c) DDT (d) TNT
SOL:  (b) A psychedelic drug produce visual and auditory hallucinotions e.g. Lysergic and diethyl amide (LSD)

18. Veronal, a barbiturate drug is used as
(a) Anaesthetic (b) Sedative
(c) Antiseptic  (d) None of these

19. Acetoxy benzoic acid is
(a) Antiseptic (b) Aspirin
(c) Antibiotic (d) Mordant dye
SOL: (b) Acetyl salicylic acid is also called acetoxy benzoic acid

20. Which of the following is a hypnotic drug
(a) Luminal (b) Salol
(c) Catechol (d) Chemisol
SOL: (a) These drugs produce sleep and are habit forming common example of hypnotic drugs are Luminal and Saconal.

21. An antipyretic is 
(a) Quinine
(b) Paracetamol
(c) Luminal
(d) Piperazine
SOL: (b) Paracetamol is an antipyretic.

22. The drug used as an antidepressant is
(a) Luminol (b) Tofranil
(c) Mescaline (d) Sulphadiazine

23. Chloramine-T is a
(a) Disinfectant (b) Antiseptic
(c) Analgesic (d) Antipyretic
SOL: (b) Antiseptic drugs causes destruction of micro-organism that produce septic disease e.g. Dettol, Savlon acriflavin, Boric acid, Phenol Iodoform,   and some dyes such as Chloramine T, methylene blue. 

24. Streptomycin is effective in the treatment of 
(a) Tuberculosis (b) Malaria
(c) Typhoid (d) Cholera
SOL: (a) It is the very effective antibiotics for tuberculosis.

25. Which of the following is not an antiseptic drug
(a) Iodoform  (b) Dettol
(c) Gammexane (d) Genatian violet
SOL: (c)It is an insecticide.

26. Which of the following is a hallucinogenic drug
(a) Methedrine (b) Calmpose
(c) LSD (d) Seconal
27. Heroin is a derivative of 
(a) Cocaine (b) Morphine
(c) Caffeine (d) Nicotine
SOL: (b)Heroin is acyl derivative of morphine.

28. The first viral disease detected in human being was
(a) Cold (b) Influenza
(c) Small pox (d) Yellow fever
SOL: (d) Yellow fever was the first viral disease detected in human being.

29. The formulation of dettol contains
(a) Chloroxylenol (b) Terpineol
(c) Alcohol (d) All of these
SOL: (d) Dettol (antiseptic) is a mixture of 4.8% chloroxylenol + 9.9% tepineol and absolute alcohol.

30. Interferon is – Connected with 
(a) Tonic (b) Virus
(c) Carbohydrate (d) Ore of iron
31. Phenacetin is used as 
(a) Antipyretic (b) Antiseptic
(c) Antimalarial (d) Analgesic

32. Morphine is 
(a) An alkaloid (b) An enzyme
(c) A carbohydrate (d) A protein
SOL: (a) It is an alkaloid a class of organic compound basic nature of plant origin containing atleast one nitrogen atom in a ring structure of molecule.

33. Substance used for bringing down temperature in high fever are called
(a) Pyretics (b) Antipyretics
(c) Antibiotics (d) Antiseptics
SOL: (b) It is antipyretic i.e., a drug which is responsible for lowering the temperature of feverish organism to normal.

34. A large number of antibiotics have been isolated from 
(a) Bacteria actinomycetes
(b) Acids
(c) Alkanals
(d) Bacteria rhizobium

35. Which one is communicable disease
(a) Scurvy (b) Diabetes
(c) Beri-Beri (d) Chollera
SOL: (d) T.B., Chollera etc. are Communicable diseases.

36. An antibiotic contains nitro group attached to aromatic nucleus. It is 
(a) Penicillin
(b) Streptomycin
(c) Tetracycline
(d) Chloramphenicol

37. 2,4-dichloro phenoxyacetic acid is used as a 
(a) Fungicide
(b) Insecticide
(c) Herbicide
(d) Moth repellent
SOL: (c) It is herbicide (kill herbs)

38. Sulpha drugs are used for
(a) Precipitating bacteria
(b) Removing bacteria
(c) Decreasing the size of bacteria
(d) Stopping the growth of bacteria
SOL: (d) Sulpha drugs (antibacterial and nonantibiotic) are group of drugs which are derivative of sulphanilamide.

39. ‘Placedo’ is often given to patients. It is 
(a) An antidepressant
(b) A broad spectrum antibiotic
(c) A sugar pill
(d) A tonic

40. Bithional is an example of 
(a) Disinfectant (b) Antiseptic
(c) Antibiotic (d) Analgesic
SOL: (a) Bithional has disinfectant nature (kill bacteria)

Rocket - Propellant Quiz

41. A space rocket is propelled by
(a) An automobile engine
(b) Rocket propellant
(c) Nuclear submarine
(d) Steam engine 
SOL: (b) Rocket propellant are used as fuel for space rock.

42. The propellant in the proposed PSLV rocket of the Indian space programme shall consist of
(a) A composite solid propellant
(b) Biliquid propellants such as N2O4+unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH) and N2O4 monomethyl hydrazine (MMH)
(c) Both (a) and (b) in different stages of rocket propulsion
(d) Kerosene and liquid oxygen    

43. Thrust imparted to the rocket is governed by the 
(a) Third law of thermodynamics
(b) Gravitational law
(c) Newton's third law
(d) None of these 
SOL:  (c) It is based on Newton's third law.

Chemistry in Action Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

44. Which of the following is used as an oxidiser in rocket propellants
(a) Kerosene (b) Nitric acid
(c) Liquid oxygen (d) Liquid hydrogen 
27 Chemistry in Action Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

45. A combination of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine is a propellant of the type
(a) Hybrid propellant 
(b) Mono propellant
(c) Double base propellant
(d) Biliquid propellant    

46. Which of the following is not used in nail polish
(a) Acetone  (b) Cellulose nitrate
(c) Red dye (d)  Benzene 
SOL:  (d) Benzene (a Carcinogenic) is not used as a solvent in nail polish.

47. One of the oxidants used with liquid propellants is 
(a) Ammonium perchlorate
(b) Nitrocellulose
(c) Sulphuric acid
(d) Dinitrogen tetraoxide (N2O4)
SOL:  (d) Dinitrogen tetraoxide is used as an oxidant with liquid propellant.
48. Detergents are prepared by the action of H2SO4 followed by neutralization by starting with 
(a) Cholesterol
(b) Lauryl alcohol
(c) Cyclohexanol
(d) p-Nitrophenol   
SOL:  (b) Detergents can be obtained by the sulphonation of Lauryl alcohol followed by neutralisation.

Critical Thinking Questions Quiz

49. Further growth of cancerous cells in the body is arrested by
(a) Physiotherapy
(b) Chemotherapy
(c) Electrotherapy
(d) Psychotherapy
SOL:  (b) Paul Ehrlich, the father of chemotherapy defined it to injure or destroy infection micro-organism by the use of drugs without causing any injury to the host.

50. Which one of the following is known as broad spectrum antibiotics  

(a) Streptomycine (b) Ampicillin
(c) Chloramphenicol (d) Penicillin G
SOL: (c) Chloramphenicol is broad spectrum antibiotic used in the treatment of typhoid, dysentry, acute fever.

51. Which of the following is a local anaesthetic
(a) Diazepam (b) Procaine
(c) Mescaline (d) None of the above
SOL:  (b) The anaesthetics produce temporary insensitibility to the vital function of all type of cells, specially of nervous system and are used during surgical operations.
These are classified as (a) General anasthetic – producing unconsciousness all over the body e.g. N2O, Cyclo propane, chloroform (b) Local anasthetic – effect only the part of body e.g. Xylocaine, Procain etc.

52. Which of the following is molecular disease
(a) Allergy
(b) Cancer
(c) German measeles
(d) Sickel-cell-anaemia
SOL:  (b) "Cancer" is known as molecular disease.
53. Which statement is false
(a) Some disinfectants can be used antiseptics at low concentration
(b) Sulphadiazine is a synthetic antibacterial
(c) Ampicillin is a natural antibiotic
(d) Aspirin is analgesic and antipyratic both
SOL:  (c) Ampicillin is a synthetic antibiotic.

54. Tranquilisers are substances used for the treatment of 

(a) Cancer
(b) AIDS
(c) Mental diseases
(d) Physical disorders
(e) Blood infection
SOL:  (c) "Tranquillisers" are medicines used to treat mental diseases. They are called psychotherapeutic drugs.

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