03 PTCE Practice Test | quiz | Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam www.ptcb.org

03 PTCE Practice Test | quiz | Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam

1 >>An inhalation aerosol contains 150 mg of metaproterenol sulfate, which is sufficient for 200 inhalations. How many micrograms are in each inhalation? ?
  • (A) 75
  • (B) 750
  • (C) 133
  • (D) 1330
2 >>A liquid contains 0.25 mg of drug per milliliter. How many milligrams of the drug are in 1.5 L? ?
  • (A) 0.375
  • (B) 3.75
  • (C) 37.5
  • (D) 375
3 >>Add 0.025 kg, 1,780 mg, 2.65 g, and 755 mcg and express the answer in grams. ?
  • (A) 2537.68
  • (B) 1807.73
  • (C) 29.430755
  • (D) 27.652535
4 >>Of the following metric system unit lists, which one would be in the correct order from largest weight to smallest weight? ?
  • (A) g to mg to mcg to kg
  • (B) kg to g to mg to mcg
  • (C) mcg to mg to g to kg
  • (D) kg to mcg to mg to g
5 >>Children's chewable aspirin tablets contain 11/4 gr of aspirin in each tablet. How many milligrams is this in each tablet? ?
  • (A) 60
  • (B) 75
  • (C) 180
  • (D) 325


6 >>1/200 gr of the drug is equal to how many milligrams? ?
  • (A) 0.15
  • (B) 0.2
  • (C) 0.3
  • (D) 0.4
7 >>Approximately how many pints of cough syrup can be filled from 1 gal of cough syrup? ?
  • (A) 4
  • (B) 8
  • (C) 12
  • (D) 16
8 >>How many gr ss codeine capsules can be made from 120 mg of codeine powder? ?
  • (A) 2
  • (B) 4
  • (C) 6
  • (D) 8
9 >>How many teaspoons are in one tablespoon? ?
  • (A) 8
  • (B) 1
  • (C) 3
  • (D) 5
10 >>How many cups are in one gallon? ?
  • (A) 8
  • (B) 16
  • (C) 24
  • (D) 32
11 >>How many teaspoons are in 2 oz of liquid? ?
  • (A) 6
  • (B) 12
  • (C) 24
  • (D) 30

12 >>The pharmacist dispenses 180 mL from an unopened 480 mL container of suspension. How many ounces are left in the container? ?
  • (A) 6
  • (B) 8
  • (C) 10
  • (D) 12
13 >>gr ii is equal to how many milligrams? ?
  • (A) 30
  • (B) 45
  • (C) 60
  • (D) 120
14 >>90 lb is equal to how many kilograms? ?
  • (A) 40.91
  • (B) 45
  • (C) 180
  • (D) 198
15 >>1 gal is equal to how many milliliters? ?
  • (A) 360
  • (B) 480
  • (C) 1000
  • (D) 3785
16 >>One teaspoon is equal to how many milliliters? ?
  • (A) 3
  • (B) 4
  • (C) 5
  • (D) 6
17 >>180 mL is equal to how many fluid ounces? ?
  • (A) 2
  • (B) 4
  • (C) 6
  • (D) 8


18 >>456 mL is equal to how many liters? ?
  • (A) 0.456
  • (B) 4.56
  • (C) 45.6
  • (D) 456
19 >>45 mL is equal to how many tablespoons? ?
  • (A) 2
  • (B) 3
  • (C) 4
  • (D) 5
20 >>A physician advises a patient to take a baby aspirin tablet (75 mg) to reduce the risk of heart attack. The patient decides to cut a five grain (gr v) tablet into doses. How many doses can be obtained from each tablet? ?
  • (A) 4
  • (B) 6
  • (C) 8
  • (D) 10
21 >>When a patient approaches the pharmacy to ask what the generic for Claritin" is, you tell him ?
  • (A) Only a pharmacist can answer his question, and you will get one for him shortly.
  • (B) The generic for Claritin" is loratadine.
  • (C) The generic for Claritin" is ceftirizine.
  • (D) The generic for Claritin" is diphenhydramine.
22 >>In which drug classification would you find enalapril? ?
  • (A) beta-blocker
  • (B) calcium channel blocker
  • (C) ACE inhibitor
  • (D) 5A phosphodiesterase inhibitor
23 >>Which laminar flow hood should be used when making chemo drugs? ?
  • (A) horizontal laminar flow hood
  • (B) parallel laminar flow hood
  • (C) vertical laminar flow hood
  • (D) perpendicular laminar flow hood
24 >>The first physician known by name was ?
  • (A) Prometheus.
  • (B) Hippocrates.
  • (C) Imhotep.
  • (D) Aesculapius.
25 >>Hippocrates approach to medicine was based on ?
  • (A) superstition.
  • (B) careful observation.
  • (C) astrology.
  • (D) animal behavior.
26 >>The ancient Greek goddess of Medicinal ?
  • (A) Herbs was
  • (B) Pandora.
  • (C) Panacea.
  • (D) Hippocrates.
27 >>Derived from the bark of the Peruvian tree, "Jesuit's powder," used along with preventive measures, helps keep this disease under control. ?
  • (A) smallpox
  • (B) malaria
  • (C) polio
  • (D) tuberculosis
28 >>Aspirin is made from salicylic acid from the bark of the _____________________ tree. ?
  • (A) willow
  • (B) cinchona
  • (C) tea
  • (D) fig

29 >>____________________ was the first effective local anesthetic. ?
  • (A) Quinine
  • (B) Cocaine
  • (C) Heroin
  • (D) Morphine
30 >>Around 3,000 B.________________ established, by trial and error, about 365 herbs that could be used as health treatments. ?
  • (A) Imhotep
  • (B) Hippocrates
  • (C) Aesculapius
  • (D) the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung
31 >>The __________ from ______ is an 1100 page scroll document containing about 800 prescriptions using 700 drugs mostly derived from plants. ?
  • (A) pharmacopeia, 2005
  • (B) "herbal, 200 B.C.
  • (C) Papyrus Ebers, 1500 B.C.
  • (D) De Materia Medica, 77 B.C.
32 >>The first great book of Indian medicine describing over 500 herbal drugs that had been used for centuries was written in ?
  • (A) 500 B.C.
  • (B) 500 A.D.
  • (C) 100 A.D.
  • (D) 1,000 A.D.
33 >>The Persian Rhazes who wrote one of the most popular textbooks of medicine in the middle ages was a man of science and ?
  • (A) an alchemist.
  • (B) a sorcerer.
  • (C) a politician.
  • (D) a god.
34 >>__________ was a(n) ______ physician who wrote a five volume encyclopedia in _____, one of which was devoted to natural medicines and another compounding drugs from individual medications. ?
  • (A) Li Shi Zen, Chinese, 1580 A.D.
  • (B) Zabdiel Boylston, colonial, 1721 A.D.
  • (C) William Withering, British, 1785 A.D.
  • (D) Avicenna, Islamic, 1000 A.D.
35 >>An authoritative listing of drugs and issues related to their use is a(an) ?
  • (A) pharmaceutical.
  • (B) pharmacology.
  • (C) pharmacopeia.
  • (D) panacea.
36 >>_____________________________ showed that heat can be used to kill microorganisms associated with food spoilage. ?
  • (A) Pasteur
  • (B) Banting and Best
  • (C) Watson and Crick
  • (D) Fleming
37 >>______________________ discovered penicillin could kill some bacteria. ?
  • (A) Banting and Best
  • (B) Watson and Crick
  • (C) Fleming
  • (D) Marker
38 >>_________________________ are substances produced by the body to regulate body functions and processes. ?
  • (A) Hormones
  • (B) Antitoxins
  • (C) Antibiotics
  • (D) Genomes
39 >>_____________________________ identified the structure of DNA. ?
  • (A) Watson and Crick
  • (B) Banting and Best
  • (C) Serturner
  • (D) Koller
40 >>_______________________ protect(s) against illegal copying of new discoveries. ?
  • (A) Generics
  • (B) Brand names
  • (C) Patenting
  • (D) The FDA

03 PTCE Practice Test | quiz | Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam www.ptcb.org

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