01 Chemical Engineering MCQ | Quiz | Practice Tests

01 Chemical Engineering MCQ | Quiz | Practice Tests

1 >>Which one of the following is incombustible ? ?
  • (A) H2
  • (B) CCl4
  • (C) C2H2
  • (D) S
2 >>The softness or hardness of a grinding wheel depends upon the type & amount of bonding material used. For general purpose cutter grinding __________ grinding wheel is normally used. ?
  • (A) hard
  • (B) soft
  • (C) silicon carbide
  • (D) aluminium oxide

3 >>Tin based white metals are used, where bearings are subjected to ?
  • (A) high pressure & load.
  • (B) low pressure & load.
  • (C) high temperature.
  • (D) large surface wear.
4 >>Friction factor for fluid flow in pipe does not depend upon the ?
  • (A) pipe length.
  • (B) pipe roughness.
  • (C) fluid density & viscosity.
  • (D) mass flow rate of fluid.
5 >>All of the following alloying elements of steel increases hardness but sacrifice ductility, except ?
  • (A) nickel
  • (B) vanadium
  • (C) molybdenum
  • (D) chromium
6 >>The following type of bonding is strongly directional in solids. ?
  • (A) Vander Waal's
  • (B) Ionic
  • (C) Metallic
  • (D) Covalant
7 >>Fog is an example of colloidal system of ?
  • (A) solid dispersed in gas.
  • (B) solid dispersed in liquid.
  • (C) liquid dispersed in gas.
  • (D) None

8 >>Chromium molybdenum steel can not be welded using __________ welding. ?
  • (A) thermit
  • (B) electrical resistance
  • (C) oxy-acetylene
  • (D) any of these
9 >>Speisses is a mixture of the following: ?
  • (A) Arsenides of heavy metals.
  • (B) Antimonides of heavy metals.
  • (C) Arsenides & antimonides of heavy metals.
  • (D) Iron, cobalt and nickel.
10 >>Auto collimator is used to check ?
  • (A) flatness
  • (B) angle
  • (C) rotor balancing
  • (D) roughness
11 >>In troposphere (the weather domain), the temperature 't' at height 'h' above the sea level in metres is given by (where, temperature at sea level is 15�C and t is in �C.) ?
  • (A) t = 15 - 0.0065 h
  • (B) t = 15 + 0.0065 h
  • (C) t = 0.0035 h - 15
  • (D) t = 15 - 0.0035 h
12 >>A high pressure boiler generates steam at a pressure greater than __________ kg/cm2 . ?
  • (A) 10
  • (B) 30
  • (C) 50
  • (D) 80
13 >>Evaporative cooling process employs a combination of cooling and humidification in which the ?
  • (A) sensible heat is added.
  • (B) sensible heat is removed and the latent heat is added.
  • (C) latent heat is removed.
  • (D) sensible heat is added and latent heat is removed.
14 >>Which of the following is not an explosive ? ?
  • (A) TNT
  • (B) CMC
  • (C) RDX
  • (D) Lead azide
15 >>Maxwell's thermodynamic relations applies to the ?
  • (A) chemical systems in equilibrium.
  • (B) mechanical systems in equilibrium.
  • (C) irreversible thermodynamic processes.
  • (D) reversible thermodynamic processes.
16 >>Annealing ofwhite cast iron produces __________ iron. ?
  • (A) grey
  • (B) nodular
  • (C) malleable
  • (D) spheroidal
17 >>A solar cell converts the sunlight directly into __________ energy. ?
  • (A) thermal
  • (B) electrical
  • (C) mechanical
  • (D) chemical
18 >>If a nuclear reactor produces more fissile nuclear fuel than it consumes, then it is called a __________ reactor. ?
  • (A) critical
  • (B) breeder
  • (C) fertile
  • (D) heterogenous
19 >>Wrought iron is never shaped by ?
  • (A) casting
  • (B) cold working
  • (C) forging
  • (D) welding
20 >>Powder metallurgy process does not make metal powder by ?
  • (A) atomisation
  • (B) grinding/milling
  • (C) hammering
  • (D) electrolytic deposition

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