Biology objective questions (Diversity In the Living World) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

Biology objective questions (Diversity In the Living World) | Quiz: Biology General Knowledge Questions

1 >>They are the remains or impressions of living organisms preserved in rocks: ?
  • (A) Tissues
  • (B) Fossils
  • (C) Calcium
  • (D) Statutes
2 >>It is the study of fossils and their relationship to the evolution of life on earth: ?
  • (A) embryology
  • (B) taxonomy
  • (C) physiology
  • (D) None of these
3 >>Man has been able to produce food in greater quantities due to advancement in: ?
  • (A) Mathematics
  • (B) Space science
  • (C) Physics
  • (D) Biology
4 >>Taxonomy is the study of: ?
  • (A) Functions of different parts of organisms
  • (B) Naming and classification of organisms
  • (C) Hereditary characters
  • (D) Structure and functions of cells
5 >>Anatomy deals with the study of: ?
  • (A) Relationship between organisms and their environment
  • (B) Development of an organism from a fertilized egg or zygote
  • (C) Structure and function of molecular components of the cell
  • (D) Internal organs of organisms
6 >>Pollution of our surroundings in the recent past has resulted because of: ?
  • (A) Biological Research
  • (B) Rapid industrialization
  • (C) Information Technology
  • (D) Forestation

7 >>The statement made by a scientist, which may be the possible answer to the problem. ?
  • (A) Deduction
  • (B) Theory
  • (C) Hypothesis
  • (D) Law
8 >>Which of the following is involved in the spread of malaria ? ?
  • (A) Bacterium
  • (B) Bad Air
  • (C) Virus
  • (D) Mosquito
9 >>People who slept outside in open spaces suffered from malaria more frequently than those who slept indoors, indicates that: ?
  • (A) Bad air is involved in the spread of Malaria
  • (B) Bacteria are involved in the spread of Malaria
  • (C) Mosquitoes are involved in the spread of Malaria
  • (D) Birds are involved in the spread of Malaria
10 >>The entry of Plasmodium into the blood of Man was discovered by: ?
  • (A) A. F. A. King
  • (B) Laveran
  • (C) Ronald Ross
  • (D) Grassi
11 >>In case of typical attack, malarial patient feels: ?
  • (A) Very cold and chilly
  • (B) Very Warm
  • (C) Sleepy
  • (D) Normal

12 >>Sexual reproduction of the malaria parasite occurs in : ?
  • (A) Man
  • (B) Mosquito
  • (C) Red blood cells
  • (D) Both a and b
13 >>Inside human body Plasmodium attacks: ?
  • (A) Nerve cells
  • (B) Red blood cells
  • (C) White blood cells
  • (D) Kidney cells
14 >>In the life cycle of Plasmodium fusion of gametes and formation of gametes and formation of zygote take place in: ?
  • (A) Body of Man
  • (B) Body of Mosquito
  • (C) Air
  • (D) Water
15 >>The part of Cinchona plant found suitable for the treatment of Malaria was: ?
  • (A) Seeds
  • (B) Fruits
  • (C) Leaves
  • (D) Bark
16 >>When sporozoites of Plasmodium pass from the blood to liver cells, they multiply for: ?
  • (A) 8 days
  • (B) 10 days
  • (C) 12 days
  • (D) 14 days
17 >>Man can now be saved from fatal diseases by using: ?
  • (A) Vaccine
  • (B) Bacteria
  • (C) Antibiotics
  • (D) Plasmodium
18 >>The word malaria has been derived from the combination of two words which are: ?
  • (A) Latin
  • (B) Italian
  • (C) Greek
  • (D) Arabic
19 >>Which one of the following best describes the scientific method? ?
  • (A) Doing experiments in laboratories
  • (B) Collecting all known facts on a subject
  • (C) Developing and testing hypothesis
  • (D) Using sensitive electronic measuring instruments
20 >>Which of the following stages of Plasmodium is diploid? ?
  • (A) Merozoite
  • (B) Sporozoite
  • (C) Zygote (ookinete)
  • (D) Gametocyte

21 >>Which of the following stages of Plasmodium is spindle shaped? ?
  • (A) sporozoite
  • (B) Merzoite
  • (C) Gametocyte
  • (D) Ookinete
22 >>Which of the following forms of Plasmodium is present in the saliva of mosquito? ?
  • (A) Merozoites
  • (B) Sporozoites
  • (C) Gametocytes
  • (D) Zygote
23 >>Which of these attack red blood cells? ?
  • (A) ookinetes
  • (B) Gametocytes
  • (C) Sporozoites
  • (D) Merozoites

24 >>Which of the following is not true of malaria patient? ?
  • (A) feels cold and chilly
  • (B) feels headache
  • (C) feels appetite
  • (D) temperature rises up to 106 degree F
25 >>Nucleus in plant cells was discovered by: ?
  • (A) Dutrochet
  • (B) Robert Brown
  • (C) Robert Hooke
  • (D) Schleiden
26 >>The pushing out of materials by the cell against the concentration gradient is: ?
  • (A) Low transport
  • (B) Passive transport
  • (C) Active transport
  • (D) Moderate transport
27 >>Robert Hooke examined thin slices of cork made up of the bark of: ?
  • (A) Pine
  • (B) Sheesham
  • (C) Oak
  • (D) Mulberry
28 >>In thin slices of cork Robert Hooke noticed. ?
  • (A) Tiny creatures
  • (B) Small holes
  • (C) Small chambers
  • (D) Bacteria
29 >>Henri Dutrochet confirmed. ?
  • (A) Robert Brown observations on Nucleus
  • (B) Robert Hooke’s observations on Cells
  • (C) Schwann observations of cells
  • (D) Schleiden observations on cells
30 >>They provide support to the plant body: ?
  • (A) Phloem cells
  • (B) Parenchyma cells
  • (C) Sclerenchyma cells
  • (D) Chlorechyma cells
31 >>Parenchyma cells are concerned with: ?
  • (A) Secretion
  • (B) Support
  • (C) Carry Oxygen
  • (D) Storage of surplus food
32 >>Substances cross the cell membrane more easily when they are: ?
  • (A) Water soluble
  • (B) Protein soluble
  • (C) Alcohol soluble
  • (D) Lipid soluble
33 >>Many substances that are not needed constantly enter the cell by: ?
  • (A) Passive transport
  • (B) Active transport
  • (C) Negative transport
  • (D) Fast transport
34 >>It is a true cell wall in a newly growing cell: ?
  • (A) Middle lamella
  • (B) Secondary wall
  • (C) Primary wall
  • (D) Plasma membrane

35 >>It is the first to be formed: ?
  • (A) Primary wall
  • (B) Secondary wall
  • (C) Tertiary wall
  • (D) Middle lamella
36 >>It is a site of certain metabolic pathways: ?
  • (A) Cell wall
  • (B) Plasma membrane
  • (C) Cytoplasm
  • (D) A & B
37 >>The water percentage of cytosol in the cytoplasm is: ?
  • (A) 50
  • (B) 60
  • (C) 70
  • (D) 90
38 >>New Ribosomes are assembled in the : ?
  • (A) Nucleolus
  • (B) Mitochondria
  • (C) Endoplasmic Reticulum
  • (D) Golgi Apparatus
39 >>Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum helps to: ?
  • (A) Synthesize proteins
  • (B) Detoxify the harmful drugs
  • (C) Prepare food
  • (D) Decompose proteins
40 >>Morphologically Endoplasmic Reticulum exists in: ?
  • (A) Four forms
  • (B) Three forms
  • (C) Two forms
  • (D) One form

41 >>The 60S and 40S subunits on attachment with each other form: ?
  • (A) 100S particle
  • (B) 90S particle
  • (C) 80S particle
  • (D) 70S particle
42 >>Proteins are synthesized in the: ?
  • (A) Ribosomes
  • (B) Mitochondria
  • (C) Nucleus
  • (D) Nucleolus
43 >>They are absent in higher plants: ?
  • (A) Plastids
  • (B) Golgi Apparatus
  • (C) Cell Membranes
  • (D) Centrioles
44 >>Amino acids (proteins) are present in the cell walls of: ?
  • (A) Gymnosperms
  • (B) Bacteria
  • (C) Mosses
  • (D) Angiosperms
45 >>Which of the following organelles is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? ?
  • (A) Chloroplast
  • (B) Ribosomes
  • (C) Mitochondria
  • (D) Golgi Complex
46 >>Which of the following features is not shared by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? ?
  • (A) Ribosome
  • (B) Cytoplasm
  • (C) Cell membrane
  • (D) Nuclear membrane
47 >>Which of the following cell organelles is present in both plant and animal cells? ?
  • (A) Chlorophyll
  • (B) Plasma membrane
  • (C) Plastids
  • (D) Cell wall
48 >>Which of the following pair is incorrect? ?
  • (A) Ribosome-Protein synthesis
  • (B) Chloroplast -Photosynthesis
  • (C) Mitochondria - Fermentation
  • (D) Plasma membrane - Osmosis
49 >>Which of the structures is not found in a prokaryotic cell? ?
  • (A) Plasma membrane
  • (B) Nuclear envelope
  • (C) Ribosome
  • (D) Cell wall
50 >>How may membranes comprise the nuclear envelop? ?
  • (A) None
  • (B) One
  • (C) Two
  • (D) Three
51 >>Which of the following molecules move regularly from the nucleus to the cytoplasm? ?
  • (A) Glycogen
  • (B) DNA
  • (C) RNA
  • (D) Cholesterol
52 >>Which of the following cellular organelles extracts energy from glucose and forms ATP molecules: ?
  • (A) Lysosome
  • (B) Chloroplast
  • (C) Mitochondrion
  • (D) Chromoplast
53 >>Lysosomes contain enzymes capable of: ?
  • (A) Aerobic cellular respiration
  • (B) Digesting part of the cell
  • (C) Synthesizing protein
  • (D) Synthesizing lipids
54 >>Mitochondria are found: ?
  • (A) in all cells
  • (B) only in plant cells
  • (C) only in animal cells
  • (D) in all eukaryotic cells
55 >>Green pigments capable of capturing the energy of sunlight are located within the: ?
  • (A) Golgi complex
  • (B) Endoplasmic complex
  • (C) Chloroplast
  • (D) Cell wall
56 >>The two types of cellular organelles that transform energy are: ?
  • (A) Chromoplasts and leucoplast
  • (B) Mitochondria and chloroplast
  • (C) Mitochondria and Chromoplasts
  • (D) Chloroplasts and leucoplasts
57 >>The plastids that give fruits and flowers their orange and yellow colours are the: ?
  • (A) leucoplasts
  • (B) chloroplasts
  • (C) Chromoplasts
  • (D) Proplasts
58 >>The main function of the plasma membrane is to: ?
  • (A) synthesize ribosomes
  • (B) Control what goes into and out of the cell
  • (C) Allow all kinds of substances to enter the cell
  • (D) Move the cell from place to place
59 >>Plant cells are connected by channels through their walls called: ?
  • (A) Plasmodesmata
  • (B) desmosomes
  • (C) middle lamella
  • (D) non of these
60 >>In the fluid mosaic membrane model the lipid bilayer: ?
  • (A) is sandwiched between two protein layers
  • (B) has protein embedded in it
  • (C) lies on top of a single protein layer
  • (D) is covered by a single protein layer

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