04 Solid State Quiz - Chemistry Quiz

04 Solid State Quiz - Chemistry Quiz

In the Chemistry quiz section, we share Chemistry study material as well as some question related with solid-state chemistry chapter having following topics like Type of solid and Their properties, Crystallography and Lattice, Crystal packing, Mathematical analysis of cubic system and Bragg’s equation, Crystal structure and Coordination number, and Defects in crystal.

Solid State

The solids are the substances which have definite volume and definite shape. In terms of a kinetic molecular model, solids have a regular order of their constituent particles (atoms, molecules or ions). These particles are held together by fairly strong forces, therefore, they are present at fixed positions. The properties of the solids not only depend upon the nature of the constituents but also on their arrangements.

Classification of solids 

Solids can be broadly classified into following two types,
(i) Crystalline solids/True solids,
(ii) Amorphous solids/Pseudo solids

Type of solid and Their properties Quiz

1. The characteristic features of solids are
(a) Definite shape
(b) Definite size
(c) Definite shape and size
(d) Definite shape, size and rigidity
SOL :  (d) Solids have definite shape, size and rigidity.

2. Which one of the following is a good conductor of electricity
(a) Diamond (b) Graphite
(c) Silicon (d) Amorphous carbon

3. A crystalline solid
(a) Changes abruptly from solid to liquid when heated
(b) Has no definite melting point
(c) Undergoes deformation of its geometry easily
(d) Has an irregular 3-dimensional arrangements 
(e) Softens slowly
SOL :  (a)In crystalline solid there is perfect arrangement of the constituent particles only at 0K. As the temperature increases the chance that a lattice site may be unoccupied by an ion increases. As the number of defects increases with temperature solid change in liquid.

4. Diamond is an example of

(a) Solid with hydrogen bonding
(b) Electrovalent solid
(c) Covalent solid
(d) Glass

SOL : (c)Diamond is a covalent solid in which constituent particles are atoms.

5. The lustre of a metal is due to
(a) Its high density
(b) Its high polishing
(c) Its chemical inertness
(d) Presence of free electrons

6. A crystalline solid have
(a) Long range order
(b) Short range order 
(c) Disordered arrangement 
(d) None of these 
SOL :  (a)Crystalline solids have regular arrangement of constituent particles, sharp melting points and are anisotropic.

7. Crystalline solids are
(a) Glass (b) Rubber 
(c) Plastic (d) Sugar

SOL :  (d)Sugar is a crystalline solid while glass, rubber and plastic are amorphous solids.

8. In graphite, carbon atoms are joined together due to 

(a) Ionic bonding (b) Vander Waal’s forces
(c) Metallic bonding (d) Covalent bonding 

SOL :  (d)Graphite is sp2  hybridised and a covalent crystal.

9. Which of the following is not correct for ionic crystals 
 (a) They possess high melting point and boiling point 
(b) All are electrolyte
(c) Exhibit the property of isomorphism
(d) Exhibit directional properties of the bond
SOL :  (d)Ionic crystals exhibit non-directional properties of the bond.

10. Quartz is a crystalline variety of 
(a) Silica (b) Sodium silicate
(c) Silicon carbide (d) Silicon
SOL :  (a)Quartz is a covalent crystal having a framework of silicates or silica, i.e. a three dimensional network when all the four oxygen atoms of each of SiO4 tetrahedron are shared.

11. Which type of solid crystals will conduct heat and electricity 
 (a) Ionic  (b) Covalent 
(c) Metallic (d) Molecular
SOL :  (c)Metallic crystals are good conductor of heat and current due to free electrons in them.

12. Which of the following is an example of ionic crystal solid
(a) Diamond (b) LiF
(c) Li (d) Silicon
SOL :  (b)LiF is an example of ionic crystal solid, in which constituent particles are positive Li+ and negative F- ions.

13. Which one is an example of amorphous solid
(a) Glass (b) Salt
(c) Cesium chloride (d) Calcium fluoride
SOL :  (a)Amorphous solids neither have ordered arrangement (i.e. no definite shape) nor have sharp melting point like crystals, but when heated, they become pliable until they assume the properties usually related to liquids. It is therefore they are regarded as super-cooled liquids.

Crystallography and Lattice  Quiz

14. Rhombic sulphur has the following structure
(a) Open chain
(b) Tetrahedral
(c) Puckered 6-membered ring
(d) Puckered 8-membered ring
SOL :  D
15. Space lattice of CaF2 is
(a) Face centred cubic 
(b) Body centred cubic 
(c) Simple cubic
(d) Hexagonal closed packing 
SOL :  (a)Space lattice of CaF2 is face centred cubic.
16. Crystals can be classified into ...... basic crystal habits

(a) 3 (b) 7
(c) 14 (d) 4
SOL :  B

17. How many molecules are there in the unit cell of sodium chloride
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 8
SOL :  (b)

18. In a crystal, the atoms are located at the position of
(a) Maximum P.E.
(b) Minimum P.E.
(c) Zero P.E.
(d) Infinite P.E.
SOL :  (b)Lowest potential energy level provides stable arrangement.
19. The total number of lattice arrangements in different crystal systems is 
(a) 3 (b) 7
(c) 8 (d) 14
SOL :  (b) The seven basic crystal lattice arrangements are :- Cubic, Tetragonal, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic, Hexagonal, Rhombohedral and Triclinic.

20. Structure of ZnS is
(a) Body centred cubic
(b) Face centred cubic
(c) Simple cube
(d) Fluorite structure
SOL :  (b) Zinc blende ZnS has fcc structure and is an ionic crystal having 4 : 4 co-ordination number.

21. The number of tetrahedral voids in the unit cell of a face centered cubic lattice of similar atoms is
(a) 4 (b) 6
(c) 8 (d) 10
SOL :  C


Crystal packing  Quiz

22. The arrangement ABC ABC ABC ….. is referred as 
 (a) Octahedral close packing 
(b) Hexagonal close packing 
(c) Tetragonal close packing 
(d) Cubic close packing 
SOL :  (d)It represents ccp arrangement.

23. The number of close neighbour in a body-centred cubic lattice of identical sphere is
(a) 8 (b) 6
(c) 4 (d) 2
SOL :  (a)BCC has a coordination number of 8.

24. The number of equidistant oppositely charged ions in a sodium chloride crystal is 
(a) 8 (b) 6
(c) 4 (d) 2
SOL :  (b) In rock salt structure the co-ordination number of Na:Cl is 6:6..

25. If the number of atoms per unit in a crystal is 2, the structure of crystal is
(a) Octahedral
(b) Body centred cubic bcc
(c) Face centred cubic fcc
(d) simple cubic
SOL :  (b)Number of atoms per unit cell in bcc system = 2.

26. Hexagonal close packed arrangement of ions is described as

(c) ABABA (d) ABBAB 
SOL : (c) ABAB …… is hexagonal close packing.

27. The intermetallic compound   crystallizes in cubic lattice in which both lithium and silver have coordination number of eight. The crystal class is
(a) Simple cube
(b) Body-centred cube
(c) Face-centred cube
(d) None of these
SOL :  (b)In body centred cubic, each atom/ion has a coordination number of 8.

28. The number of octahedral sites per sphere in a fcc structure is  
(a) 8 (b) 4
(c) 2 (d) 1
SOL :  (d)Number of octahedral sites = Number of sphere in the packing. 
 Number of octahedral sites per sphere  .

29. An example of a body cube is
(a) Sodium (b) Magnesium
(c) Zinc (d) Copper
SOL :  (a)Sodium Na is a body cube.

30. The ratio of close-packed atoms to tetrahedral holes in cubic close packing is
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
(c) 1 : 3 (d) 2 : 1
SOL :  (b)Every constituent has two tetrahedral voids. In ccp lattice atoms

31. The number of octahedral voids in a unit cell of a cubical closest packed structure is
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 8
SOL :  (c)Number of atoms in the cubic close packed structure = 8.
Number of octahedral voids = 4.
32. In the closest packed structure of a metallic lattice, the number of nearest neighbours of a metallic atom is  

(a) Twelve (b) Four
(c) Eight (d) Six
SOL :  (a) Co-ordination number in HCP and CCP arrangement is 12 while in bcc arrangement is 8.

Mathematical analysis of cubic system and Bragg’s equation  Quiz

33. If an atom is present in the centre of the cube, the participation of that atom per unit cell is
(a) 1/4 (b) 1
(c) 1/2 (d) 1/8
SOL :  (b)bcc structure has one atom shared by 1 unit cell.
34. For an ionic crystal of the general formula AX and coordination number 6, the value of radius ratio will be

(a) Greater than 0.73
(b) In between 0.73 and 0.41
(c) In between 0.41 and 0.22
(d) Less than 0.22
SOL :  (b)The structural arrangement of co-ordination number ‘6’ is octahedral and its radius ratio is 0.414 - 0.732. The example of octahedral is KCl and NaCl.

35. In octahedral holes  (voids)
(a) A simple triangular void surrounded by  four spheres
(b) A bi-triangular void surrounded  by four spheres
(c) A bi-triangular void surrounded by six spheres
(d) A bi-triangular void surrounded by eight spheres
SOL :  C

36. For an ionic crystal of the type AB the value of (limiting) radius ratio is 0.40. The value suggests that the crystal structure should be
(a) Octahedral (b) Tetrahedral
(c) Square planar (d) Plane triangle
SOL :  (b)The crystals in which radius ratio value is found between 0.225 – 0.414 shows tetrahedral crystal structure.

37. The number of atoms/molecules contained in one face  centred cubic unit cell of a monoatomic substance is
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 4 (d) 6
SOL :  (c)The number of atoms present in sc, fcc and bcc unit cell are 1, 4, 2 respectively.

Crystal structure and Coordination number Quiz

38. Body centered cubic lattice has a coordination number of

(a) 4 (b) 8
(c) 12 (d) 6
SOL :  (b)Body centered cubic lattice has a co-ordination  number 8. 

39. Coordination number for Cu is
(a) 1 (b) 6
(c) 8 (d) 12
SOL :  (d)Co-ordination number for Cu is 12.

40. In which of the following substances the carbon atom is arranged in a regular tetrahedral structure 
(a) Diamond (b) Benzene
(c) Graphite (d) Carbon black
SOL :  (a)In diamond, C-atoms are arranged in a regular tetrahedral structure
04 Solid State Quiz - Chemistry Quiz

41. The coordination number of a metal crystallizing in a hexagonal close packed structure is

(a) 4 (b) 12
(c) 8 (d) 6
SOL :  (b)In hcp, co-ordination no. is 12.

42. The structure of MgO is similar to NaCl What would be the coordination number of magnesium
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 8
SOL :  (c) Mg has 6 co-ordination number (fcc structure).

43. How many chloride ions are there around sodium ion in sodium chloride crystal

(a) 3 (b) 8
(c) 4 (d) 6
SOL :  (d)

44. The number of atoms present in unit cell of a monoatomic substance of simple cubic lattice is 
(a) 6 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 1
SOL :  (d) 

45. The coordination number of a metal crystallizing in a hexagonal close packed chep structure is
(a) 12 (b) 8
(c) 4 (d) 6
SOL :  (a)Co-ordination number in hcp structure is 12. 

46. Most crystals show good cleavage because their atoms, ions or molecules are
(a) Weakly bonded together
(b) Strongly bonded together
(c) Spherically symmetrical
(d) Arranged in planes
SOL :  (d)Crystals show good cleavage because their constituent particles are arranged in planes.

Defects in crystal  Quiz

47. The correct statement regarding F- centre is
(a) Electron are held in the voids of crystals
(b) F- centre produces colour to the crystals
(c) Conductivity of the crystal increases due to F- centre
(d) All
SOL :  (d)All the given statements are correct about F-centres.

48. Doping of silicon (Si) with boron (B) leads to 

(a) n-type semiconductor 
(b) p-type semiconductor 
(c) Metal
(d) Insulator
SOL :  B

49. Schottky defect in crystals is observed when
(a) Density of crystal is increased
(b) Unequal number of cations and anions are missing from the lattice
(c) An ion leaves its normal site and occupies an interstitial site 
(d) Equal number of cations and anions are missing from the lattice
SOL :  (d) Schottky defect is due to missing of equal number of cations and anions.
50. Ionic solids, with Schottky defects, contain in their structure
(a) Equal number of cation and anion vacancies
(b) Anion vacancies and interstitial anions
(c) Cation vacancies only
(d) Cation vacancies and interstitial cations
SOL :  (a) Schottky defect is due to missing of equal number of cations and anions.

51. If a non-metal is added to the interstitial sites of a metal then the metal becomes 
(a) Softer (b) Less tensile
(c) Less malleable (d) More ductile 
SOL :  (b) On adding non-metal in metal the metal becomes less tensile.

52. Frenkel and Schottky defects are
(a) Nucleus defects  
(b) Non-crystal defects
(c) Crystal defects
(d) None of these
SOL :  (c) Both are stoichiometric crystalline defects.
53. Which one of the following is the most correct statement
(a) Brass is an interstitial alloy, while steel is a substitutional alloy
(b) Brass is a substitutional alloy, while steel is an interstitial alloy
(c) Brass and steel are both substitutional alloys
(d) Brass and steel are both interstitial alloys
SOL :  (c) Brass, Cu=80% Fe=20% substitutional alloy.
Steel is an interstitial alloy because it is an alloy of Fe with C, C atoms occupy the interstitial voids of Fe crystal.

54. In a solid lattice the cation has left a lattice site and is located at an interstitial position, the lattice defect is

(a) Interstitial defect
(b) Valency defect
(c) Frenkel defect
(d) Schottky defect 
SOL :  (c) When cation shifts from lattice to interstitial site, the defect is called Frenkel defect.

55. When electrons are trapped into the crystal in anion vacancy, the defect is known as
(a) Schotky defect
(b) Frenkel defect
(c) Stoichiometric defect
(d) F-centres
SOL :  (d) F-centres are the sites where anions are missing and instead electrons are present. they are responsible for colour. 

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