Biotechnology Quiz | MCQ | Biotech Test Quiz 05

Biotechnology Quiz | MCQ | Biotech Test Quiz #mcq.CETJOB

1 >>Before birth, a female's oocytes are ?
  • (A) not present.
  • (B) arrested in prophase I of meiosis.
  • (C) arrested in prophase II of meiosis.
  • (D) arrested in prophase of mitosis
2 >>Meiosis II proceeds in a female's oocyte ?
  • (A) prior to birth.
  • (B) monthly after puberty.
  • (C) upon ovulation.
  • (D) upon fertilization.
3 >>Male gametes originate in ____ within the ____. They pass through the ____ and ____ where they mature before exiting the body. ?
  • (A) seminiferous tubules, ovaries, epididymis, fallopian tubes
  • (B) vasa deferentia, seminiferous tubules, testes, penis
  • (C) seminiferous tubules, testes, epididymis, vasa deferentia
  • (D) epididymis, ovaries, vasa deferentia, testes
4 >>Around day 6 or 7 of embryonic development, hCG is secreted by ?
  • (A) the blastomere.
  • (B) the morula.
  • (C) trophoblast cells.
  • (D) the sperm.

5 >>How long after fertilization does the fetal period begin? ?
  • (A) the first week
  • (B) the eighth week
  • (C) the first trimester
  • (D) the second trimester
6 >>Genetic variability arises during meiosis from ?
  • (A) crossing over.
  • (B) independent assortment.
  • (C) random alignment of chromosomes at metaphase.
  • (D) all of the above.
7 >>Which of the following is a rapid-aging disorder? ?
  • (A) porphyria
  • (B) pattern baldness
  • (C) progeria
  • (D) Marfan syndrome
8 >>Dolly, the sheep, was cloned from ?
  • (A) an embryonic cell.
  • (B) a fetal cell.
  • (C) a mammary gland cell.
  • (D) an artificial cell.
Biotechnology Quiz | MCQ | Biotech Test Quiz 05

9 >>Birth defects can result from a (an) ____ or ____. However, only the latter are transmitted to future generations. ?
  • (A) environmental intervention, malfunctioning gene
  • (B) malfunctioning gene, environmental intervention
  • (C) acquired characteristic, environmental intervention
  • (D) malfunctioning gene, acquired characteristic
10 >>How many sets of chromosomes are present in a primary oocyte and the polar body derived from it? ?
  • (A) 2, 1
  • (B) 2, 2
  • (C) 1, 2
  • (D) 1, 1
11 >>Which of the following statements about gamete formation is false? ?
  • (A) in females, most of the cytoplasm concentrates in one huge cell
  • (B) in males, meiosis produces four similarly shaped sperm
  • (C) spermatogenesis takes months
  • (D) oogenesis is completed prior to birth
12 >>____ is a failure of ____ to fully separate the digits. ?
  • (A) Syndactyly, apoptosis
  • (B) Polydactyly, apoptosis
  • (C) Syndactyly, mitosis
  • (D) Polydactyly, mitosis


13 >>Are the sister chromatids of a chromosome necessarily identical at the beginning of metaphase I of meiosis? ?
  • (A) yes, sister chromatids are always identical structures
  • (B) yes, only homologous chromosomes differ from each other
  • (C) no, crossing over could generate differences
  • (D) maybe, it varies from cell division to cell division>
14 >>Mendel's idea that pairs of characters separate during gamete formation is called the law of ?
  • (A) particulate inheritance.
  • (B) dominance.
  • (C) segregation.
  • (D) independent assortment.
15 >>The allele that masks the effects of the other is ____ and the masked allele is ____. ?
  • (A) homozygous, heterozygous
  • (B) homozygous, recessive
  • (C) dominant, recessive
  • (D) dominant, incomplete
16 >>A dominant phenotype is the most common expression of a particular gene in a population. True or false? ?
  • (A) TRUE
  • (B) FALSE
  • (C) Both
  • (D) None
17 >>What is the most common outcome in the F2 generation of a cross between a tall plant and a dwarf plant? ?
  • (A) 1 tall : 1 dwarf
  • (B) 3 tall : 1 dwarf
  • (C) 1 tall : 2 medium : 1 dwarf
  • (D) all tal
18 >>Two carriers of albinism have four children. One of their children is albino and the remaining three are normally pigmented. What is the probability that their next child will be albino? ?
  • (A) 0
  • (B) 0.25
  • (C) 0.75
  • (D) 1
19 >>Kathy's brother has cystic fibrosis. Her husband has no family history of cf. What is the chance that Kathy's child has inherited the cystic fibrosis? ?
  • (A) 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4
  • (B) 1/3 x 1/2 = 1/6
  • (C) 2/3 x 1/4 = 1/6
  • (D) 2/3 x 1/2 = 1/3
20 >>The occurrence of affected individuals in every generation in a family suggests ____ trait. ?
  • (A) an autosomal dominant
  • (B) an autosomal recessive
  • (C) either dominant or recessive
  • (D) sex-linked

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