08 Ionic Equilibrium Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

08 Ionic Equilibrium Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

In this Chemistry quiz article, we are going to share some Chemistry study material and some multiple-choice questions of solution chapter which having some topics like Electrical conductors, Arrhenius theory and Ostwald's dilution law, Common ion effect, Isohydric solutions, Solubility product, Ionic product of water and Salt hydrolysis , Hydrogen ion concentration- pH scale and Buffer solution, and Acids and Bases.

.In chemical equilibrium we studied reaction involving molecules only but in ionic equilibrium, we will study reversible reactions involving the formation of ions in water. When a solute is a polar covalent compound then it reacts with water to form ions.

Electrical conductors 

Substances, which allow an electric current to pass through them, are known as conductors or electrical conductors. Conductors can be divided into two types,
(1) Conductors which conduct electricity without undergoing any chemical change are known as metallic or electronic conductors.
(2) Conductors which undergo decomposition (a chemical change) when an electric current is passed through them are known as electrolytic conductors or electrolytes.
Electrolytes are further divided into two types on the basis of their strengths,
(i) Substances which almost completely ionize into ions in their aqueous solution are called strong electrolytes.

Electrical conductors, Arrhenius theory and Ostwald's dilution law Quiz

1. Electrolytes when dissolved in water dissociate into their constituent ions. The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte increases with
(a) Increasing concentration of the electrolyte
(b) Decreasing concentration of the electrolyte
(c) Decreasing temperature
(d) Presence of a substance yielding a common ion
SOL:  (b)  Because the degree of dissociation is inversely proportional to the concentration of the electrolyte.

2. An electrolyte
(a) Gives complex ions in solution
(b) Dissolves in water to give ions
(c) Is ionized in the solid state
(d) Generates ions on passing electric current
SOL:  (b)  Electrolytes are those substances which on dissolving in water give ions.

3. Molten sodium chloride conducts electricity due to the presence of 
(a) Free electrons
(b) Free ions
(c) Free molecules
(d) Atoms of sodium and chlorine
SOL:  (b) As NaCl ionises completely to yield free ions.

4. Theory of ionization was given by
(a) Rutherford (b) Graham
(c) Faraday (d) Arrhenius
SOL:  (d)  Arrhenius proposed the theory of ionisation.

5. An ionizing solvent has
(a) Low value of dielectric constant
(b) High value of dielectric constant
(c) A dielectric constant equal to 1
(d) Has a high melting point
SOL:    (b) higher the dielectric constant of a solvent more of its ionising power.

6. The extent of ionization increases
(a) With the increase in concentration of solute
(b) On addition of excess water to solution
(c) On decreasing the temperature of solution
(d) On stirring the solution vigorously
SOL:   (b) dilution of solution.

7. Which is generally true about ionic compounds

(a) Have low boiling point
(b) Have low melting point
(c) Soluble in non polar solvents
(d) Conduct electricity in the fused state
SOL:  (d) Generally ionic compound are conduct electricity in fused state

8. In which of the following solutions, ions are present

(a) Sucrose in water
(b) Sulphur in CS2
(c) Caesium nitrate in water
(d) Ethanol in water
SOL:  (c)    It is an ionic salt.


9. Which will not affect the degree of ionisation
(a) Temperature (b) Concentration
(c) Type of solvent (d) Current
SOL:  (d) Current does not affect the degree of ionization.

10. The addition of a polar solvent to a solid electrolyte results in
(a) Polarization (b) Association
(c) Ionization (d) Electron transfer
SOL:    (c) Polar solvent facilitate ionisation of strong electrolytes due to dipole-ion attraction.

11. Which of the following substance is an electrolyte
(a) Chloroform
(b) Benzene
(c) Toluene
(d) Magnesium chloride

SOL:  (d) aqueous solution it is dissociated into ions.

12. In weak electrolytic solution, degree of ionization
(a) Will be proportional to dilution
(b) Will be proportional to concentration of electrolyte
(c) Will be proportional to the square root of dilution
(d) Will be reciprocal to the dilution
SOL:  (c)

Acids and Bases Quiz

13. NaOH is a strong base because
(a) It gives OH- ion
(b) It can be oxidised
(c) It can be easily ionised
(d) Both (a) and (c)

14. A solution of sodium bicarbonate in water turns
(a) Phenolphthalein pink (b) Methyl orange yellow
(c) Methyl orange red (d) Blue litmus red
SOL:  (c)

15. An aqueous solution of ammonium carbonate is
(a) Weakly acidic (b) Weakly basic
(c) Strongly acidic (d) Neither acidic nor basic
SOL:  (b)  Because they give CO2-- in solution.

16. H2BO2 is
(a) Monobasic and weak Lewis acid
(b) Monobasic and weak Bronsted acid
(c) Monobasic and strong Lewis acid
(d) Tribasic and weak Bronsted acid
SOL:  (a) H2BO2 is a weak monobasic acid it does not act as a H+ donor but behaves as a Lewis acid.

17. Which of the anhydrous salts when come in contact with water turns blue
(a) Ferrous sulphate
(b) Copper sulphate
(c) Zinc sulphate
(d) Cobalt sulphate
SOL:  (b) Cu(II) complexes are blue. The four water molecules are attached with secondary valencies of the metal atom .

18. According to Lewis concept, an acid is a substance which
(a) Accepts protons
(b) Donates protons
(c) Accepts a lone pair of electrons
(d) Donates a lone pair of electrons

19. Water is a
(a) Amphoteric acid (b) Aprotic solvent
(c) Protophobic solvent (d) None of these

20. According to Bronsted-Lowry concept, base is a substance which is
(a) A proton donor
(b) An electron pair acceptor
(c) A proton acceptor
  (d) An electron pair donor
SOL:   C

21. An aqueous solution of aluminium sulphate would show

(a) An acidic reaction
(b) A neutral reaction
(c) A basic reaction
(d) Both acidic and basic reaction
SOL:  (a)

22. The aqueous solution of aluminium chloride is acidic due to

(a) Cation hydrolysis
(b) Anion hydrolysis
(c) Hydrolysis of both anion and cation
(d) Dissociation

SOL:  (a)

23. The solvent which neither accepts proton nor donates proton is called 
(a) Amphoteric (b) Neutral
(c) Aprotic (d) Amphiprotic
SOL:  (c) The solvent which neither accept proton nor donates.

24. Lewis acid are those substances
(a) Which accept electron pair
(b) Which provide H+ ion in the solution
(c) Which give electron pair
(d) Which accept OH- ion
SOL:  (a) According to the Lewis concept.

Common ion effect, Isohydric solutions, Solubility product, Ionic product of water and Salt hydrolysis Quiz

25. The aqueous solution of FeCl3 is acidic due to
(a) Acidic impurities (b) Ionisation
(c) Hydrolysis (d) Dissociation

SOL:  (c)

26. A precipitate of calcium oxalate will not dissolve in
(a) HCL (b) HNO3
(c) Aquaregia (d) CH3COOH
SOL:  (d) It does not dissociate much or its ionization is very less.

27. Baking soda is
(a) Basic salt (b) Acidic salt
(c) Complex salt (d) Double salt
SOL:  (b) NaHCO3 has one replaceable hydrogen.

28. Which will not be hydrolysed
(a) Potassium nitrate
(b) Potassium cyanide
(c) Potassium succinate
(d) Potassium carbonate

SOL:  (a) Because it is a salt of strong acid and strong base.

29. If acetic acid mixed with sodium acetate, then H+ ion concentration will be
(a) Increased (b) Decreased
(c) Remains unchanged (d) Ph decreased
SOL:  (b)

30. The addition of HCl will not suppress the ionization of
(a) Acetic acid (b) Benzoic acid
(c) H2S (d) Sulphuric acid
SOL:  (d)VCommon ion effect is noticed only for weak electrolyte dissociation. H2SO4 is strong electrolyte.

31. The precipitation occurs if ionic concentration is
(a) Less than solubility product
(b) More than solubility product
(c) Equal to solubility product
(d) None of these
SOL:  (b)Precipitation occurs when ionic product > solubility.

32. The compound insoluble in acetic acid is
(a) Calcium oxide
(b) Calcium carbonate
(c) Calcium oxalate
(d) Calcium hydroxide
SOL:  (c)Due to common ion effecT

08 Ionic Equilibrium Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

Hydrogen ion concentration- pH scale and Buffer solution Quiz

33. The addition of solid sodium carbonate to pure water causes
(a) An increase in hydronium ion concentration
(b) An increase in alkalinity
(c) No change in acidity
(d) A decrease in hydroxide ion concentration
SOL:  (b) Adding Na2CO3 to water makes the solution basic and hence a pH increases from 7.

34. When rain is accompained by a thunderstorm, the collected rain water will have a pH value
(a) Slightly lower than that of rain water without thunderstorm
(b) Slightly higher than that when the thunderstorm is not there
(c) Uninfluenced by occurrence of thunderstorm
(d) Which depends on the amount of dust in air
SOL:  a

35. What is the pH for a neutral solutions at the normal temperature of the human body
(a) 7.2 (b) 14.0
(c) 6.8 (d) 6.0
SOL:  (c) Human body contain buffer solution. Its pH= 6.8

36. What is the pH of 0.1M NH3 
(a) 11.27 (b) 11.13
(c) 12.0 (d) 9.13
SOL:  b

37. By adding a strong acid to the buffer solution, the pH of the buffer solution
(a) Remains constant (b) Increases
(c) Decreases (d) Becomes zero
SOL:  (a) The pH of buffer solution never changed.

38. An acidic buffer solution can be prepared by mixing solution of
(a) Ammonium acetate and acetic acid
(b) Ammonium chloride and hydrochloric acid
(c) Sulphuric acid and sodium sulphate
(d) Acetic acid and sulphuric acid
(e) NaCl and NaOH
SOL:  (a) An acid buffer solution consists of solution of weak acid with strong base of its salt.

39. A solution of sodium chloride in contact with atmosphere has a pH of about
(a) 3.5 (b) 5
(c) 7 (d) 1.4
SOL:  (c)  When strong acid and strong base are react neutral salt are formed. So that NaCl is a neutral salt.

40. The one which has the highest value of  is
(a) Distilled water
(b) NH3 solution in water
(c) NH3
(d) Water saturated with Cl2
SOL:  (b)

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