06 Nuclear Chemistry Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

06 Nuclear Chemistry Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

In this Chemistry quiz article, we are going to share some most important Nuclear Chemistry questions and study materials. These sections cover some topics like Nucleus (Stability and reaction), Radioactivity and Alpha, Beta and Gamma, Causes of radioactivity and Group displacement law, Rate of decay and Half-life, Artificial transmutation and Isotopes-Isotones and Nuclear isomers.

“The branch of chemistry which deals with the study of the composition of the atomic nucleus and the nuclear transformations is known as nuclear chemistry”.
The common examples of nuclear processes are radioactivity, artificial transmutations, nuclear fission, and nuclear fusion. The nuclear is also an important aspect of chemistry because the energies involved in some of these are a million times greater than those in ordinary chemical reactions.

Theory of radioactivity disintegration 

Rutherford and Soddy, in 1903, postulated that radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon and all the radioactive changes are taking place in the nucleus of the atom. They presented an interpretation of the radioactive processes and the origin of radiations in the form of a theory known as theory of radioactive disintegration. The main points of this theory are,
(1) The atomic nuclei of the radioactive elements are unstable and liable to disintegrate any moment.
(2) The disintegration is spontaneous, i.e., constantly breaking. The rate of breaking is not affected by external factors like temperature, pressure, chemical combination etc.
(3) During disintegration, atoms of new elements called daughter elements having different physical and chemical properties than the parent elements come into existence.
(4) During disintegration, either alpha or beta particles are emitted from the nucleus. Download

Nucleus (Stability and Reaction)  Quiz

1. The nucleus of radioactive element possesses 
(a) Low binding energy
(b) High binding energy
(c) Zero binding energy
(d) High potential energy
Sol: a

2. Nuclear energy is based on the conversion of 
(a) Protons into neutrons 
(b) Mass into energy 
(c) Neutrons into protons 
(d) Uranium into radium 
Sol: b

3. Positron has nearly the same weight as that of

(a) Alpha-particle (b) Proton
(c) Neutron (d) Electron
Sol: d

4. Hydrogen  and deuterium differ in
(a) Reactivity with oxygen
  (b) Reactivity with chlorine
(c) Melting point
(d) Reducing action
Sol: (c) Isotopes of an element have similar chemical properties but different physical properties.

5. A nuclear reaction must be balanced in terms of
(a) Only energy
(b) Only mass
(c) Mass and energy
(d) None of these
Sol: (c) A nuclear reaction must be balanced in terms of mass and energy

6. Positronium is the name given to an atom-like combination formed between
(a) A positron and a proton
(b) A positron and a neutron
(c) A positron and  -particle
(d) A positron and an electron
Sol: d

Sol: (b) Equate atomic no. and mass no.

7. The introduction of a neutron into the nuclear composition of an atom would lead to a change in
(a) The number of the electrons also
(b) The chemical nature of the atom
(c) Its atomic number
(d) Its atomic weight
Sol: (d) Mass number increases by one unit.

8. Neutrino has
(a) Charge +1,  mass 1
(b) Charge 0,  mass 0
(c) Charge – 1, mass 1
(d) Charge 0 , mass 1
Sol: (b) Neutrino have no mass and no charge and thus known as ghost particles.

9. Formation of nucleus from its nucleons is accompanied by
(a) Decrease in mass
(b) Increase in mass
(c) No change of mass
(d) None of them
Sol: (a) Due to mass decay.

10. A particle having the same charge and 200 times greater mass than that of electron is 
(a) Positron (b) Proton 
(c) Neutrino (d) Meson 
Sol: (d) Mesons (m) have 200-300 times mass of electron and  + ve, 0 or – ve charges.

11. The nucleus of an atom is made up of X protons and Y neutrons. For the most stable and abundant nuclei
(a) X and Y are both even
(b) X and Y are both odd
(c) X is even and Y is odd
(d) X is odd and Y is even
Sol:  (a) Even-Even are most stable 
Odd- Odd are most unstable

12. Atom A possesses higher values of packing fraction than atom B. The relative stabilities of A and B are 
(a) A is more stable than B
(b) B is more stable than A
(c) A and B both are equally stable 
(d) Stability does not depend on packing fraction
Sol: (b) The atom which have lower value of packing fraction is stable.

13. How many neutrons are present in the nucleus of Ra

(a) 88 (b) 226
(c) 140 (d) 138
Sol: (d)

14. In a nuclear explosion, the energy is released in the form of

(a) Kinetic energy
(b) Electrical energy
(c) Potential energy
(d) None of these
Sol: (d) Nuclear reactions involves exchange of nuclear energy.

15. Nuclear reactivity of Na and   is same because  both have
(a) Same electron and proton
(b) Same proton and same neutron 
(c) Different electron and proton
(d) Different proton and neutron
Sol: (b) Nuclear reactivity depends upon the number of protons and neutrons.

16. Which of the following is the heaviest metal
 (a) Hg (b) Pb
(c) Ra (d) U
Sol: d

Radioactivity and a, b and g- rays Quiz

17. a-particles can be detected using
(a) Thin aluminum sheet
(b) Barium sulphate
(c) Zinc sulphide screen
(d) Gold foil
Sol: (c) Rutherford first of all used zinc sulphide (ZnS) as phosphor in the detection of -particles.

18. The a-particle is identical with
(a) Helium nucleus 
(b) Hydrogen nucleus 
(c) Electron
(d) Proton
Sol: (a) a-particle is identical with helium nucleus

19. a-rays have
(a) Positive charge
(b) Negative charge
(c) No charge
(d) Sometimes positive charge and sometimes negative charge
Sol: (a) a-rays are positively charged, b-rays are negatively charged, g-rays carry no charge.

20. X-rays are produced due to
(a) Bombarding of electrons on solids
(b) Bombarding of a-particle on solids
(c) Bombarding of g-rays on solids 
(d) Bombarding of neutron on solids
Sol: a

21. There exists on g-rays
(a) Positive charge
(b) Negative charge
(c) No charge
(d) Sometimes positive charge, sometimes negative charge
Sol: (c) g-rays carry no charge.

22. The radiations from a naturally occurring radio element, as seen after deflection in a magnetic field in one direction, are

(a)  Definitely a-rays    
(b) Definitely b-rays
         (c)  Both a and b-rays  
         (d) Either a or b-rays
Sol: (d) Due to it’s nature.

23. The element californium belongs to the family of 

(a) Actinide series
(b) Alkali metal family 
(c) Alkaline earth family
(d) Lantanide series

Sol: (a) Cf – 98 belongs to actinid series.

24. Which of the following is not deflected by magnetic field 
 (a) Deuteron (b) Positron
(c) Proton (d) Photon
Sol: (d) Photons are not carry any charge.

Causes of radioactivity and Group displacement law  Quiz

25. Radioactivity is due to
(a) Stable electronic configuration 
(b) Unstable electronic configuration 
(c) Stable nucleus 
(d) Unstable nucleus
Sol: (d) Radioactivity is characteristic property of unstable nucleus.

26. Radioactive disintegration differs from a chemical change in being
(a) An exothermic change
(b) A spontaneous process
(c) A nuclear process 
(d) A unimolecular first order reaction
Sol: (c) Chemical change is extra nuclear phenomenon.

27. When a radioactive element emits an electron the daughter element formed will have
(a) Mass number one unit less
(b) Atomic number one unit less
(c) Mass number one unit more
(d) Atomic number one unit more
Sol: (d) 

28. During a b--decay the mass of the atomic nucleus

(a) Decreases by one unit (b) Increases by one unit
(c) Decreases by two units (d) Remains unaffected
Sol: (d) During b--decay atomic mass is unaffected while atomic no. increases by one unit.

29. A nuclide of an alkaline earth metal undergoes radioactive decay by emission of the - particles in succession. The group of the periodic table to which the resulting daughter element would belong
(a) Gr.14 (b) Gr.16
(c) Gr.4 (d) Gr.6
Sol: (b)  

30. Group displacement law was given by 
(a) Becquerel (b) Rutherford
(c) Soddy and Fajan (d) Madam Curie
Sol: (c) It is also called Soddy and Fajan rule.

31. A certain nuclide has a half-life period of 30 minutes. If a sample containing 600 atoms is allowed to decay for 90 minutes, how many atoms will remain
(a) 200 atoms (b) 450 atoms
(c) 75 atoms (d) 500 atoms
Sol: (c)

32. If the quantity of a radioactive element is doubled, then its rate of disintegration  per unit time will be 
(a) Unchanged 
(b) Reduced to half 
(c) Increased by root2 times 
(d) Doubled 
Sol:  (d) Rate =  l× number of atoms. 

33. The atomic number of a radioactive element increases by one unit in
(a) Alpha emission
(b) Beta emission
(c) Gamma emission
(d) Electron capture
Sol: (b)
34. When a Beta-particle emits from the atom of an element, then
(a) Atomic number increases by two units 
(b) Atomic number increases by three units 
(c) Atomic number decreases by one unit 
(d) Atomic number increases by one unit
Sol: (d)

Rate of decay and Half-life  Quiz

35. Half-life period of a metal is 20 days. What fraction of metal does remain after 80 days
(a) 1 (b) 1/16
(c) 1/4 (d) 1/8
Sol:  (b)
36. A radioactive element decays at such a rate that after 15 minutes only 1/10 of the original amount is left. How many more minutes will be needed when only 1/100 of the original amount will be left
(a) 1.5 minutes
(b) 15.0 mintues
(c) 16.5 minutes
(d) 30 minutes
Sol: d

37. A radioactive isotope having a half-life of 3 days was received after 12 days. It was found that there were 3 gm of the isotope in the container. The initial weight of the isotope when packed was
(a) 12 gm (b) 24 gm
(c) 36 gm (d) 48 gm
Sol: (d)

38. C14 is radioactive. The activity and the In a radioactive decay, an emitted electron comes from
(a) Nucleus of the atom
(b) Inner orbital of the atom
(c) Outermost orbit of the atom
(d) Orbit having principal quantum number one
Sol: (a) In nucleus electrons formed by the following decay. 

39. If 2gm of a radioactive isotope has a half-life of 20 hr, the half-life of 0.5gm of the same substance is 
(a) 20 hr (b) 80 hr
(c) 5  hr (d) 10 hr
Sol: (a) Half-life period is a characteristic of radioactive isotope which is independent of initial concentration.
40. The half-life of a radioactive element is 6 months. The time taken to reduce its original concentration to its 1/16 value is
(a) 1 year (b) 16 years
(c) 2 years (d) 8 years
Sol: (c)

Artificial transmutation  Quiz

41. The phenomenon of radioactivity arises from the 
 (a) Binary fission
(b) Nuclear fusion
(c) Stable nuclei
(d) Decay of unstable nuclei
Sol: d

42. The first artificial disintegration of an atomic nucleus was achieved by 
(a) Geiger (b) Wilson
(c) Madame curie (d) Rutherford
(e) Soddy
Sol: D
06 Nuclear Chemistry Quiz | Chemistry Quiz

43. Radioactive carbon dating was discovered by 

(a) W.F. Libby (b) G.N. Lewis 
(c) J. Willard Gibbs (d) W. Nernst
Sol: (a) For studies on carbon dating, W. F. Libby was  awarded a Nobel prize.

44. To determine the masses of the isotopes of an element which of the following techniques is useful 

(a) The acceleration of charged atoms by an electric field and their subsequent deflection by a variable magnetic field
(b) The spectroscopic examination of the light emitted by vaporised elements subjected to electric discharge
(c) The photographing of the diffraction patterns which arise when X-rays are passed through crystals
(d) The bombardment of metal foil with alpha particles
Sol: (a) It is the required technique.

45. Neutron is used as a
(a) Reducing agent (b) Moderator
(c) Tracer (d) In biological programme
Sol: C

46. Hydrogen bomb is based on the phenomenon of
(a) Nuclear fission
  (b) Nuclear fusion
(c) Nuclear explosion
(d) Disintegration
Sol: (b) In hydrogen bomb, the following reaction is occur,
47. In the nuclear reactors the speed of the neutrons is slowed down by
(a) Heavy water
  (b) Ordinary water
(c) Zinc rods
(d) Molten caustic soda
Sol: (a) Heavy water is D2O.

48. By which law, energy produced in nuclear reaction is given 
 (a) Graham’s law
(b) Charle’s law
(c) Gas Lussac’s Law
(d) Einstein’s law
Sol: (d) Einstein’s law 

49. The fuel of atomic pile is
(a) Thorium (b) Sodium 
(c) Uranium (d) Petroleum
Sol: (c) Uranium or Plutonium are atomic fuel.

50. Atom bomb is based on the principle of 

(a) Nuclear fusion 
(b) Nuclear fission 
(c) Radioactivity 
(d) Fusion and fission both
Sol: (b) atom bomb is based on the principal of nuclear fission.

51. Who observed that when the nucleus of uranium atom was bombarded with fast moving neutrons, it becomes so very unstable that it is immediately broken into two nuclei of nearly equal mass besides other fragments 
(a) J.J. Thomson
(b) Chadwick
(c) Einstein
(d) Hahn and Strassmann
Sol: (d) Hahn and Strassmann discovered the phenomenon of nuclear fission in 1939. 
52. When a radioactive substance is subjected to vacuum, the rate of disintegration per second 

(a) Increases considerably
(b) Increases only if the products are gaseous
(c) Is not affected
(d) Suffers a slight decrease
Sol: (c) Rate of disintegration is not affected by environmental conditions.

53. Large energy released in an atomic bomb explosion is mainly due to
(a) Products having a lesser mass than initial substance
(b) Conversion of heavier to lighter atoms
(c) Release of neutrons
(d) Release of electrons
Sol: (a) Mass decay occurs.

54. Carbon-14 dating method is based on the fact that
(a) Carbon-14 fraction is the same in all objects
(b) Carbon-14 is highly insoluble
(c) Ratio of carbon-14 and carbon-12 is constant
(d) All of these
Sol: (c) A reason for the C-14 dating technique.

55. Which of the following statements about radioactivity of an element is incorrect 
(a) It is a nuclear property 
(b) It does not involve any rearrangement of electrons
(c) Its rate is affected by change in temperature and/or pressure 
(d) It remains unaffected by the presence of other element  or elements  chemically combined with it 
Sol: (c) Rate of radioactivity is independent of all external factors.

56. Radioactive iodine is being used to diagnose the disease of

(a) Bones (b) Kidneys
(c) Blood cancer (d) Thyroid
Sol: (d)

57. The huge amount of energy which is released during atomic fission is due to
(a) Loss of mass
  (b) Loss of electrons 
(c) Loss of protons
  (d) Loss of  -particles
Sol: (a) The huge amount of energy released during atomic fission is due to loss of mass. 

58. The measure of binding energy of a nucleus is the 

(a) Mass defect
  (b) Energy of protons 
(c) Energy of neutrons
  (d) Total energy of nucleons
Sol: (a) Mass defect is the measure of binding energy of a nucleus.

59. The first controlled artificial disintegration of an atomic nucleus was achieved by 
(a) Geiger (b) Wilson 
(c) Cockcroft (d) Rutherford
Sol: D

60. Artificial radioactivity was first discovered by

(a) Seaberg
(b) Rutherford
(c) Einstein
(d) Irene Curie & Juliot
Sol: (d) Irene curie and Juliot studied the artificial radioactivity.

61. Artificial transmutation was discovered by
(a) Pauli (b) Rutherford 
(c) Soddy (d) Curie 

Isotopes-Isotones and Nuclear isomers Quiz

62. O – 18 isotope of oxygen will have
(a) 18 protons
(b) 9 protons and 9 neutrons
(c) 8 neutrons and 10 protons
(d) 10 neutrons and 8 protons
SOL: (d)

63. Isotopes are atoms having the same
(a) Atomic mass
(b) Mass number
(c) Atomic number
(d) Number of neutrons
SOL: (c) Isotopes have same atomic number but different mass number.

64. Isotopes of an element have
(a) Similar chemical properties but different physical properties
(b) Similar chemical and physical properties
(c) Similar physical properties but different chemical properties
(d) Different chemical and physical properties

65. Whose number is common in isotopes
(a) Proton (b) Neutron
(c) Proton and neutron (d) Nucleon
SOL:  (a) Isotopes differ in number of neutrons but have same number of protons.

66. Which property is different for neutral atoms of the two isotopes of the same element
(a) Number of protons
(b) Atomic number 
(c) Number of neutrons
(d) None of these
SOL: (c) Isotopes differ in mass no. and hence in the number of neutrons.

67. The maximum sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an isotope of hydrogen is
(a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) 3
SOL: (d) there are 1 proton and 2 neutrons.

68. Addition of two neutrons in an atom A would
(a) Change the chemical nature of A 
(b) Produce an isobar of A 
(c) Produce an isotope of A
(d) Produce another element
SOL: (c)

69. Atomic weight of the isotope of hydrogen which contains 2 neutrons is the nucleus would be
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 1 (d) 4
SOL: (b) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same mass no. are called isobars. 

70. Which character is different of the two isotopes of an element
(a) Atomic mass
(b) Atomic number
(c) Number of electrons
(d) Number of protons
SOL: (a) Isotopes have same atomic number but different mass number.

71. Two atoms have the same atomic mass but different atomic numbers. Such atoms are called as
(a) Isotopes (b) Isobars
(c) Isomer (d) Isoelectronic
SOL: (b) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same mass no. are called isobars

72. An isotope of oxygen has mass number 18. Other isotopes of oxygen will have the same
(a) Mass number
(b) Atomic weight
(c) Number of neutrons
(d) Number of protons
SOL: (d) Isotopes differ in number of neutrons but have same number of protons.

73. Two nuclei which are not identical but have the same number of nucleons represent
(a) Isotopes
(b) Isobars
(c) Isotones
(d) None of the three
SOL: (b) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same mass no. are called isobars.

74. Isotopes differ in
(a) Number of protons (b) Valency
(c) Chemical reactivity
(d) Number of neutron
SOL: (d) Isotopes differ in number of neutrons but have same number of protons.

75. The isobars are atoms with the same number of
(a) Protons (b) Neutrons
(c) Protons and neutrons (d) Nucleons
SOL: (d) Atoms of different elements having different atomic no. but same mass no. are called isobars.

76. Radioactive isotope of hydrogen is  
(a) Tritium (b) Deuterium
(c) Para hydrogen (d) Ortho hydrogen
SOL: (a)
77. Isotopes of same elements have the same number of
(a) Protons (b) Neutrons
(c) Deutrons (d) None
SOL:  (a)Isotopes of same elements have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons

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