Chapter Wise Logical Reasoning in English Mixed Quiz

Chapter Wise Logical Reasoning in English Mixed Quiz

"1 >>You have 59 cubic blocks. What is the minimum number that needs to be taken away in order to construct a solid cube with none left over? ?
  • (A) 31
  • (B) 32
  • (C) 33
  • (D) 34
2 >>A blind man had only black or white socks. In his drawer he had 4 socks. He went to the drawer and took out 2 socks. The chances that he had a pair of white socks was 1/2. What were the chances that he had drawn out a pair of black socks? ?
  • (A) 1
  • (B) 2
  • (C) 3
  • (D) 0
3 >>A factory was cutting rolls of cloth into 1 metre lengths, from a 200 metre roll.How long would it take for the machine to cut the roll if each cut took 4 secs? ?
  • (A) 13.27 mins
  • (B) 15 mins
  • (C) 13 mins
  • (D) 14 mins
4 >>A farmer told his labourer to pick 896,809 apples and pack them into as few boxes as possible,each having the same number of apples. How many boxes did he use? ?
  • (A) 947 * 947 apples
  • (B) 957 * 957 apples
  • (C) 967 * 967 apples
  • (D) 977 * 977 apples

5 >>A photograph measuring 8.5 by 7.5 cm is to be enlarged. If the enlargement of the longer side is 13.6 cm, what is the length of the smaller side? ?
  • (A) 11 cm
  • (B) 13 cm
  • (C) 12 cm
  • (D) 14 cm
6 >>A driving school claims an average test pass rate of 76.8 percent. What is the least number of pupils required to achieve this result? ?
  • (A) 135
  • (B) 125
  • (C) 145
  • (D) 160
7 >>A bag contains 64 balls of eight different colours. There are eight of each colour (including red). What is the least number you would have to pick, without looking, to be sure of selecting 3 red balls? ?
  • (A) 56
  • (B) 57
  • (C) 58
  • (D) 59
8 >>A man wears socks of two colours black and brown.
He has altogether 20 black socks and 20 brown socks in a drawer.Supposing he has to take out the socks in the dark, how many must he take out to be sure that he has a matching pair? ?

  • (A) 1
  • (B) 3
  • (C) 20
  • (D) 39

9 >>'Bull' is related to 'Cow' in the same way as 'Horse' is related to ?
  • (A) Animal
  • (B) Mare
  • (C) Stable
  • (D) Meat
10 >>'Doctor' is related to 'Stethoscope' in the same way as 'Painter' is related to ?
  • (A) Painting
  • (B) Brush
  • (C) Exhibition
  • (D) Art
11 >>Hate' is related to 'Love' in the same way as 'Create' is related to ?
  • (A) Make
  • (B) Renovate
  • (C) Destroy
  • (D) Build
12 >>If 5 x 8=28, 3 x 7= 12, 8 x 6=35 then find the value of 13 x 13? ?
  • (A) 169
  • (B) 130
  • (C) 140
  • (D) 144

13 >>A clock is such that it loses 4 minutes each day. The clock is set right on February 25, 2008 at 2 p.m. How many minutes should be added to get the right time when the clock shows 9 a.m. on 3rd March, 2008? ?
  • (A) 9780/359
  • (B) 9340/357
  • (C) 9120/329
  • (D) 8760/269
14 >>In 1952 Indian Republic day was celebrated on Saturday. Which day-of-the week was the Independence Day of the same year ? ?
  • (A) Sunday
  • (B) Monday
  • (C) Thursday
  • (D) Friday
15 >>2013's Valentines day on Thursday then which day will the valentine fall on the next leap year? ?
  • (A) Monday
  • (B) Sunday
  • (C) Tuesday
  • (D) Saturday

 Logical Reasoning in English

16 >>The calendar for 1990 is the same as for : ?
  • (A) 1997
  • (B) 1994
  • (C) 2000
  • (D) 1996

17 >>The day on 5th March of a year is the same day on what date of the same year? ?
  • (A) 5th Aug
  • (B) 5th Oct
  • (C) 5th Nov
  • (D) 5th Dec
18 >>Some of the months have 30 days ,some months have 31 days . How many months have 30 days? ?
  • (A) 4
  • (B) 6
  • (C) 11
  • (D) 12
19 >>In 1972 January has exactly four Fridays and four Tuesdays, find what day of week will be the 4th March of the same year? ?
  • (A) Friday
  • (B) Saturday
  • (C) Monday
  • (D) Tuesday
20 >>In a row of girls facing North, Reena is 10th to the left of Pallavi,
who is 21st from the right end. If Malini, who is 17th from the left end,
is fourth to the right of Reena, how many girls are there in the row? ?

  • (A) 37
  • (B) 41
  • (C) 43
  • (D) 49

Chapter Wise Logical Reasoning in English Mixed Quiz
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