Atomic and Nuclear Physics Quiz | objective questions | Physics General Knowledge Questions | MCQ

Atomic and Nuclear Physics Quiz | objective questions | Physics General Knowledge Questions | MCQ

"1 >>According to ‘plum pudding model’ atoms on the whole are electrically neutral because ?
  • (A) the positive charge of the atom is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of the atom and the negatively charged electrons are embedded in it
  • (B) the positive charge of the atom is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of the electron and the negative charge of electrons balances positive parts
  • (C) the negative charge of the atom is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of the atom and the positively charged electrons are embedded in it
  • (D) positive charge is concentrated at one place and negative charge is elsewhere.
2 >>Each element is associated with ?
  • (A) with a characteristic absorption of monochromatic light
  • (B) with a characteristic radiation of monochromatic light
  • (C) no light radiation or absorption
  • (D) with a characteristic spectrum of radiation
3 >>alpha particles used in Geiger-Marsden experiment were obtained from ?
  • (A) accelerating He ions
  • (B) accelerating H ions
  • (C) electron accelerators
  • (D) Bi214 Radioactive source
4 >>In Geiger-Marsden experiment very small deflection of the beam was expected because ?
  • (A) positive charge and the negative electrons are distributed through the whole atom reducing electric field inside the atom
  • (B) there are no electrical forces at work
  • (C) particles are collimated by lead screens
  • (D) most particles pass through
5 >>Which of these statements correctly describe the atomic model according to classical electromagnetic theory ? ?
  • (A) the positive charge and negative electron cancel and no waves are radiated
  • (B) The waves emitted by electrons are discrete
  • (C) The electrons would spiral inwards and fall into the nucleus
  • (D) electrons do not radiate electromagnetic waves

6 >>In Geiger-Marsden experiment prediction was that ?
  • (A) some particles would be expected at 45
  • (B) All the particles would go through the foil with hardly any deflection
  • (C) some particles would be expected at 75
  • (D) All the particles would bounce from the foil at 180
7 >>In Geiger-Marsden experiment, at the point of closest approach ?
  • (A) the kinetic energy is zero and the electrical potential equals the initial kinetic energy supplied
  • (B) the kinetic energy is not zero and the electrical potential equals the initial kinetic energy supplied
  • (C) the kinetic energy is not zero and the electrical potential is less than the initial kinetic energy supplied
  • (D) the kinetic energy is not zero and the electrical potential is greater than the initial kinetic energy supplied
8 >>In Geiger-Marsden experiment, actual results was ?
  • (A) Number of particles at angle ϕ was zero at ϕ =80o
  • (B) Number of particles at angle ϕ was zero at ϕ =180o
  • (C) Number of particles at angle ϕ was zero at ϕ =70o
  • (D) Number of particles at angle ϕ was non zero at all angles including at 180o
9 >>The model that best explains the results of Geiger-Marsden experiment is ?
  • (A) Bohr model
  • (B) None of the above
  • (C) Rutherford model
  • (D) Thomson model
10 >>A Spectrum is ?
  • (A) The splitting into the component colors of white light when passed through a prism or a diffraction grating
  • (B) The splitting into the component colors or wavelengths of light when passed through a lens.
  • (C) the splitting into the component colors or wavelengths of monochromatic light when passed through a prism or a diffraction grating
  • (D) The splitting into the component colors or wavelengths of light when passed through a prism or a diffraction grating
11 >>Continuous spectrum is produced by ?
  • (A) Hydrogen atoms in magnetic field
  • (B) incandescent lamp
  • (C) Hydrogen atoms in electrical field
  • (D) lasers

12 >>Emission line spectrum of atoms contains ?
  • (A) All colors of visible light without sharp boundaries
  • (B) All colors in the form of isolated sharp parallel lines generally produced by heated resistances
  • (C) Only a few colors in the form of isolated sharp parallel lines generally produced by heated gases
  • (D) Only a few colors in the form of isolated sharp parallel lines generally produced by chilled gases
13 >>Absorption line spectrum is obtained ?
  • (A) If we pass off-white (discrete-spectrum) light through a hot gas
  • (B) If we pass white (continuous-spectrum) light through a cool gas
  • (C) If we pass white (continuous-spectrum) light through a hot gas
  • (D) If we pass off-white (discrete-spectrum) light through a cool gas
14 >>To produce an emission spectrum of hydrogen ?
  • (A) It needs to be cool liquid form
  • (B) It needs to be hot and white light shining through
  • (C) It needs to be cold and white light shining through
  • (D) It needs to be in glowing gaseous form
15 >>The half life of radium is 1600 years. The fraction of a sample of radium that would remain undecayed after 6400 years is ?
  • (A) (1/4)
  • (B) (1/2)
  • (C) (1/8)
  • (D) 41290
16 >>Emission line spectra of different elements ?
  • (A) is not different
  • (B) is the same if both elements are in liquid form
  • (C) is the same if both elements are at the same temperature
  • (D) is different
17 >>Which of these statements about Bohr model is correct? ?
  • (A) Bohr model combines classical and early quantum concepts
  • (B) Bohr model postulates wavy paths around the nucleus
  • (C) Bohr model is based classical electromagnetic theory
  • (D) Bohr model is pure quantum mechanical theory
18 >>Which of these statements about Bohr model hypothesis is correct? ?
  • (A) mass of electron is quantized
  • (B) angular momentum of electron is quantized
  • (C) radius of electron is quantized
  • (D) velocity of electron is quantized

19 >>Which of these statements about De Broglie Explanation of Bohr model is correct? ?
  • (A) Standing wave is formed on a circular orbit where integral number of de Broglie wavelengths fit into the circumference of the orbit
  • (B) electron in its circular orbit, as proposed by Bohr, must be seen as electromagnetic wave
  • (C) electron in its circular orbit, as proposed by Bohr, must be seen as a particle .
  • (D) travelling wave is formed on a circular orbit where integral number of de Broglie Wavelengths fit into the circumference of the orbit
20 >>Fluorescence is ?
  • (A) it consists only of atoms going into stable excited states
  • (B) it consists of accelerated atoms/molecules striking suitable material
  • (C) it consists of a molecule, atom or nanostructure relaxing to its ground state by emitting a photon of light after being excited to a higher quantum state by some type of energy
  • (D) what happens in a fluorescent lamp

"21 >>Reason why there are many lines in an atomic spectrum is because ?
  • (A) All atoms are in the same excited state and make transition to different states
  • (B) All atoms are in the same excited state and make transition to same state
  • (C) There are many atoms in different states of excitation making transition to different states
  • (D) There are many atoms in different states of excitation making transition to the same state
22 >>Fluorescent lamps are more efficient than incandescent lamps in converting electrical energy to visible light because ?
  • (A) they do not waste as much energy producing (invisible) infrared photons
  • (B) they produce more white light
  • (C) they do not waste as much energy producing visible photons
  • (D) they do not use uv radiations
23 >>According to Bohr model radiation takes place when ?
  • (A) there is transition from one of the unstable orbits of definite energy to another of same energy
  • (B) there is transition from one of the stable orbits of definite energy to another of lower energy.
  • (C) there is transition from one of the unstable orbits of definite energy to another of higher energy
  • (D) there is transition from one of the stable orbits of definite energy to another of higher energy
24 >>According to Bohr model allowed values of angular momentum are ?
  • (A) integral multiples of h
  • (B) integral multiples of h/2(\pie)
  • (C) integral multiples of h/(/pie)
  • (D) continuous

25 >>In a Geiger -Marsden experiment, what is the distance of closest approach d to the nucleus of a 7.7 MeV α−particle before it comes momentarily to rest and reverses its direction? ?
  • (A) 40 fm
  • (B) 30 fm
  • (C) 35 fm
  • (D) 45 fm
26 >>Bandwidth of an electronic communication system ?
  • (A) is the frequency range over which an equipment operates or the portion of the spectrum occupied by the signal
  • (B) is the maximum frequency at which an equipment
  • (C) is the minimum frequency at which an equipment
  • (D) is number of bands in the spectrum
27 >>As the mass number A increases, which of the following quantities related to a nucleus does not change? ?
  • (A) density
  • (B) volume
  • (C) mass
  • (D) binding energy
28 >>A system has two charges qA=2.5×10−7C and qB=−2.5×10−7C located at points A: (0, 0, –15 cm) and B: (0,0, +15 cm), respectively. What are the total charge and electric dipole moment of the system? ?
  • (A) zero, 7.5×10−8Cm
  • (B) zero, 8.5×10−8Cm
  • (C) zero, 6.5×10−8Cm
  • (D) zero, 5.5×10−8Cm
29 >>To produce N – type crystal Ge or Si may be doped with a substance that is ?
  • (A) trivalent
  • (B) divalent
  • (C) pentavalent
  • (D) tetravalent
30 >>Domestic power supply in India is ?
  • (A) 230 V 50 Hz
  • (B) 110 V 60 Hz
  • (C) 416 V 60 Hz
  • (D) 24 V DC
31 >>What is the shortest wavelength present in the Paschen series of spectral lines? ?
  • (A) 820 nm
  • (B) 800 nm
  • (C) 840 nm
  • (D) 860 nm
32 >>Suppose you are given a chance to repeat the alpha-particle scattering experiment using a thin sheet of solid hydrogen in place of the gold foil. (Hydrogen is a solid at temperatures below 14 K.) What results do you expect? ?
  • (A) there would be scattering at 180
  • (B) there would be scattering at 90
  • (C) there would be scattering at all angles
  • (D) there would be no scattering
33 >>In comparison to atomic size in Rutherford’s model, the size of the atom in Thomson’s model is ?
  • (A) no different
  • (B) slightly less
  • (C) much less
  • (D) much greater
34 >>In the ground state of which model electrons are in stable equilibrium with zero net force? ?
  • (A) No model
  • (B) Rutherford’s model
  • (C) Bohr model
  • (D) Thomson’s model
35 >>According to which model a classical atom is doomed to collapse? ?
  • (A) Bohr model
  • (B) Rutherford’s model
  • (C) Thomson’s model
  • (D) No model
36 >>In which of the models An atom has a nearly continuous mass distribution? ?
  • (A) Bohr model
  • (B) Thomson’s model
  • (C) Rutherford’s model
  • (D) No model
37 >>In which of the models An atom has a highly non-uniform mass distribution? ?
  • (A) No model
  • (B) Thomson’s model
  • (C) Bohr model
  • (D) Rutherford’s model
38 >>In which of the models, the positively charged part of the atom possesses most of the mass? ?
  • (A) Bohr model only
  • (B) Thomson’s model only
  • (C) Rutherford’s model only
  • (D) Thomson’s model and Rutherford’s model
39 >>The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV. What are the kinetic and potential energies of the electron in this state? ?
  • (A) 13.1 eV, –29.2 eV
  • (B) 14.6 eV, –29.2 eV
  • (C) 13.6 eV, –27.2 eV
  • (D) 14.6 eV, –27.2 eV
40 >>A 12.5 eV electron beam is used to bombard gaseous hydrogen at room temperature. What series of wavelengths will be emitted? ?
  • (A) Lyman series: 153 nm and 125 nm; Balmer series: 556 nm
  • (B) Lyman series: 133 nm and 123 nm; Balmer series: 656 nm
  • (C) Lyman series: 103 nm and 122 nm; Balmer series: 656 nm.
  • (D) Lyman series: 143 nm and 122 nm; Balmer series: 646 nm

Atomic and Nuclear Physics Quiz | objective questions | Physics General Knowledge Questions | MCQ

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