NCLEX RN Registered Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 09

NCLEX RN Registered Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 09

1 >>A child with gastroenteritis is admitted to a pediatric unit. The child is severely dehydrated and anuric. After the child receives a fluid bolus, a physician orders continuous IV fluids. Which IV fluid order should a nurse question? ?
  • (A) 0.45% NaCl with KCl 20 mmol/L.
  • (B) 0.45% NaCl with 5% glucose.
  • (C) 0.9% NaCl.
  • (D) 0.9% NaCl with 5% glucose.
2 >>A nurse admits a preschooler with sickle cell anemia. Which medications should the nurse expect that the child has been receiving at home? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Fer-In-Sol.
  • (B) Penicillin.
  • (C) Ibuprofen.
  • (D) Folic acid.
3 >>A client, who is gravida 4, para 3 at 28 weeks' gestation, is dilated 2 cm. A physician has prescribed nifedipine to treat her preterm labor. For which common maternal side effect of the medication should a nurse assess? ?
  • (A) Decreased deep tendon reflexes.
  • (B) Bradycardia.
  • (C) Hypotension.
  • (D) Tachycardia.
4 >>A client, who is gravida 2, para 0 at 31 weeks' gestation, has been hospitalized for 5 days on oral terbutaline. A physician discharges the client with a prescription for terbutaline 5 mg PO q4h. When giving discharge instructions, which instruction should a nurse include? ?
  • (A) "Call your physician if your heart rate is higher than 120 before you take your terbutaline."
  • (B) "You can double your dose of terbutaline if you are having more than 2 contractions per hour."
  • (C) "Call your physician if your fetus moves more than 10 times per hour."
  • (D) "You can increase your activity each day if you are not fatigued."
5 >>A client, who is gravida 1, para 0, is at 39 weeks' gestation. She has an uncomplicated prenatal history. Her recent cervical examination reveals that she is 4 to 5 cm dilated, 100% effaced, and at a +1 station. She is asking for an epidural for labor pain control. Which order should a nurse anticipate to prevent hypotension in this client? ?
  • (A) Administer a 500- to 2,000-mL bolus of IV fluid.
  • (B) Administer oxygen at 12 L/min via face mask.
  • (C) Place the client in high Fowler's position.
  • (D) Administer epinephrine to raise her blood pressure.

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6 >>A client, who is a 17-year-old gravida 1, para 0, is at 35 weeks' gestation with a blood pressure of 164/116 mm Hg on her left side, 4+ deep tendon reflexes, and 3+ proteinuria. Her physician orders a 4-gram loading dose of magnesium sulfate over 30 minutes, followed by 2 gm/hr. After administration of the bolus, the client complains of chest heaviness. A nurse assesses the client's deep tendon reflexes, which are now absent. The nurse should anticipate that the physician will most likely order: ?
  • (A) Butorphanol tartrate.
  • (B) Furosemide.
  • (C) Diazepam.
  • (D) Calcium gluconate.
7 >>A client, who is a 44-year-old gravida 2, para 1, is at 18 weeks' gestation with consistent blood pressures ranging from 130 to 140/80 to 90 mm Hg during her last two prenatal visits. She has no proteinuria or hyperreflexia. Which medication should a nurse anticipate being prescribed for this client? ?
  • (A) Vasotec.
  • (B) Aldomet.
  • (C) Diazepam.
  • (D) Magnesium sulfate.
8 >>A client, who is gravida 6, para 5 and in the fourth stage of labor, receives an injection of carboprost (Hemabate) 250 mcg IM. The nurse knows that the expected outcomes of this medication are: Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Increased uterine atony.
  • (B) Delayed uterine involution.
  • (C) Increased myometrial contractions.
  • (D) Decreased blood pressure.
9 >>A client, who is gravida 3, para 1, is being induced for pregnancy-induced hypertension using IV oxytocin. Under which circumstances should a nurse discontinue infusion of oxytocin? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Three contractions in a 10-minute window of time.
  • (B) Contractions every 3 minutes, lasting 90 seconds each.
  • (C) Decrease in fetal heart rate after the peak of the contraction during each of the last three contractions.
  • (D) Five contractions in the past 8 minutes.
10 >>The nursing instructor questions a nursing student about an analgesic that may be ordered for a child with otitis media who is complaining of mild ear pain. Which medication should the nursing student correctly expect to be ordered? ?
  • (A) Ibuprofen.
  • (B) Acetaminophen.
  • (C) Codeine.
  • (D) Dilaudid.
11 >>An adolescent who has attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) complies with taking the prescribed once-a-day medication. The adolescent's academic classes (e.g., math, science, etc.) should be scheduled by the school nurse for the: ?
  • (A) Morning.
  • (B) Midday.
  • (C) Afternoon.
  • (D) Intermingled with high-interest classroom activities.
12 >>A client, who is an 18-year-old primigravida with gestational diabetes, is admitted to a labor and delivery unit at 34 weeks' gestation in preterm labor. Which physician's order for this client should a nurse question? ?
  • (A) Magnesium sulfate 4 gm IV bolus over 30 minutes.
  • (B) Brethine 10 mcg IV.
  • (C) Stadol 1 mg IV push every 4 hours as needed for pain.
  • (D) Ancef 2 gm IVPB every 6 hours.
13 >>A client, who is gravida 1, para 0, delivers an infant at 39 weeks' gestation. The client's blood type is O negative and the baby is O positive. A physician orders an injection of Rho(D) immune globulin. To provide adequate postpartum prophylaxis, when should a nurse administer Rho(D) immune globulin? ?
  • (A) Within 72 hours of delivery.
  • (B) Within 1 week of delivery.
  • (C) Before 12 hours after delivery.
  • (D) Within 2 weeks of delivery.
14 >>A client is discharged on a 2-gm sodium-restricted diet. Which menu choice would indicate the client understands the restriction? ?
  • (A) Chow mein, egg roll, hot tea.
  • (B) Onion soup, unsalted crackers, 1 oz cheddar cheese.
  • (C) Corned beef sandwich, dill pickle, ginger ale.
  • (D) Turkey breast Divan, rice pilaf, iced tea.

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15 >>A client with Parkinson's disease will likely have the greatest difficulty swallowing: ?
  • (A) Apple juice.
  • (B) Cottage cheese.
  • (C) Milk shake.
  • (D) Ground beef.
16 >>Which statement by a client with hypokalemia indicates a need for further teaching by a nurse? ?
  • (A) "I will eat more bananas and cantaloupes."
  • (B) "I will eat more bran."
  • (C) "I will take my K-Lor on a full stomach."
  • (D) "I will call my provider for weakness, confusion, abdominal cramping, or anxiety."
17 >>A nurse should determine that a client understands the dietary restrictions with a low-cholesterol diet if the client selects a larger portion of: ?
  • (A) Cottage cheese.
  • (B) Cheese.
  • (C) Beef.
  • (D) Brown rice.
18 >>A nurse instructs a client to eat a low-iodine diet before a thyroid study. A client should be told to avoid: ?
  • (A) Shellfish.
  • (B) Coffee and chocolate.
  • (C) Dark-green leafy vegetables.
  • (D) Tap water unless it is run through a filter.
19 >>A client would demonstrate awareness of dietary influences in the prevention of dumping syndrome if the intake were adjusted by: Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Increasing fats as tolerated.
  • (B) Eating more dry items than liquid.
  • (C) Consuming fluids before or after mealtimes.
  • (D) Avoiding concentrated carbohydrates.
20 >>In preparation for surgery, a client is placed on a lowresidue diet. In discussing the kinds of foods that will be allowed, a nurse should list: ?
  • (A) Ground lean beef, soft-boiled eggs.
  • (B) Lettuce, spinach, corn.
  • (C) Prunes, grapes, apples.
  • (D) Bran cereal, whole-wheat toast, milk.

21 >>In Meniere's disease, the diet is modified as a part of the treatment plan. Which diet is most appropriate? ?
  • (A) Low sodium.
  • (B) High protein.
  • (C) Low carbohydrate.
  • (D) Low fat.
22 >>The results of a client's complete blood count are: RBC 3.2 million/mm3, Hgb 10 gm/dL, Hct 29%, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) 25 pg/cell. Which foods should the nurse recommend to the client? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Peas.
  • (B) Cauliflower.
  • (C) Milk.
  • (D) Eggs.

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23 >>A client is admitted with a diagnosis of brain attack (stroke). A physician orders a diet as tolerated. Before feeding the client, a nurse should first: ?
  • (A) Wait for a specific diet order.
  • (B) Elevate the head of the bed 30 degrees.
  • (C) Evaluate the client's swallow reflex.
  • (D) Delegate feeding to the nursing assistant.
24 >>A client is admitted to a hospital for pneumonia and it is discovered that the client also has a stage II pressure ulcer. When planning a diet for this client, what foods should a nurse encourage the client to eat? ?
  • (A) Fruits and vegetables.
  • (B) Whole grains.
  • (C) Milk, yogurt, and cheese.
  • (D) Lean meats and low-fat milk.
25 >>A 16-year-old client, who is gravida 1, para 0, is attending a class on pregnancy and nutrition. Which menu selection should a nurse recommend that would best meet the nutritional needs of the client who is pregnant? ?
  • (A) Hamburger patty, green beans, French fries, and iced tea.
  • (B) Roast beef sandwich, potato chips, baked beans, and cola.
  • (C) Baked chicken, fruit cup, potato salad, coleslaw, yogurt, and herbal tea.
  • (D) Fish sandwich, gelatin with fruit, and coffee.
26 >>A client, who is 23 years old, gravida 3, para 1, has a hemoglobin of 9 gm/dL. She has been prescribed an exogenous iron supplement, but tells a nurse that she cannot take pills. Which food should the nurse recommend that is high in iron? ?
  • (A) Dried apricots.
  • (B) Lima beans.
  • (C) Tofu.
  • (D) Milk.
27 >>A neonatal nurse is caring for a newborn who is breastfeeding. How many kilocalories are present in an ounce of maternal breast milk? ?
  • (A) 10 kcal/ounce.
  • (B) 20 kcal/ounce.
  • (C) 30 kcal/ounce.
  • (D) 40 kcal/ounce.
28 >>A child is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Which food(s) should the child avoid? Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) Low-fat yogurt.
  • (B) Nuts.
  • (C) Ham.
  • (D) Hot dogs.
29 >>What would be allowed in the diet of a client with peptic ulcer disease (PUD)? ?
  • (A) Milk.
  • (B) Caffeinated coffee.
  • (C) Alcohol.
  • (D) Tomato juice.
30 >>Sodium intake is recommended to be no more than 2,400 mg each day. Which client is most at risk for stroke and heart attack with a higher than recommended Na+ intake? ?
  • (A) A woman.
  • (B) A client who is overweight.
  • (C) A man.
  • (D) A client who is Hispanic.

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31 >>Which food would be restricted in a low-sodium diet? ?
  • (A) Whole milk.
  • (B) Ginger ale.
  • (C) Orange juice.
  • (D) Black coffee.
32 >>A client is attending an informational session for invitro fertilization. The client asks a nurse, "What foods can I eat to increase my intake of folic acid?" The nurse suggests that the best source of folic acid is: ?
  • (A) Green vegetables and liver.
  • (B) Yellow vegetables and red meat.
  • (C) Carrots and onions.
  • (D) Milk and eggs.
33 >>A 40-year-old client at 9 weeks' gestation presents to an obstetric clinic complaining of nausea and vomiting every morning when she awakens. Which intervention should a nurse recommend for this client? ?
  • (A) Eat a handful of peanuts before getting out of bed.
  • (B) Increase her intake of high-fat foods.
  • (C) Drink a carbonated beverage before bedtime.
  • (D) Eat dry, unsalted crackers before getting out of bed.
34 >>A nurse prepares to give maternal breast milk to an infant via a bottle. Which steps should the nurse take when preparing and administering breast milk? Select all that apply and place in priority order. ?
  • (A) Review the diet orders.
  • (B) Compare the infant's identification band against the label on the milk.
  • (C) Discard thawed milk after 1 hour.
  • (D) Thaw frozen milk slowly in the microwave.
35 >>A client, who has not been eating or drinking, is admitted to a hospital. Which sign of dehydration should a nurse expect? ?
  • (A) Tachycardia.
  • (B) Hypertension.
  • (C) Shortness of breath.
  • (D) Crackles in the lungs.
36 >>A client, who is 24 years old and has gestational diabetes, is getting instructions about her diet. A nurse knows that her teaching has been successful when the client correctly identifies that she should avoid: Select all that apply. ?
  • (A) White rice.
  • (B) Fruit juice.
  • (C) Cold cereal.
  • (D) Hot cereal.
37 >>A client, who is a 17-year-old gravida 2, para 1, practices a strict vegetarian diet. She has been prescribed an iron supplement during her second trimester of pregnancy. To promote better absorption, a nurse should instruct the client to take the iron supplement with which beverage? ?
  • (A) Milk.
  • (B) Iced tea.
  • (C) Soy milk.
  • (D) Orange juice.
38 >>A client is attending a class on prenatal nutrition. The client asks why vitamin C is important during pregnancy. A nurse's best response would be: ?
  • (A) Vitamin C is needed to promote collagen formation.
  • (B) Eating foods high in vitamin C helps metabolize fats and carbohydrates.
  • (C) Supplemental vitamin C in large doses can prevent neural tube defects.
  • (D) Studies have shown that vitamin C deficiency leads to pregnancy-induced hypertension.
39 >>A nurse assesses a school-age child who asks questions and can associate subjects with concepts. In which stage of development is this child? ?
  • (A) Industry.
  • (B) Intuitive.
  • (C) Sensorimotor.
  • (D) Concrete.
40 >>A nurse observes a client on a locked mental health unit who is manifesting behaviors consistent with the mastery of Maslow's level of safety and security. Which behavior is this client most likely exhibiting? ?
  • (A) Attending medication information sessions and maintaining the unit garden.
  • (B) Joining group therapy sessions and agreeing to seek aftercare.
  • (C) Responding to limit setting and requesting anxiolytics.
  • (D) Eating meals with other clients in the quiet room.

NCLEX RN Registered Nurses Quiz | Practice Test 09

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