03 Chemistry Solution Quiz - Chemistry Quiz

03 Chemistry Solution Quiz - Chemistry Quiz

In this Chemistry quiz article we are going to share some Chemistry study material and some multiple-choice questions of solution chapter which having some topics like Solubility, Method of expressing concentration of solution, Colligative properties, Lowering of vapour pressure, Ideal and Non-ideal solution, Azeotropic mixture, Osmosis and Osmotic pressure of the solution, Elevation of boiling point of the solvent,  and Depression of freezing point of the solvent.


 “A solution is a mixture in which substances are intermixed so intimately that they can not be observed as separate components”. The dispersed phase or the substance which is to be dissolved is called solute, while the dispersion medium in which the solute is dispersed to get a homogenous mixture is called the solvent.
“Solubility of a substance may be defined as the amount of solute dissolved in  100gms of a solvent to form a saturated solution at a given temperature”. A saturated solution is a solution that contains at a given temperature as much solute as it can hold in the presence of dissolving solvent. Any solution may contain less solute than would be necessary to saturate it. Such a solution is known as the unsaturated solution. When the solution contains more solute than would be necessary to saturate it then it is termed as a supersaturated solution.

Colligative properties

Certain properties of dilute solutions containing non-volatile solute do not depend upon the nature of the solute dissolved but depend only upon the concentration i.e., the number of particles of the solute present in the solution. Such properties are called colligative properties. The four well-known examples of the colligative properties are, 
(1) Lowering of the vapour pressure of the solvent.
(2) The osmotic pressure of the solution.
(3) Elevation in the boiling point of the solvent.
(4) Depression in freezing point of the solvent.
Since colligative properties depend upon the number of solute particles present in the solution, the simple case will be that when the solute is a non-electrolyte. In case the solute is an electrolyte, it may split to a number of ions each of which acts as a particle and thus will affect the value of the colligative property.
Each colligative property is exactly related to other, Relative lowering of vapor pressure, elevation in boiling point and depression in freezing point are directly proportional to osmotic pressure.  

Solubility Quiz

1. The solubility of a gas in water depends on
(a) Nature of the gas
(b) Temperature
(c) Pressure of the gas
(d) All of the above
Sol:  D

2. The statement “ The mass of a gas dissolved in a given mass of a solvent at any temperature is proportional to the pressure of the gas above the solvent” is
(a) Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
(b) Law of Mass Action
(c) Henry’s Law
(d) None of these
Sol:  C

3. Which is correct about Henry’s law
(a) The gas in contact with the liquid should behave as an ideal gas
(b) There should not be any chemical interaction between the gas and liquid
(c) The pressure applied should be high
(d) All of these
Sol:  B

4. The statement “If 0.003 moles of a gas are dissolved in 900 g of water under a pressure of 1 atmosphere, 0.006 moles will be dissolved under a pressure of 2 atmospheres”, illustrates 
(a) Dalton’s law of partial pressure
(b) Graham’s law
(c) Raoult’s law   
(d) Henry’s law
Sol:  D


5. The solution of sugar in water contains
(a) Free atoms
(b) Free ions
(c) Free molecules
(d) Free atom and molecules
Sol:  C

Method of expressing the concentration of the solution

6. The normality of 2.3 M H2SO4 solution is
(a) 2.3 N (b) 4.6 N
(c) 0.46 N (d) 0.23 N
Sol:   B

7. The molarity of a solution made by mixing 50ml of conc. H2SO4 (36N) with 50 ml of water is
(a) 36 M (b) 18 M
(c) 9 M (d) 6 M
Sol:  C

8. 10 litre solution of urea contains 240g urea. The active mass of urea will be
(a) 0.04 (b) 0.02
(c) 0.4 (d) 0.2

Sol:  C

9. With increase of temperature, which of these changes 
 (a) Molality
(b) Weight fraction of solute
(c) Fraction of solute present in water
(d) Mole fraction

Sol:  C

10. 25ml of a solution of barium hydroxide on titration with a 0.1molar solution of hydrochloric acid gave a litre value of 35 ml. The molarity of barium hydroxide solution was
 (a) 0.07 (b) 0.14
(c) 0.28 (d) 0.35
Sol:  A
11. The number of moles present in 2 litre of 0.5 M NaOH  is
 (a) 0.5 (b) 0.1
(c) 1 (d) 2
Sol:  C

12. 36g water and 828g ethyl alcohol form an ideal solution. The mole fraction of water in it, is  
(a) 1.0 (b) 0.7
(c) 0.4 (d) 0.1

Sol:  D

13. Which of the following modes of expressing concentration is independent of temperature
(a) Molarity (b) Molality
(c) Formality (d) Normality
Sol:  B

14. The molality of a solution is
(a) Number of moles of solute per 1000 ml of the solvent
(b) Number of moles of solute per 000 gm of the solvent
(c) Number of moles of solute per 000 ml of the solution
(d) Number of gram equivalents of solute per 000 ml of the solution

Sol:  B

15. The number of moles of a solute in its solution is 20 and total number of moles are 80. The mole fraction of solute is
(a) 2.5 (b) 0.25
(c) 1 (d) 0.75

Sol:  B

16. The normality of a solution of sodium hydroxide 100 ml of which contains 4 grams of NaOH  is
(a) 0.1 (b) 40
(c) 1.0 (d) 0.4

Sol:  C

17. The number of moles present in 2 litre of 0.5 M NaOH is
(a) 0.5 (b) 0.1
(c) 1 (d) 2

Sol:  C
18. 36g water and 828g ethyl alcohol form an ideal solution. The mole fraction of water in it, is  
(a) 1.0 (b) 0.7
(c) 0.4 (d) 0.1

Sol:  D

19. Which of the following modes of expressing concentration is independent of temperature
(a) Molarity (b) Molality
(c) Formality (d) Normality
Sol:  B


20. The number of moles of a solute in its solution is 20 and total number of moles are 80. The mole fraction of solute is
(a) 2.5 (b) 0.25
(c) 1 (d) 0.75
Sol:  B

21. The normality of a solution of sodium hydroxide 100 ml of which contains 4 grams of NaOH is
(a) 0.1 (b) 40
(c) 1.0 (d) 0.4
Sol:  C

22. Two solutions of a substance (non electrolyte) are mixed in the following manner 480 ml of 1.5M first solution + 520 mL of 1.2M second solution. What is the molarity of the final mixture
(a) 1.20 M (b) 1.50 M
(c) 1.344 M (d) 2.70 M

Sol:  C

Colligative properties Quiz

23. Which of the following is a colligative property
(a) Osmotic pressure
(b) Boiling point
(c) Vapour pressure
(d) Freezing point
Sol:  (a) Osmotic pressure is colligative property.

24. The colligative properties of a solution depend on
(a) Nature of solute particles present in it
(b) Nature of solvent used
(c) Number of solute particles present in it
(d) Number of moles of solvent only
Sol:  C

25. Which of the following is not a colligative property
(a) Osmotic pressure
(b) Elevation in B.P.
(c) Vapour pressure
(d) Depression in freezing point
Sol:  (c) Vapour pressure is not colligative property.

26. Which of the following is not a colligative property      
 (a) Optical activity
(b) Elevation in boiling point
(c) Osmotic pressure
(d) Lowering of vapour pressure

Sol:  A

27. Colligative properties of a solution depends upon
(a) Nature of both solvent and solute
(b) The relative number of solute and solvent particles 
(c) Nature of solute only
(d) Nature of solvent only
Sol:  B

Lowering of vapour pressure Quiz

28. For a solution of volatile liquids the partial vapour pressure of each component in solution is directly proportional to
(a) Molarity
(b) Mole fraction
(c) Molality
(d) Normality

29. “The relative lowering of the vapour pressure is equal to the mole fraction of the solute.” This law is called
(a) Henry's law
(b) Raoult's law
(c) Ostwald's law
(d) Arrhenius's law
SOL :  B

30. The relative lowering of vapour pressure produced by dissolving 71.5 g of a substance in 1000 g of water is 0.00713. The molecular weight of the substance will be
 (a) 18.0 (b) 342
(c) 60 (d) 180
SOL : (d) 

31. When mercuric iodide is added to the aqueous solution of potassium iodide, the
(a) Freezing point is raised
(b) Freezing point is lowered
(c) Freezing point does not change
(d) Boiling point does not change
 SOL :   (b) Hgl2 although insoluble in water but shows complex formation with KI and freezing point is decreases.

32. The pressure under which liquid and vapour can coexist at equilibrium is called the
(a) Limiting vapour pressure
(b) Real vapour pressure
(c) Normal vapour pressure
(d) Saturated vapour pressure
SOL :   B

33. Vapour pressure of a solution is
(a) Directly proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent
(b) Inversely proportional to the mole fraction of the solute
(c) Inversely proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent
(d) Directly proportional to the mole fraction of the solute

SOL :   (a) For solutions containing non-volatile solutes, the Raoult’s law may be stated as at a given temperature, the vapour pressure of a solution containing non-volatile solute is directly proportional to the mole fraction of the solvent.

34. When a substance is dissolved in a solvent the vapour pressure of the solvent is decreased. This results in
(a) An increase in the b.p. of the solution
(b) A decrease in the b.p. of the solvent
(c) The solution having a higher freezing point than the solvent
(d) The solution having a lower osmotic pressure than the solvent

SOL :   (a) Vapour pressure  1/Boiling point; When vapour pressure decreases then b.pt. increases.

35. An aqueous solution of methanol in water has vapour pressure
(a) Equal to that of water
(b) Equal to that of methanol
(c) More than that of water
(d) Less than that of water

SOL :   (c)Methanol has low boiling point than H2O; Lower is boiling point of solvent more is vapour pressure.

36. According to Raoult's law the relative lowering of vapour pressure of a solution of volatile substance is equal to
(a) Mole fraction of the solvent
(b) Mole fraction of the solute
(c) Weight percentage of a solute
(d) Weight percentage of a solvent
SOL :   B

37. Which of the following is incorrect  
(a) Relative lowering of vapour pressure is independent
(b) The vapour pressure is a colligative property
(c) Vapour pressure of a solution is lower than the vapour pressure of the solvent
(d) The relative lowering of vapour pressure is directly propertional to the original pressure
SOL :   (d)According to Raoult's law, the relative lowering in vapour pressure of a dilute solution is equal to mole fraction of the solute present in the solution.

38. Among the following substances the lowest vapour pressure is exerted by
(a) Water
(b) Mercury
(c) Kerosene
(d) Rectified spirit

SOL :   B

39. When a substance is dissolved in a solvent, the vapour pressure of the solvent is decreased. This results in
(a) An increase in the boiling point of the solution
(b) A decrease in the boiling point of solvent
(c) The solution having a higher freezing point than the solvent
(d) The solution having a lower osmotic pressure than the solvent

SOL :   (a) When vapour pressure of solvent decreases, then the boiling point of solvent increases.

40. The vapour pressure of a liquid depends on
(a) Temperature but not on volume
(b) Volume but not on temperature
(c) Temperature and volume
(d) Neither on temperature nor on volume

SOL :   A

41. Which one of the statements given below concerning properties of solutions, describes a colligative effect   
(a) Boiling point of pure water decreases by the addition of ethanol
(b) Vapour pressure of pure water decreases by the addition of nitric acid
(c) Vapour pressure of pure benzene decreases by the addition of naphthalene
(d) Boiling point of pure benzene increases by the addition
of toluene
SOL :   B

42. The atmospheric pressure is sum of the 
 (a) Pressure of the biomolecules
(b) Vapour pressure of atmospheric constituents
(c) Vapour pressure of chemicals and vapour pressure of volatiles
(d) Pressure created on to atmospheric molecules
SOL :   B

43. The vapour pressure of pure liquid A is 0.80 atm. On mixing a non-volatile B to A, its vapour pressure becomes 0.6 atm. The mole fraction of B in the solution is
(a) 0.150 (b) 0.25
(c) 0.50 (d) 0.75

SOL :   (b)

44. An aqueous solution of glucose was prepared by dissolving 18 g of glucose in 90 g of water. The relative lowering in vapour pressure is
(a) 0.02 (b) 1
(c) 20 (d) 180
SOL :   (a) .

Ideal and Non-ideal solution Quiz

45. Which of the following liquid pairs shows a positive deviation from Raoult's law
(a) Water-nitric acid
  (b) Benzene-methanol
(c) Water-hydrochloric acid
(d) Acetone-chloroform
SOL :   B

46. A non-ideal solution was prepared by mixing 30 ml chloroform and 50 ml acetone. The volume of mixture will be  
(a) > 80 ml (b) < 80 ml
(c) = 80 ml (d)  80 ml

SOL :   (b) 

03 Chemistry Solution Quiz - Chemistry Quiz

47. An ideal solution is that which
(a) Shows positive deviation from Raoult's law
(b) Shows negative deviation from Raoult's law
(c) Has no connection with Raoult's law
(d) Obeys Raoult's law
SOL :   D

48. Which one of the following mixtures can be separated into pure components by fractional distillation
(a) Benzene – toluene
(b) Water – ethyl alcohol
(c) Water – nitric acid
(d) Water – hydrochloric acid
SOL :   (a) Aromatic compound generally separated by fractional distillation. e.g. Benzene + Toluene.

49. When two liquid A and B are mixed then their boiling points becomes greater than both of them. What is the nature of this solution
(a) Ideal solution
(b) Positive deviation with non ideal solution
(c) Negative deviation with non ideal solution
(d) Normal solution
SOL :   C

50. In which case Raoult's law is not applicable
(a) 1M NaCl 
(b) 1 M urea
(c) 1 M glucose
(d) 1 M sucrose
SOL :   A

51. A solution that obeys Raoult's law is
(a) Normal (b) Molar
(c) Ideal (d) Saturated
SOL :   C

Azeotropic mixture Quiz

52. An azeotropic solution of two liquids has boiling point lower than either when it 
(a) Shows a negative deviation from Raoult's law
(b) Shows no deviation from Raoult's law
(c) Shows positive deviation from Raoult's law
(d) Is saturated


53. A liquid mixture boils without changing constituent is called
(a) Stable structure complex
(b) Binary liquid mixture
(c) Zeotropic liquid mixture
(d) Azeotropic liquid mixture   
SOL:  (d) Azeotropic mixture is a mixture of two liquids which boils at on particular temperature like a pure liquid and distils over in the same composition.

54. Azeotropic mixture are
(a) Constant temperature boiling mixtures
(b) Those which boils at different temperatures
(c) Mixture of two solids
(d) None of the above

55. A mixture of two completely miscible non-ideal liquids which distil as such without change in its composition at a constant temperature as though it were a pure liquid. This mixture is known as 
(a) Binary liquid mixture
(b) Azeotropic mixture
(c) Eutectic mixture
(d) Ideal mixture


Osmosis and Osmotic pressure of the solution Quiz

56. Which of the following colligative properties can provide molar mass of proteins (or polymers or colloids) with greater precision
(a) Relative lowering of vapour pressure
(b) Elevation of boiling point
(c) Depression in freezing point
(d) Osmotic pressure
SOL:  (d) Osmotic pressure method is especially suitable for the determination of molecular masses of macromolecules such as protein & polymer because for these substances the value of other colligative properties such as elevation in boiling point or depression in freezing point are too small to be measured on the other hand osmotic pressure of such substances are measurable.

57. The average osmotic pressure of human blood is 7.8 bar at  . What is the concentration of an aqueous   solution that could be used in the blood stream
(a) (b)  
(c) (d)  

58. Blood has been found to be isotonic with
(a) Normal saline solution
(b) Saturated NaCl solution
(c) Saturated KCl solution
(d) Saturated solution of a 1 : 1 mixture of NaCl and KCl

59. If 20 g of a solute was dissolved in 500 ml of water and osmotic pressure of the solution was found to be 600 mm of Hg at   then molecular weight of the solute is 
(a) 1000 (b) 1200
(c) 1400 (d) 1800 

60. Blood is isotonic with
(a) 0.16 M  NaCl (b) Conc. NaCl
(c) 50 % NaCl (d) 30 % NaCl

61. Which inorganic precipitate acts as semipermeable membrane or The chemical composition of semipermeable membrane is
(a) Calcium sulphate
(b) Barium oxalate
(c) Nickel phosphate
(d) Copper ferrocyanide
SOL:  (d) Copper ferrocyanide ppt. acts as a semipermeable membrane.

62. The value of osmotic pressure of a 0.2 M aqueous solution at 293K is
(a) 8.4 atm (b) 0.48atm
(c) 4.8 atm (d) 4.0 atm
SOL:  (c)

63. Diffusion of solvent through a semi permeable membrane is called
(a) Diffusion (b) Osmosis
(c) Active absorption (d) Plasmolysis

64. Solutions having the same osmotic pressure under a given set of conditions are known as
(a) Hypertonic (b) Hypotonic
(c) Normal (d) Isotonic

65. At low concentrations, the statement that equimolal solutions under a given set of experimental conditions have equal osmotic pressure is true for
(a) All solutions
(b) Solutions of non-electrolytes only
(c) Solutions of electrolytes only
(d) None of these
SOL:  (b) Equal osmotic pressure only applicable of non-electrolytes solution at low concentration.

66. The molecular weight of NaCl determined by osmotic pressure method will be
(a) Same as theoritical value
(b) Higher than theoritical value
(c) Lower than theoritical value
(d) None of these


67. The osmotic pressure of solution increases, if
(a) Temperature is decreased
(b) Solution concentration is increased
(c) Number of solute molecules is increased
(d) Volume is increased
SOL:  (c) As soon as the solute molecules increases the osmotic pressure of solution increase.

68. The osmotic pressure of a decinormal solution of BaCl2 in water is
(a) Inversely proportional to its celsius temperature 
(b) Inversely proportional to its absolute temperature
(c) Directly proportional to its celsius temperature
(d) Directly proportional to its absolute temperature
 SOL:  D

Elevation of boiling point of the solvent Quiz

69. The molal elevation constant is the ratio of the elevation in B.P. to
(a) Molarity
(b) Molality
(c) Mole fraction of solute
(d) Mole fraction of solvent
SOL:  (b) 
70. The temperature, at which the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure is known as
 (a) Freezing point
(b) Boiling point
(c) Absolute temperature
(d) None of these

71. When common salt is dissolved in water
(a) Melting point of the solution increases
(b) Boiling point of the solution increases
(c) Boiling point of the solution decreases
(d) Both melting point and boiling point decreases

SOL:  (b) Common salt is non-volatile and rises the b.pt

72. During the evaporation of liquid
(a) The temperature of the liquid will rise
(b) The temperature of the liquid will fall
(c) May rise or fall depending on the nature
(d) The temperature remains unaffected
SOL:  (b) In the process of evaporation, high energy molecules leave the surface of liquid, hence average kinetic energy and consequently the temperature of liquid falls.

73. At higher altitudes the boiling point of water lowers because
(a) Atmospheric pressure is low
(b) Temperature is low
(c) Atmospheric pressure is high
(d) None of these
SOL:  (a) The boiling occurs at lowers temperature if atmospheric pressure is lower than 76cm Hg

Depression of freezing point of the solvent Quiz

74.  The maximum freezing point falls in
(a) Camphor
(b) Naphthalene
(c) Benzene
(d) Water

SOL:  (a) Camphor has the maximum value of Kf=39.7..

74. Solute when dissolved in water
(a) Increases the vapour pressure of water
(b) Decreases the boiling point of water
(c) Decreases the freezing point of water
(d) All of the above

76.  In the depression of freezing point experiment, it is found that the
(a) Vapour pressure of the solution is less than that of pure solvent
(b) Vapour pressure of the solution is more than that of pure solvent
(c) Only solute molecules solidify at the freezing point
(d) Only solvent molecules solidify at the freezing point

SOL:  (a)The depression of freezing point is less than that of pure solvent and only solvent molecules solidify at the freezing point.

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